Holiday Special on Sessions & other new offerings!

Holiday Special on Sessions & other new offerings!

 *Through Jan. 15th only!* Email to book at [email protected]

One 45 min session for $100 & One 1-hr session for $133

Two 30 min sessions for $133 & two 1-hr sessions for $222

-Video & audio recordings NOW HALF OFF!-

The following recording and video can support you during this accelerated time of change with any personal or worldly challenges:

Recording of Group Energy Healing for Abundance: Now for $15 (Half off)
Receive energy healing and activations to support health & expansion in relationships, abundance, career and/or soul’s purpose! Step onto your highest personal timeline and into your greatest level of service during this time.

30 min Video with Channeled Message from the Pleiadians: $8 (Half off), Support and guidance for any personal challenges you might be experiencing and also if you are struggling with any recent changes and outcomes in the bigger world reality.

To receive the recording and/or video above, send $15, $8 or $23 (for both) at my website payment link by clicking here. As soon as I get the payment, I’ll send you  the links to the recording and/or video.

How Energy Healing Can Help You!

How Energy Healing Can Help You!


For those who are new to Energy Healing and the benefits to physical and emotional health, relationships, career/soul’s purpose and other life areas like abundance and breaking free of old patterning, this article from MysticMag, an online metaphysical magazine, might offer some insights! My contribution to the article is the 3rd entry down from the top.

Scorpio Season: Time for the deep dive!

Scorpio Season: Time for the deep dive!

Here we are, in the last quarter of the year! We are approaching the Samhain pagan holiday and Halloween, just beginning the Scorpio season. If you are like me, you might really enjoy this time of year for all that it offers–the cooler temps, the walks in nature, gatherings, festivities and spending more time going inward. In particular, activities that involve reflection, meditation, creativity and divination or any other kind of metaphysical or spiritual practice can be enhanced by the thinning of the veils that happen this time of the year.

But this year, the season might feel even more intensely magical and mystical. We kick off the season with a New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st. Since the sun is also in Scorpio, that accentuates many of the scorpionic qualities like passion, power, psychic abilities, heightened emotions and mystery. With the combination of this new moon and the Samhain pagan celebration/Halloween holiday on Oct. 31st, the theme of death and rebirth is very present for many of us.

Much of what has been hidden within that has not been seen, felt or acknowledged can be in this time. Any issues with relationships, especially close ones, those with power struggles, grief, resentments or any other kind of pain or turmoil might be coming up to be healed. The same will be true for our issues with money and abundance. Any past wounding, obstacles or failures can arise in our consciousness to be seen, felt and integrated.

On a lighter note, we’ll also benefit from reclaiming the resources that have been hiding under the surface, waiting to be revealed to us in this time. In this way, we can discover solutions, strategies, healing and other gifts that we need to help us transform in this time period. But we have to be wiling to go within to find them. They will be illuminated for us there if we are willing to look.

And on the outside, some of what might be coming up in the external world or in our personal lives will also be prompting us to go within and find what we truly need there to expand and fulfill ourselves, to progress on our journey as we embody more of our higher self.

Deep inside of us, we’ll find all of the safety, security, love and support we could ever want from anyone or anything in our external lives. For some, during this accelerated integration cycle they will find themselves in closer connection or relationship with God/Source than ever before.

So the death theme is real. This can be something you have recently experienced in your past or are maybe expecting with someone or something in your current reality. It may even be a drastic transformation in your own life! These deaths can be physical or metaphorical. There is a release of the illusion of who you were. Your old identity falls away as you align more with your divine identity. There are endings and completions happening. And all of them can potentially bring up feelings of loss or grief.

This process of letting go and the metaphorical dying can be experienced for some through feelings of sadness, anxiety, confusion and even anger. Other people report feelings of dissolution or the experience of being completely untethered from their old life and self. It can also feel as though you’ve woken up in a new reality without the familiar markers and reference points for life navigation.

Without the usual external mirrors of reflection, some people might feel like an outsider looking at their self, life and the world from a whole new angle. At first it might feel disorienting making the shift from more of a horizontal view of reality to a vertical one.

But for those who have had or are having these dreamlike moments of higher consciousness perspective, you’ll soon see through this temporary and illusory reality and understand what it truly means to be part of something much bigger. This is when our connection to God/Source expands to the degree that the experience of unity is so profoundly felt on all the levels of our being.

And for all of us right now, no matter what your experience might be, remember to allow for the transformation by accepting what is happening and feeling what is arising, so your process can unfold. If you need extra support, ask your higher self to send you a palpable sense of where you are headed energetically. This can help bring more ease and comfort on this part of the journey, as well as an internal knowingness of your direction and next steps.

There will be surprises, epiphanies, revelations and increased psychic awareness at this time. This will happen on personal and collective levels, because for many, we can no longer deny the truth. It will be made known to those who are ready. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free!

And ultimately, this is what your soul is after. The rebirth! The new you. The upgraded, more integrated and powerful you! As you complete this cycle of letting go of what was, you reclaim your gifts, talents and higher destiny. You step into a greater degree of mastery and start walking a higher timeline where more of your soul’s deepest desires and dreams have been waiting for you. Keep in mind that these are desires of the soul, not the ego. But that means it’s possible to achieve a greater level of happiness than you could have ever imagined.

And that will be well worth all past efforts in walking this unknown, fluctuating and at times precarious journey so far. Remember that we were made for these times and that we chose to incarnate during this cycle on the planet to be in service through our own ascension process, specifically to anchor in a higher frequency here. But most importantly, know the best is yet to come. As more of us step into our sovereignty as creator beings, we can truly begin creating a life that’s in resonance with the ascending collective reality and Gaia, our own personal version of heaven on earth!

With Love & Blessings! ~Heather

If you’d like more support during these accelerated changing times, a private intuitive-healing session might be helpful for you. Go to my services page to read more and sign up for a session by clicking here.

In addition, you might want to check out my upcoming Sedona Restorative Retreat. This 2 day retreat will offer nurturance, support and revitalization to you on your journey in this time of transformation. It will take place on Nov 14-16th, 2024, here in Sedona, AZ. This time of year in Sedona, the weather is best! For more details on the event, click here.

Spring Equinox & Eclipse Season 2024

Spring Equinox & Eclipse Season 2024

Happy Springtime! This is quite a fresh start for all of us. We are still getting back into the groove after receiving the cosmic downloads, light codes and solstice activations from our winter season. We are now being prepped for the second half of 2024, which should be a fast-moving and productive cycle.

It all starts with rest. Many have been exhausted! The energies of March and the astrology, with multiple planets having been in Pisces, have inspired us to be still, inward and inactive. You might be experiencing sluggishness or apathy.

Feelings of depression and low energy are related to the karmic density lifting out of our energy systems and the collective fields. We are also receiving solar and cosmic mother plasma activations that promote the expansion of our consciousness and upgrading of our DNA. Take good care of your physical selves and stay hydrated. These inner processes are requiring that we slow down and pause. This is a time for a reset and recalibration on all levels.

This is also an auspicious time for healing. It’s about endings, forgiveness and dissolution of the past. Let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. This can include old circumstances, jobs/careers, living situations, relationships, or life patterns.

Since the Spring Equinox, we have now passed into Aries season. So you should start to feel more fiery, passionate and motivated, especially as we get into April. On the evening of Sunday March 24th PT & early am March 25th EST, we had the first eclipse of this gateway, which is a lunar one.

Along with the incoming eclipse energies and plasma activations, we’ve been having M & X-class solar flares, CME’s and geomagnetic storms. Use this energetic window of opportunity to clear the limitations of your past. Look beyond the patterns and make sure to get the lessons from these experiences. It’s important to get the full mastery so you can truly move forward and be done with these repetitive life themes for good!

That is a big part of what is happening during this eclipse passageway. At the time of the lunar eclipse, those who are ready will be disconnected from their old realities and ways of operating. Feelings of disorientation or confusion may come up because of this, but they will pass fairly quickly. The two week interlude between the lunar and solar eclipse gives everyone the chance to review the past patterns, integrate the learning and align with new timelines.

So expect to have your issues comes up and plan to release to the maximum! The metaphor I’m given is one of moving to a different home, but you can’t take any of your old baggage or belongings with you. Your steadfast focus is on arriving at your new house. All the rest…furniture, home goods, and anything else you might need in this time of beginnings will be at your place waiting for you when you get there.

So the real work here is about simply letting go. And with this depth of releasing, you’ll be brought back in time. People, places and events may run through your memory or you may literally run into folks, go back for a visit or reexperience previous circumstances in order to complete this phase in your lifetime.

For those who have done their inner work over the last decade or longer, this eclipse sandwich time can be a game changer. As you complete the final, finishing touches of this past cycle by the solar eclipse on April 8th, you’ll be connected and realigned with your new personal reality and soul’s mission.

For those who are truly ready, it can also be time to link up and assimilate with the 5D Earth consciousness, where you’ll now be able to remain for the rest of your incarnation.

What does it mean to link up and remain connected to 5D Earth? It means that you don’t have to clear and process the old way. There’s no more heavy lifting.

Instead, as your ascension journey continues, it’ll be more like being in a new country with a different set of rules and regulations. You could also compare it to going up to the next level on a video game. Your spiritual growth will occur more spontaneously and experientially.

For those of us who are not quite ready, the upcoming cycles which include the eclipses in the fall of 2024 and the following solstice and equinox quarters that take us through 2026 will assist many more in making the leap. And of course, there is no rush or race here. We always have the rest of our lifetime to move into the next phase of our ascension journey.

But regardless of wherever you are at, this eclipse season will prove to be a transformative one. There will be opportunities for change in our collective realities that will allow many more in the mainstream to wake up.

Know that anything that breaks apart or falls away in the physical plane during this time is a reflection of our consciousness shifting. It shows that many more no longer resonate with the old reality and are now aligning with 5D.

For those of us who are so aligned, I expect we will have more heaven on earth experiences in this eclipse passageway. It’s a bit like Dorothy waking up in OZ, with vivid colors, new and bold beginnings, and peculiar but delightful circumstances we can embrace and enjoy. See it all as an exciting adventure that will get us to our destination much quicker and with the help of our friends!

Best wishes & many blessings during this eclipse passageway!

With love, Heather

More resources & support:

For those who would like extra intuitive guidance, energy healing and support with navigating this eclipse passageway, I will be offering a special on sessions: Two half hour sessions for $111 or two 1-hour sessions for $222. It will run from March 25th through April 15th. Email me at [email protected] to book your sessions.


A Time of Remembrance

A Time of Remembrance

Welcome to the winter solstice gateway! This is a sentimental, festive part of the year, a time for  gatherings and celebration. But it is also a cycle for solitude, reflection and review as we make our way towards the end of the year. 2024 will open up as a crossroads for many. Your soul is guiding you in your new life trajectory. Are you listening? It’s important to pay attention to the intuitive awareness that will direct you as many are finally “turning the corner” on an old reality and beginning one they have been dreaming into being for the last decade or more!

Tests are part of this crossroad junction. Stay true to your soul and be willing to let go of anything inauthentic to your journey–old patterns, beliefs, jobs, relationships…or anything that no longer serves. Release all that you’re tied to only out of obligation, familiarity, or fear of not being safe or comfortable. The way forward is through finding the energy of what you desire on an internal level.

For those of us ready, we can regularly access and maintain those frequencies like love, peace, security, joy, connection and so much more, on the inside. This is how these energies and our soul level desires can continuously manifest in our personal realities. Many already have this level of mastery. If needed, use the spiritual/healing tools and practices that can help you continue to move into those higher energy states that support the creative dreams on your new life pathway.

It is from this place of being that we are all able to step up into our soul’s mission work or expand upon it. This is how we spread our light, gifts and codes into the changing world! If you want the upgraded soul’s purpose reality, it’s necessary to embody it first before it can be offered to others.

This is when the choice is truly made to align with and live in the new earth reality timeline with the rest of the ascending collective. When this happens, everything opens up to you. There’s often a greater sense of passion, flow, ease, grace, and fulfillment. Wonder and awe can be felt in even the most mundane experiences. You’ll often feel a sense of equanimity here, with no attachment to particular outcomes. There’s no grasping or pushing anything away, just a deep surrender to and acceptance of what is.

And there is also a remembrance of who you really are and why you’ve incarnated this time around. From this point forward there is no turning back! Even with the awareness of living on a planet that is increasingly lightening up yet still shrouded in darkness, those of us who have prepared are beginning our deepest work here. It involves assisting this planet and all inhabitants who desire to stay and be part of it, to move into balance, harmony and oneness.

If you don’t know it already, your remembrance activates the full revelation of what you are meant to do, express or be at this time, along with the process of how to go about it. For many of you who have been confused or unsure, this is when all of the pieces of the puzzle easily fall into place.

This is why the time and space for inward reflection at the end of this year is essential in order to receive all the downloads from your higher selves and divine directions for going forward. If you have concerns that it’s not yet time for you to step onto your new life path, just know that if you are reading this post, you are closer than you think to being ready.

In either case, ready or not, this entryway to the winter solstice time is the perfect occasion for further self-discovery, nurturing, gratefulness, enjoyment and most importantly, celebrating all that you’ve created thus far. It has been an extraordinary and challenging journey. And that has served you in getting to the launching point of where you are today!

Many Blessings and Happy Holiday Time! With love, Heather 🙂

I am offering a HOLIDAY special on private sessions through the end of the year: $75 for a half hour, $111 for 45 min and $122 for an hour. Email me at [email protected] to book your session. If you book your session before the end of the year, you can also schedule it for a day or time in the first half of January at these discounted rates!!

The artwork pictured below was created by Lauren Zimmerman. It is called, “Love into Beingness,” and exemplifies many of the themes I’ve shared in this post.