by Heather Green | Jun 22, 2024
As I’ve reflected on my recent adventures with the cows on my travels and in other places I’ve lived since my last blog post, I’ve also been thinking about some magical experiences I’ve had with chickens as well. Like cows, chickens and other farm animals are often overlooked, mistreated or undervalued in our society.
I remember a day I was dog sitting for someone in Carmel Valley, CA when I lived in the Monterey area. As well as taking care of the dog, I was also to feed the chickens on the property and harvest some eggs from the coup each day.
One day, after I replenished their feeders and waters, one of the hens got out of the coup. I was instructed to make sure they were all safe inside, since the ranch owner wouldn’t be home until after dark that day. So I went out after the chicken to retrieve her. She got a little scared as I scooped her up and as she twisted around in my arms, I thought I might have hurt one of her wings.
When I got her back to the coup, she seemed to act and move normally. But I wanted to make sure her wing was okay, so I decided to do some energy healing for her to provide comfort and any healing if needed.
While I did the energy healing, I got a deeper sense that she was fine and didn’t have an injury. I also felt such a love and appreciation for her and all the chickens. Not just these chickens, but all the chickens on our planet.
There are those who live on private properties, providing eggs for their human owners. There are also those who live their lives on other kinds of farms and factories, where they are raised for meat. And then there are some chickens who are lucky to live with humans who love them and consider them family.
These particular humans want their chickens to live their lives out peacefully and naturally while free ranging and enjoying the connection with their human caretakers. I would imagine that these chickens are so happy to be loved, cared for and treated with kindness and equality.
I was reflecting on all of this when I decided to do a blessing for this hen and her sisters, thanking them for their energy and all they provide. As I completed the blessing for the chickens, I asked them if there was any way they could make it easier for me to harvest the eggs in the morning for their human.
The last couple mornings, each time I went in to feed and get the eggs, some of the hens were brooding. And since I did not want to move the chickens or try to pluck the eggs out from under them, I waited until later when they were not near the eggs.
It was just a simple question and I did not expect an answer in reply. Afterall, it is their biological instinct to sit on those eggs allowing them to transform into potential offspring.
After taking a short break and then going back to the coup to harvest the eggs that day, I was greeted with a surprise. When I moved to the back of the coup where two or three of the hens usually sat on their eggs, I noticed that they were still sitting there and looking straight at me. As I approached them and asked if I could collect the eggs, one by one, they each stood up and allowed me to reach under them for the eggs.
I considered this a testament to the power of connecting and communicating with them. I also felt a gratefulness coming from the chickens in response to doing the energy healing and taking the time to care for and consider them.
With chickens being a common animal on many home properties, farms and ranches, we can all benefit from feeling gratitude for them and giving back to them in some way. In addition, all of us can practice the art of animal communication through our intent.
For those who understand telepathy, that is the easiest way to communicate. But we can also talk to any animal out loud, as we would another human. Through my work with animals over the years, I have found that they often understand our words and/or the energy behind them.
So I encourage you to enjoy some magical connections with chickens! Not only will you be able to help them more, but you’ll also make it easier for yourself in the process. And best of all, you’ll find you have peaceful, joyful and healthier chickens.
With love & Blessings! 🙂 Heather
For those interested in learning more about how to help the animal & nature kingdoms while participating in a group experience, I am offering an earth healing class this coming Saturday, the 29th at 10 am Pacific time on Zoom. For details and sign up, you can go to my event page by clicking here.
by Heather Green | Jun 7, 2024
For those interested in supporting the thriving of earth and the wild animals on an energetic level! This class recording will offer the opportunity for you to learn more about earth healing, also known as gridwork. You will also gain experiential practice in a group setting.
It was offered on Zoom so people from many different areas of the globe could join together and provide this sacred service in their current location. No prior training in gridwork, energy healing or any kind of earth-based healing is necessary to benefit and learn from the info and group practice in the recording.
What is gridwork? Put simply, it’s a practice of supporting the earth and her grids which can include working with specific ley lines, vortexes, portals, pyramids and the crystalline light matrix that exists throughout many different areas of nature by providing energetic practices, healing modalities or sacred ceremony.
Email Heather for additional questions. To get the recording, send $10 at the website payment link here.
After your payment is received, you’ll receive a link to access the recording directly through your email.
by Heather Green | Jun 3, 2024
Many of you who follow me on Facebook may have read my recent post about my trip to New Mexico and Texas in May. I wrote about my intention to communicate with and offer energy healing to the cows in those areas.
I shared that the cow energy represented the divine mother and how they are helping to anchor in more of this mother/feminine energy into our planet and collective consciousness at this time. The cows had been calling me for awhile now…since the fall of 2023. I knew they wanted my assistance, I just wasn’t exactly sure what for.
In order to understand it fully, I’ll have to take you back to several years ago when I lived on the border of Arizona and Utah. Back then, I was called to live there in order to be more in service to the earth. As well as assisting clients by offering intuitive guidance and energy healing by phone and online as I do now, I was also helping to restore areas of the earth that needed healing.
This type of work is also known as gridwork. It’s a practice of supporting the earth and her grids which can include working with specific ley lines, vortexes, portals, pyramids and the crystalline and diamond light matrix in many different areas of nature through energetic practices, healing modalities or sacred ceremony.
At that time, I lived in a very remote area. I had to drive a few miles down a dirt road to get to the camper where I lived. One day while driving home, I saw several cows near the side of the road. I usually saw them most days, but this time they were closer to the road than ever before.
On this particular day I was drawn to stop and interact with them. It was a narrow dirt road and most of the time no one else was driving down it, so I just stopped right there in the road. It was a hot summer day and I had the windows rolled up and the air conditioning on. As I noticed them look over to me, I was called to sing to them.
So right then, I began singing in the car. I knew they couldn’t hear me, I just hoped they would feel the energy behind my words because it was a song about love. In addition to this, I also sent them some supportive energy for healing and empowerment. I sent it at the higher self level like I often did when working with animals.
What happened next took me by complete surprise. Within just a minute or two of singing and sending this healing energy to them, they turned on their heels and swiftly approached my car. Astonished by their quick movements, I stopped singing. My jaw dropped while I watched as they completely surrounded my car.
Two of the cows stood at each side window of the car. A few others stood around the car at other angles. The one who was standing next to the driver’s window where I sat, was making licking and chewing mouth movements. He stretched his neck forward and chewed on the car’s driver side mirror. Then he bent his head down and looked at me closely through the driver’s side window. I still remember the way he tilted his head as his big brown eyes pierced mine.
All the cows seemed very curious and drawn to the energy I was sending them. I wasn’t sure what to do next and I definitely didn’t want to startle them by trying to move the car or get out. So there I sat. We continued looking at each other and sharing in the love. I stayed there for awhile longer connecting with them and when they moved a bit off the road, I decided to drive on home. But I knew there would be more interactions to come!
Fast forward two and a half to three years later to the end of 2023…That’s when I started hearing and feeling that familiar energy again. I had a dream about cows living in a barn next to my home, who seemed comforted by my presence. I saw visions of cows in my daytime meditations and I knew they were trying to connect with me.
After moving to my new home in Sedona in early 2024 and getting clear about this travel destination to be in service to the cows, I set out to visit them in May. It was so much more than I expected!
What a great reunion it was since the last time I had crossed paths with cows in 2021 on the border of Utah and Arizona. I was able to communicate with them and offer energy healing at a dairy farm and a few cattle ranches. It was a beautiful mutual exchange that occurred over a few days, with energy and messages both given and received.
In the weeks and months to come, I’ll be sharing more about their specific messages to me for this important time period on earth. But for now, I’ll leave you with something to ponder. It’s time to change things!
Similar to what I shared about domestic horses back in 2007 when my journey as an animal communicator began, all beings deserve the love, comfort, and nurturing support that we take for granted most days. Cows and many other farm animals don’t want to keep living the same kind of existence they’ve had with us since early times. It’s no longer appropriate for them or for humans to keep up these old ways.
I understand that this brings up big issues. At the very least, it is time to move beyond the factory farms. I’m not saying this means we all need to become vegetarian or vegan overnight. But how we raise or treat farm and other wild animals is up for question and review.
I am offering the option to look at how we can relate to them differently. This is why I am sharing how we can communicate with them and connect on deeper levels. And so it’s the time for many of us who are passionate about this topic to go further in our explorations and step forward on that path that is calling us!
The divine mother energy activates unconditional love, freedom and unlimited compassion for all beings. As we expand our consciousness, we recognize more and more how we are all one and the same, and that includes the animals and the nature kingdom.
If we can view cows or any other animal, wild or domestic, as our brothers and sisters, how would that impact our relationships with them? As I shared in my story above, cows are highly sensitive and responsive to our energy and love. With love and generosity, their sustenance has been offered to us freely since the earliest times. It’s worth considering how we would like to reciprocate to them as an expression of our gratitude, love, mercy and kindness.
With Love and Blessings! ~Heather
Upcoming Event: Gridwork Zoom Class, Saturday, June 29th from 10am-12pm PT. $33. For those interested in participating in and learning more about this kind of energetic support for earth and the wild animals in a group setting, the online structure of this class allows people from all areas of the globe to join us and provide this sacred service. Whether you are experienced or a novice, all are welcome! No prior training is necessary to attend. For more info. and to sign up, go to my gridwork event page by clicking here.
by Heather Green | Oct 6, 2023
Since the last full moon in Aries and with the momentum that is building as we make our way into eclipse season, many of us are feeling it! I’m talking about the call of our destiny.
For many there’s an energy of independence, empowerment, freedom and justice that is supporting and inspiring much of what their soul has dreamed of creating. Many of these are dreams of being in service through spiritual, metaphysical and/or creative expressions. Other dreams may involve our participation in humanitarian causes.
Whatever may be the case for you, observe new ideas, passions or sentimental urges that draw you to something different, something rare or unique. Pay attention to what’s dropping into your awareness and what shows up in your meditations.
These are all pieces of the puzzle that will begin to make sense as you formulate your upgraded soul’s purpose, mission or vocation. Some people might be having epiphanies! For others, it might come in as scattered subtleties that feel more like daydreams or reveries.
This is just the beginning. Expect that more will become clear to you as you make your way towards the end of this year. Some will feel called to jump in and get to work then, while others might not be quite ready until the Spring of 2024.
The full on clarity, confidence, knowingness and motivation to take action will be available to you when that times comes, and I encourage you to follow your impulses and step onto your new timeline. This is the journey that supports the new (5D) earth!
Follow any signs, synchronicities or inner promptings! Because for many of us now, this is the call to our destinies. Most lightworkers have done many years of personal healing work in preparation for this. And the time has finally come! These new or upgraded soul’s purposes will support the greater good of our collective. That is the true theme and how you’ll know that you are right on track, that your deepest intuitive sense is aligned with divine will.
If your calling is earth related, it is especially important at this time. The desire to help out with environmental or animal issues is essential to the unfolding of our evolutionary development. Your support could be offered in practical, biological or spiritual ways.
For example, some might be inspired to help clean up pollution, plant more trees and create gardens, or protect endangered wildlife. Others might feel drawn to provide energetic support (gridwork) for the earth or gather in ceremony with others to offer their metaphysical gifts to this planet. Because Gaia is leading the way in this time of Ascension, it behooves us to be in service to her in any way we can.
Many lightworkers, gridworkers and gatekeepers have been working more extensively over the last decade than any other time in history. They are drawn to live or travel in specific areas of the planet to do their work. These three roles are similar, but have slight differences.
Lightworkers are the wayshowers that bring light to any kind of service they are involved in, which may include work with humanity or with the earth. Gridworkers support and protect the ley lines and crystalline grids located in different areas of the earth. Gatekeepers open up stargate portals within the earth, allowing energies and codes from other star systems and planets to help in her transformation.
If you are an awakened soul, focused on expanding your consciousness and have a desire to be in service to others, you are definitely a lightworker. You might also be a gridworker or gatekeeper.
Over the last 15-20 years I’ve enjoyed being in service in the roles above. It has definitely been an interesting adventure that has given me ample opportunity to live in many different places! Often I am called to specific mountain ranges or bodies of water, even special power spots near highways or residential areas. Much of my work has been done all over California, since I lived there for almost two decades.
Over the last two years, I have been able to assist where I lived in Southern Utah, near Zion National Park, as well as in other western states. I now live in Sedona, AZ. But I am often called to travel to other places to help anchor in the cosmic light codes and higher frequencies that are coming onto this planet. I also collaborate with a variety of higher dimensional and galactic beings. I allow myself to be a conduit for their healing energies that are lightening up specific areas of the earth.
I have shared my experiences above because if you are being called to do this work or have been assisting in these ways and feel drawn to do more, your help is especially needed now. If you are ready and able, the grace of the divine will support you in receiving the resources, money, time and energy required to do the work.
In this way, it will become more effortless to travel or spend time in particular locations or areas of the earth. And best of all, you’ll be excited about it. You will feel the desire in your own heart and there will be no doubts. These are the kind of passions that light us up, help us remember why we’ve incarnated on earth and inspire us to take action.
Whatever your soul’s desire, creative expression, healing gifts or spiritual purpose is, now is the time to say yes to it! The inspiration, clarity and push forward will come during this eclipse season. As many break out of old, outdated roles and jobs, they will seek more variety, passion and individualism.
As we are coming into a time of more empowerment and freedom, each of us plays a part in how things unfold collectively. Together we have the ability to change our consensual reality over time. But for now, more of us are ready to experience an increasingly joyful, enlightened, peaceful, and abundant personal reality. And that is something that has been worth working and waiting for!
Love & Blessings! ~Heather
PS: The piece of artwork pictured above was created by Lauren Zimmerman. It was created with the intention of inspiring those to listen to the “clarion call,” leading to their soul’s destiny.
by Heather Green | Feb 16, 2023
This new online class covers a variety of topics! Read on to discover the amazing mix in store for you…
First, I’ll share info on how to manifest greater levels of abundance during these times of change. This includes financial abundance, good health & relationship harmony. I’ll get into some of the current issues coming up in many types of relationships and how to transform them. I’ll also discuss how we can help both the wild and domestic animals with health & emotional wellness, and you’ll learn some energy healing tools to use with them. This is a chance to be in service to the evolution of the Earth and humanity, and to receive in return! In additional, you’ll get some practical guidance and new information, along with the healing methods to use with your animals at home!
And as always, I’ll bring through messages from the Pleiadians on these topics and take personal questions. To sign up, email me or click here to send your $22 payment.