by Heather Green | Nov 24, 2024
For those who are new to Energy Healing and the benefits to physical and emotional health, relationships, career/soul’s purpose and other life areas like abundance and breaking free of old patterning, this article from MysticMag, an online metaphysical magazine, might offer some insights! My contribution to the article is the 3rd entry down from the top.
by Heather Green | May 9, 2024
In this channeled recording with the Pleiadian High Council (PHC), I brought through their messages on what to expect with the current energies and the Summer Solstice gateway. There focus was on how to let go of the old energies of the past, embrace the new timelines and 5D realities for expansion in manifestation processes, and experience more joy, freedom, abundance and harmony in all life areas.
In particular, the PHC talked about the body and how to experience more health, wellness, comfort, ease and energy on a physical level during these changing times. If you have health or energy related questions, this recording is for you. This recording also has great info for people who want to learn more about what Ascension is all about, understand the organic process that is unfolding, and how this enlightening time will benefit all life areas (health, money, relationships, career, etc…).
To receive the recording, send your $10 payment by clicking here.
The link to your recording will be sent to your email!
by Heather Green | Apr 29, 2024
Congratulations on making it to the other side of the eclipse passageway! This last cycle of mercury retrograde was also challenging for many, and now we are through that as well. With the addition of the recent full moon in Scorpio, we have certainly had our fill of powerful transformation during this month of April.
For those who still might be feeling the echoes of the recent moon energies, take a deep breath and let go of any old feelings of loneliness, doubt, rejection, abandonment, depression or anxiety, or being unlovable. With the incoming cosmic energies we are receiving, including the mother plasma, solar flares, and magnetic shifts, we are finalizing the end of a very long cycle.
You might be experiencing body heaviness and continuing to feel very tired and lethargic at times. With the endings comes the need for rest and integration. Give yourself time as we wrap up the end of the cycle this month. We will be continuing to work with all the lessons and utilizing the energies of the eclipse gateway over the next six months.
There is so much happening on a physical level. Our DNA is upgrading, and as the water element inside of us shifts it releases encoded information that helps the crystalline body expand. Do what you can to help your body detox and stay as balanced as possible.
If you have any pain in the body, tend to that. It’s all part of the big changes your powerful physical vessel is making, so listen to the body and follow any guidance. Also, being in or around bodies of water can be of assistance to your own body’s transformation at this time. Doing so can bring more comfort, ease and flow within your body and in your life in general.
The body needs a break from old routines, habits and any stress or oppression. Take more time off work, put yourself in a new environment, go to a special place in nature, take a vacation or indulge in your favorite self-care activities. But most of all, do something different in how you move or operate physically. Your body will want to show up in a unique way. This will be an expression that is in alignment with his or her upgraded form.
As a new cycle commences on May 1st, it’s an opening for many lightworkers to implement the upgrades in their creative abilities. It starts with your next step. What do you want to do? What draws your attention or feels enLIGHTening or expansive to you? What have you been dreaming about? Instead of waiting for the opportunities to come to you, take action on your desires.
Even if all the puzzle pieces aren’t in yet and you only know what you feel called to do, you can begin the manifestation of your new reality by setting it in motion. If there is a group of people with whom you’d like to be in service, go where they are, and offer your gifts there. Contrarily, if it’s an area of nature, animals or some other special group that needs assistance, pick the place of your preference and begin working with these beings.
The same goes for writing a book, blogging, or starting a podcast, course or documentary series. Just get going on it. Take that first step! As you do, the universe will response by bringing you a cascade of additional options where you can be in service and receive abundance in return.
Know that in every way you decide to be in service, it will be mutually beneficial. As you receive and replenish yourself in the process, you will also feel inspired and motivated to do more–proof that you are moving in the right direction and finally coming out of any limiting and stagnant energy of the past.
And lastly, look at any patterns of lack in your life. This new beginning will take us into the summer solstice gateway. We have to be willing to give up operating from a place of survival or unworthiness. Ask yourself, where do you still give your power or energy away, acting from a codependent stance?
Start recognizing your value and assert yourself from there. It might feel challenging at first, as if you are trying on a new pair of shoes that feel uncomfortable or awkward. But as you begin to wear them, you will feel more at ease and confident in your progressive expression.
Reclaiming your power and operating from more of an abundant mindset can happen many different ways. Some examples can include quitting your job and following your calling, asking for a raise or promotion, and not settling for less than being fully honored and respected in all your relationships.
Where do you still have doubts and fear that you won’t have enough or may suffer losses in areas of work, money or relationships? It’s time to have full faith in your creative abilities and in your co-creation with Source and the universe! Begin with trust and act from a place of knowing what you deserve in every life area where that applies.
So go forward doing what you love for work, knowing that you will always have more than enough because you are in service to the light. When it comes to money and relationships, always ask for what you will need to thrive and expand. Let go of those who don’t honor you, so you can have more healthy and harmonious relationships.
Don’t fear any kind of loss. Know that anything that falls away or anyone who walks away only opens you up to experience more authenticity, joy, wellness, equality in giving and receiving, freedom, unconditional love and connection in relationships and other life areas.
With the cosmic energies and the current astrological alignments in Taurus, this is the time to take risks and leaps forward. You might be surprised by the increasing opportunities and fortuitous events that follow. And so it’s time; honor your greatest path of service and dream your new reality into being!
With Love, 🙂 Heather
PS: For more support during this time of integration and change, I am continuing my *Eclipse Special* on sessions through Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th!
$111 for two 30 min or one 1-hr session & $222 for two 1-hr sessions! Email me to book your session.
by Heather Green | Mar 25, 2024
Happy Springtime! This is quite a fresh start for all of us. We are still getting back into the groove after receiving the cosmic downloads, light codes and solstice activations from our winter season. We are now being prepped for the second half of 2024, which should be a fast-moving and productive cycle.
It all starts with rest. Many have been exhausted! The energies of March and the astrology, with multiple planets having been in Pisces, have inspired us to be still, inward and inactive. You might be experiencing sluggishness or apathy.
Feelings of depression and low energy are related to the karmic density lifting out of our energy systems and the collective fields. We are also receiving solar and cosmic mother plasma activations that promote the expansion of our consciousness and upgrading of our DNA. Take good care of your physical selves and stay hydrated. These inner processes are requiring that we slow down and pause. This is a time for a reset and recalibration on all levels.
This is also an auspicious time for healing. It’s about endings, forgiveness and dissolution of the past. Let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. This can include old circumstances, jobs/careers, living situations, relationships, or life patterns.
Since the Spring Equinox, we have now passed into Aries season. So you should start to feel more fiery, passionate and motivated, especially as we get into April. On the evening of Sunday March 24th PT & early am March 25th EST, we had the first eclipse of this gateway, which is a lunar one.
Along with the incoming eclipse energies and plasma activations, we’ve been having M & X-class solar flares, CME’s and geomagnetic storms. Use this energetic window of opportunity to clear the limitations of your past. Look beyond the patterns and make sure to get the lessons from these experiences. It’s important to get the full mastery so you can truly move forward and be done with these repetitive life themes for good!
That is a big part of what is happening during this eclipse passageway. At the time of the lunar eclipse, those who are ready will be disconnected from their old realities and ways of operating. Feelings of disorientation or confusion may come up because of this, but they will pass fairly quickly. The two week interlude between the lunar and solar eclipse gives everyone the chance to review the past patterns, integrate the learning and align with new timelines.
So expect to have your issues comes up and plan to release to the maximum! The metaphor I’m given is one of moving to a different home, but you can’t take any of your old baggage or belongings with you. Your steadfast focus is on arriving at your new house. All the rest…furniture, home goods, and anything else you might need in this time of beginnings will be at your place waiting for you when you get there.
So the real work here is about simply letting go. And with this depth of releasing, you’ll be brought back in time. People, places and events may run through your memory or you may literally run into folks, go back for a visit or reexperience previous circumstances in order to complete this phase in your lifetime.
For those who have done their inner work over the last decade or longer, this eclipse sandwich time can be a game changer. As you complete the final, finishing touches of this past cycle by the solar eclipse on April 8th, you’ll be connected and realigned with your new personal reality and soul’s mission.
For those who are truly ready, it can also be time to link up and assimilate with the 5D Earth consciousness, where you’ll now be able to remain for the rest of your incarnation.
What does it mean to link up and remain connected to 5D Earth? It means that you don’t have to clear and process the old way. There’s no more heavy lifting.
Instead, as your ascension journey continues, it’ll be more like being in a new country with a different set of rules and regulations. You could also compare it to going up to the next level on a video game. Your spiritual growth will occur more spontaneously and experientially.
For those of us who are not quite ready, the upcoming cycles which include the eclipses in the fall of 2024 and the following solstice and equinox quarters that take us through 2026 will assist many more in making the leap. And of course, there is no rush or race here. We always have the rest of our lifetime to move into the next phase of our ascension journey.
But regardless of wherever you are at, this eclipse season will prove to be a transformative one. There will be opportunities for change in our collective realities that will allow many more in the mainstream to wake up.
Know that anything that breaks apart or falls away in the physical plane during this time is a reflection of our consciousness shifting. It shows that many more no longer resonate with the old reality and are now aligning with 5D.
For those of us who are so aligned, I expect we will have more heaven on earth experiences in this eclipse passageway. It’s a bit like Dorothy waking up in OZ, with vivid colors, new and bold beginnings, and peculiar but delightful circumstances we can embrace and enjoy. See it all as an exciting adventure that will get us to our destination much quicker and with the help of our friends!
Best wishes & many blessings during this eclipse passageway!
With love, Heather
More resources & support:
For those who would like extra intuitive guidance, energy healing and support with navigating this eclipse passageway, I will be offering a special on sessions: Two half hour sessions for $111 or two 1-hour sessions for $222. It will run from March 25th through April 15th. Email me at [email protected] to book your sessions.
by Heather Green | Feb 4, 2024
On the precipice of a new beginning, many of us are preparing to navigate unknown territory at the start of this year. It’s a time for feeling inward, reflecting and meditating. Which direction will you go in? Why? Where is your heart guiding you at this time? The answers might surprise you. And it’s essential that you follow them without a doubt.
Many are seeing a common picture of what was and has always been in front of them. Familiar themes, obstacles or patterns may present at this time. Perhaps you’ve been feeling stuck in your situation, mentally analyzing or trying to figure it all out. Maybe you’ve taken risks in the past and have suffered or barely made it through those times. This might cause you to cling to logic while trying to avoid playing the fool!
In these cases, recognize that you are just seeing an older version of you and your reality. With all the recent shifts, you are no longer that version. This is true, even while the set of circumstances in front of you looks the same as the past. Our mind’s perspective is often the last to change after we’ve upgraded!
And there is a deeper transformation happening for you and many right now. As your frequency continues to rise, you are being divinely guided in your next steps. The solutions you seek are all held in that higher frequency range where new creations and ways of operating exist.
Like January, February is a month for healing and release. In a way, it’s still a bit of a wrap up of last year’s energy and the old cycle. As March approaches, you’ll begin to feel more of the new waves of love, joy, abundance, light and connection.
Feeling these energies will give you the internal validation you need to make those leaps forward! And it won’t be long after that before you see the opportunities, changes, and expansion that you’ve been looking for in your external reality.
Despite how it all might seem right now in your own life or in the world, we are already in new territory! Our ascending collective has made some massive shifts at the end of last year and early this year. While consistently receiving major downloads of light and finishing the integration of the winter solstice energies, our energy systems are currently being rebooted and recalibrated for our next phase of expression.
Many are already feeling or living from a more expanded state. But no matter what you reality has been, get ready! Mid to late February into March is the season for big changes and manifestation.
When I say it’s new territory, I mean that it’s going to feel different, and there will be a updated set of rules or guidelines to follow in this novel energetic state. This is true for all of the awakened, no matter where you feel you are at in your growth and consciousness. We all moved up a level on the playing field!
So it’s a little like taking baby steps. It can feel awkward and unknown at first. Many have stepped beyond fear but still feel confused or uncertain about decisions and how to navigate their lives right now. It’s like living in your new home while it’s being renovated. You know you are in a new space, but it’s challenging to function well with all the undoing and chaos around you.
The best way to clearly navigate your life and stay balanced in this time is to align with the new (5D) Earth. It’s important that we do this on a regular basis. As I stated above, all our solutions exist in that elevated frequency range.
Just like those who are still seeing their old realities reflected back to them, as a collective, we are still viewing the earth as her older, 3D version as well. Gaia exists in a higher dimensional bandwidth. When we align with these 5D and higher versions of her, our fields shift and expand to resonate with her.
From this state, we can easily receive any additional energetic codes and support, information and direction for our path. Because we’re more connected in this energetic stance, we gain all of this not only from Gaia but also from our guides, higher selves, angels and galactic helpers. We become more tuned in like a radio that can pick up a clear signal from a station.
The best way to see and connect with the new (5D) Earth is through an inherent sense of safety, freedom and peace. It’s that deepest sense of all being well and exactly as it needs to be. When you are in this space, you are able to see and align with the higher versions of Earth shining through the old and accepted version of 3D earth.
When you align with her higher versions, Gaia will feel even more beautiful, light, blissful, free, magical, mysterious and crystalline. She will fill you with a sense of awe and wonder. Many more will be seeing the orbs and iridescent colors in the atmosphere and the crystal cities within the landscapes. There are those who are witnessing Gaia in her higher, translucent form, seeing orbs, physical objects, and even smaller bits of space debris and meteoroids move through her nonphysical surface.
In this way, Gaia is a role model or wayshower for how to navigate this new energetic territory we are all in. While aligning with her we receive new energetic support, guidelines and direction. In response, our energy fields shift and expand. Know that with the upgrades come temporary time periods where we will fall out of the higher frequency range in order to process and integrate.
This is how we make our way towards becoming full fledged 5D beings. We are meant to have our human experience and feel our way though the older patterns and energies. We can’t avoid or override our integration time, but these cycles don’t have to be long or difficult. And with Gaia and many other higher dimensional guides and tools on our journey, it’s a much easier and quicker road to maintaining that higher perspective and frequency on a regular basis.
This is truly what it means to live as a cosmic-human being in physical form. We are the forerunners and pioneers in this new energetic time, navigating our lives in this 3D world with 5D Earth as our ally and teacher. So throw out the old beliefs, rules and ways you’ve previously perceived. Follow that unique, uncharted, rare, and extraordinary wisdom that you can sense anytime you need access to the higher realms, in the stargate that is your own heart.
Blessings and love! 🙂 Heather
More resources & support:
For those who would like extra intuitive guidance or energy healing and support, I am offering a Valentine’s Special on Sessions! One hour sessions for $111, from Feb. 8th-15th! Book your session by emailing me at [email protected]. If you book your session by the 15th, you can also schedule it for later in the month.
Are you ready to step into or expand in your soul’s purpose, the reason you are here on earth at this time? Check out my 4 week online, Soul’s Purpose Program! It’s a self paced program you do from home to assist you in successfully living your passion! The program just started last week, but you can still join now and access the material one week at a time by email. Click here to read more or sign up on my events page.