July Newsletter: The In-Between Places

July Newsletter: The In-Between Places

Welcome everyone, to a new beginning! This June’s summer solstice ignited change for each of us as well as the collective. New trails have been blazed before us. Now all we have to do is be willing to walk forward on these paths, taking the steps needed to enLIVEn our new realities. 

For the time being, we’re still in transition, the in-between places. Most of us have moved from being stuck to unstuck, but we haven’t quite reached the destiny we’ve set in motion, or at least the temporary destination when it comes to the many in a lifetime…Where do we go from here? 

From the Leprechauns, “Plant your luck. The wheel of fortune is turning in your favor. Believe in magic again. Believe in your dreams. Find both within yourself. Place yourself in a supportive environment; surround yourself with all that lifts you up. Be willing to do the necessary work and allow your consciousness to expand. Get over trying to blend in already! Be who you are and proud of it. Enjoy everything, even the littlest of things in your life.”

That’s really the best advice for this month in a nutshell. But let’s break things down and go deeper into these parts. The change in luck that the Leprechauns are talking about has to do with current astrology and its affects on each of us and the collective. The energies are moving and flowing again since mercury and mars went direct. But it was the energetic transmission at the summer solstice that really lit a fire under us. Shadows and blocks that have obscured our paths are now cleared. Our way is opened. We know what our purpose and/or mission is. There’s nothing standing in our way, except maybe…us.

How do we deal with resistance which is often caused by fear of the unknown? With the magic, which is the 5D, crystalline consciousness.  As the Faeries say, “Unplug from the 3rd dimension and the associated lower densities of fear and doubt, specifically those in your media. Distance yourself from any emotional or physical violence in visuals, sounds, thoughts, or deeds. As you do, you more easily align with the 5th dimensional energies, which are about grace and ease, especially as it applies to abundance and creation. Play with joy more, as it is the highest of vibrations next to unconditional love. When it comes to the unknown or uncertainty, feel excitement instead of anxiety. Realize that you have the power to chose how you feel and what you will react to in every moment. “

As well as choosing our emotions, we have the power to choose our thoughts as well. Seem impossible? Well, in this time of the great purification, these vibrations are going to be up for release. But here’s more help in the process: From the Angelics, ” Every time you feel a low thought or emotion, know that it comes from another time–the past in this life or another. Acknowledge it. Feel it through and through, so those experiences may be integrated. Then the cycle is complete. You’ll dance in the expansion of mental and emotional freedom that follows. “

It is thereafter that you’ll finally know full mastery of your thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions. Some humans have reached this place of maintaining full 5D consciousness, while still in a physical body and world. But for the rest of us, if you still struggle with internal resistance, or are frustrated by old, limiting beliefs and emotions that you know are affecting your reality and daily harmony, follow some advice the Merfolk taught me recently: “Surrender to the resistance. Embrace it and yourself, as you would a child. Then feel into the wisdom of the truth, the spiritual truth of your reality. Let it permeate your being. Let it work within you awhile and take however long it does to alter the beliefs or limiting patterns.”

For this reason, we do have to be patient. And that is another hallmark of this time we are in, during this month of July and likely through August as well.  Our fruits are beginning to bloom but they are not ready to be picked yet. For that reason, making hasty decisions and life changes are not recommended just now. Sit back and wait, enjoy your current view. As you soak in this contentment, the universe will work on your behalf to bring to you what is truly in your highest good. The world is in a mutable cycle right now, and that is why many are not seeing the big pictures of their physical creations yet. At least not completely. 

The key to seeing our fully manifested dreams and goals in physical form is acceptance of what is. I know I can relate to this personally. After vacillating on whether to move or not back in May, we finally did take the leap. It’s been an interesting ride ever since. Although the home itself and the land seem perfect for what my husband and I would like to experience, all the pieces of the puzzle are not available yet. I’ve been preparing the place for my horses, so they can finally live with us. But that’s where things are uncertain and incomplete. Do to a number of changes, the owners of our house are considering selling it. We can’t tell for sure if this is definite or how long it would be, but I don’t like the idea of bringing my two older horses into a situation that might mean another move, more quickly than expected. On the positive side, I do have control over  my attitude, and especially in focusing on what is working for me now, what I am content with. 

And this is something we all can do. No matter what your life situation is, focus on what is going well, what you’re grateful for, or happy about. For me, it’s the fact that I’m closer to my horses, now just a ten minute drive away. As the Pleiadians say, ” As you embrace where you are, and your current fulfillment, contentment, and enjoyment, from there you will rise up to meet more of the same–more opportunities that are a vibrational resonance based on where you are today. ” This will bring new and better options to all of us much sooner! So in my case, either the place we live at now will shift into a more stable environment for the horses, or we’ll hear of one available to us somewhere else. 

There are often hidden reasons why we are in these in-between places. The purpose of these delays might be to give us time to rise up vibrationally, so we can access what is in our highest good and create our greatest happiness. Other times, we are just in a holding zone until what we really want can be available in physical form. The mystery behind it all often won’t be solved until after particular life events have played out. 

But sometimes we can feel into the answers to these dilemmas. Go there now and sense what these might be…Perhaps more information is needed, certain resources need to be had, new people have to be met, another location needs to be made ready, or YOU need to be ready. Don’t question or doubt what you get. Most of all, accept wherever you are at. 

Whatever your case may be, don’t give up. Keep doing your inner work; challenge those outdated beliefs and patterns. With the help of the current cosmic energies, sooner than later, your higher consciousness will override the lower. Work with your higher self to deactivate the ancient programming that is at the root of these thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. As we move more deeply into summer, we’ll free ourselves from these enslaving vibrations and finally make more headway in our lives. 

And then…the magic happens! As the Faeries shared on summer solstice: “What if you could have what you truly desire in this moment, with just a wave of your wand? You can, so make a wish!” Now and into the next few months that follow, we can experience the power of this truth. Enjoy the journey!

Love Heather & the guides
On the Oversoul

On the Oversoul


Here’s a sneak peak from my next book titled, “For the Love of Horses Workbook:

This section explains the process of healing for our individual souls and for those that make up our oversoul, which many of us are feeling at this point in our evolution. For greatest ease in understanding, this process is described from a linear perspective, but keep in mind that in reality it is nonlinear. If any of the concepts that follow are difficult to grasp, connect to your heart center, and feel into the meaning intuitively instead of logically.

We are all whole, vast, powerful beings, part of a greater soul collective. Like petals on a flower, our individual soul is connected to other soul members or mates in this collective. To further clarify this verbal illustration, the center of the flower could be called the oversoul. The flower as a whole represents the oversoul energy. Our oversoul and others are linked, which make up even larger soul families and collectives.At some point during our soul’s existence our individual soul broke off from our oversoul and incarnated into physical form, in this linear timeline, so that we could experience the illusion of being separate. We did this to learn specific lessons, have certain experiences, and gain spiritual mastery as directed by our oversoul.

The oversoul records and integrates every lifetime and the life events of each soul member. A good metaphor to clarify this concept is to view the oversoul as a radio station and each member of the soul cluster as a particular song. As individuals, we only know our own song, but the oversoul has access to all the varieties at once.

Since we’ve begun incarnating, over thousands, even millions of times on earth and in other physical and nonphysical planets, worlds, and realities, both as individuals and collectives, we have experienced opposite ends of the spectrum in all of our existences—good and bad, pain and pleasure, joy and despair, abundance and scarcity, and all that exists in between. In the process of living through trauma or overwhelming circumstances, we became fragmented.

At this time of the shift, many individual souls long for their own healing and wholeness. We long to return to the soup of our oversoul energy and ultimately, Source. We desire the peace and harmony of this oneness.

Our individual soul’s healing process unfolds as we become aware of and experience the suppressed or repressed memories, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors from this life and all of our other lives. It also involves mastery of the lessons associated with them. As we heal, denser vibrations are transmuted or lift out of our energy fields. Soul pieces and fragments that we have lost through trauma come back to us. Our being fills up with more divine light and unconditional love. We then make our way back to being bigger beings again.

But it is important to understand that while we are on this journey, we will continue to recreate situations that bring up the old memories, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on our level of spiritual understanding. This will persist until all of these vibrations are released and our individual souls have become whole through fully experiencing and therefore integrating these life happenings. This is what it takes to heal many lifetimes and many layers of wounding and trauma.

As our individual souls become more whole, we then become aware of the healing process for other soul members. This is already happening for many on earth right now. We are remembering and experiencing the traumas of many of those beings who are part of our oversoul. Because of this, we might dream about lifetimes that these souls have lived. At that time, or even while awake, we can access many of those soul’s memories, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and even physical sensations related to particular life experiences and traumas.

When this happens in a dream or vision, the experiences might feel or look like they are happening to you. They might remind you of something from your past or you might think they are from another one of your lifetimes. Sometimes when the memories, emotions, or visceral sensations are experienced, you might even think they are related to something in your current life.

For example, some people will blame health issues or pain on emotional or physical causes, like stress or an injury, when in truth, it is related to a trauma from another life or another member of our oversoul’s life.  You, or that other soul aspect might have been shot in the area of pain, or had another illness, injury, or traumatic experience that affected the area of the body where you now have the health issue.

A common issue being worked through for many in an oversoul is power, where certain members play out the victim role, and others are the perpetrator, sometimes even in the same lifetime. An example of this is the Holocaust. During this tragedy in human history, one soul aspect could have been a Jewish person in a concentration camp, while another was a Nazi guard. In this case, you might have memories of living out both experiences, as victim and perpetrator. But these seemingly opposite energies are really two sides of the same coin when it comes to learning about empowerment. The karma of each side is balanced by the other.

 It takes a great deal of intuitive experience to understand what’s really going on in these situations. The good news is, you don’t have to know whether it was you or another soul that experienced the trauma because the souls that are part of your oversoul make up your oversoul energy, which is the bigger you. Address these particular issues as you would your own individual healing, and you will be helping these soul aspects heal as well.

From the big picture (linear) standpoint, as we deepen the process of healing and transformation for our individual soul and the members of our oversoul, our consciousness continually expands. We evolve into even higher dimensional beings. This enlightenment continues through all of our existences, until we merge fully once again into our oversoul’s energy, eventually making our way back to Source—the ultimate divine energy—the all that is.

A Note on Ascension:

At this time on planet earth there is a great shift in consciousness happening for all livings beings and the planet herself. Ascension is our becoming fifth dimensional beings; the length of time in this process is unknown. For us individually, ascension is the soul merging fully with the higher self. We get there by healing, transforming, and becoming whole as described in the section above. Currently, collective humanity’s soul consciousness resides in the fourth dimension. This is a dimension where we can experience the dense, physical aspects of the third dimensional existence and the lighter, ethereal experiences of the fifth dimension, as our physical bodies transform from carbon-based to crystalline. The animal and nature kingdom are also shifting along with us, as their consciousness is becoming more humanoid and their bodies are also changing to crystalline.

It is during the process of ascension, in the height of our own individual soul’s healing and wholeness that we also become conscious of our oversoul energy and the healing happening for members of our oversoul. We feel and remember our connection to Source, knowing we have truly never been cut off from it. Becoming fifth dimensional beings involves the beauty and full awareness of being separate and united at the same time. We get to shine our spiritual and divine selves through a transforming vessel while interacting with what appears to be a physical world. It’s the grace and magic of bringing our own unique heavenly qualities onto this earth and experiencing a whole new way of life because of it!





March Newsletter: Updates on the Shift

“The Big Moon”

It’s so good to be back writing updates on the shift after a long hiatus during which I produced You-Tube videos sharing energetic tips for staying in balance with these changing times. Of course, those videos will still continue; I plan to alternate them with my writings on the shift to keep things interesting for you and fun for me.

Do I dare ask how you are all doing? I’m sure you felt the unfathomable powers of the mighty full moon a few days ago, which should give you a taste of what’s coming as we inch closer to the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Whoa! It’s gonna be a big one, a big moon, this Equinox. 

You might have felt tired, angry, overly sensitive (as in you were easily triggered and reactive, and probably not in a way you would’ve expected from yourself at this point), dim-witted, or a combination of all of the above. Many of you felt bursts of ultimate bliss, freedom, and joy around the time of this month’s full moon as well. The important thing was that you flowed with it, and didn’t try to push your feelings away. Whatever you experienced, you were (and still are) being prepped for this month’s grand event.

The Big Moon is the New (Super) Moon and Total Solar Eclipse on the Spring Equinox, March 20th, in the wee hours of the morning for us Californians. The Equinox doesn’t formally occur until the afternoon hours. But in any case, this day is marked for new beginnings, for all of us. Everyone will begin to see the workings of change in their lives, no matter where they are on their path. It’s as if the bridge you’ve crossed has disappeared and there’s no going back. This is a death of sorts. A total eclipse of the heart. And whatever you’ve got in that achy breaky heart that hasn’t been resolved will be coming up again to be looked at, healed, and fully integrated.

Many will experience the pangs of grief over what once was with regard to certain happenings in their personal lives and for us as a collective. There will be shifts in our political and social scenes this spring and into summer, with legislation passed that will surprise, shock, scare, and/or please you. Even if your ego’s view judges these alterations as negative, what matters is the change–even if it’s not what we want or expect. Sometimes difficult circumstances are what can truly activate inspiration, motivation, and the coming together of many for a greater cause. And that has the potential to transform our world more swiftly than we can imagine!

For those of us who’ve done our homework, we have the opportunity to make such immense leaps forward that our lives will no longer even look remotely the same. For this reason, we must remember to stay grounded, centered, and anchored in our connection to our Divine Selves. Otherwise, the winds of change may feel more destructive instead of regenerative; the happiest of occasions could feel overwhelming, even traumatizing, instead of enlivening. 

We don’t want our first steps in our new lives to be faltering or failing. Instead, surrender to your divine will and your authentic life’s blueprint, all of which are accessed through your deepening contact with your Divine Self, and you’ll be supported every step of the way. This magical combo of your higher self and God energy will infuse you with the courage, strength, and adaptability to stand tall on your own two feet, no matter what’s going on around you. The result is that you will finally have the chance to do what you were born to do in a way that will begin to feel effortless. No more striving, trying to work too hard or make something happen. We just have to sit back, wait, and trust. After an arduous, exhausting loop of the journey, I think many will agree with me that this sounds really good, especially if we get a nap!

When I say wait and trust, I don’t mean become lazy or apathetic, although you might be feeling this way due the transformation happening within your physical body this month. Apathy might also be a sign of resistance to change, only you can be sure. Use discernment wisely and implement your healing tools so you can shift your inner reality.  We can no longer claim victimhood, for we have always been creators. In fact, when we pass through this new moon doorway/portal, we step up in our responsibility as creator beings. That means we can set things into motion more quickly, for better or worse. Our innermost thoughts, emotions, and beliefs will have even more of an impact on our external realities. Think instant manifestation, instant karma. 

Feel free to rest and relax, but then decide how you want to navigate this new chapter in your life’s path. Be willing to step out in a unique way, showing the world who you really are, feeling the confidence from within that it’s show time and you are on!  With fierce focus only on the life of your choosing, the life that you’re creating, that is what will be…Nothing else can stand in your way. It’s finally time to let go of the 3rd dimensional safety nets and release what no longer works for you: those long-expired, frustrating, disruptive fears or worries, roles, relationships, jobs, binds and/or ties relating to mundane human civilization. The current cosmic forces will assist you in this mega clearing if you allow it. It’s only up to you–up to us now!

Until next time…
See you around the next bend of the journey,
Heather and the guides