by Heather Green | Nov 5, 2022
Since the end of 2022 eclipse passageway started in Mid October, big shifts have been occurring personally and collectively. The first solar eclipse on the 25th of October ignited the activations and furthered the illuminating and empowering process for many of us to deepen in our expansion and begin this next phase in our journey.
We are now feeling this upcoming lunar eclipse energy…in Taurus! We’ve been prepping for it over the last couple weeks. It can feel enlivening and exuberant, yet unsettling and chaotic at the same time. It’s sort of like living in the twilight zone; very surreal! We literally feel the changes happening moment to moment, day to day…and we know a new horizon and trajectory awaits us. The question is..can we stay present with it? Can we allow for these big leaps in consciousness and life shifts? Can we listen to, trust and follow our intuition and guidance right now, no matter what?
You may have already experienced some form of drastic change or you feel it coming. Or perhaps your life feels more spacious, dreamlike and blissful, with many opportunities showing up for you in a variety of life areas. If you haven’t already made the internal or external shifts you are being called to, now is the time to prepare. Go inward, get clear and start planning. Reflect on what you really want and deserve, use your imagination and mystical resources to envision it, and map out your first step(s). For some, it may feel as if a rug has been pulled out from under them, while for others it’s a conscious decision to implement these new beginnings. These novel fresh starts may be smaller or larger depending on your personal life path. But all of us are about to feel the transformation happening collectively.
These collective shifts may be felt in several ways. One of them has to do with the astrology. Mars is retrograde right now and through January 12th. This is providing an opening for the feminine to lead. With the strong Uranian influence, there can be unexpected surprises, breakthroughs and a dissolving of established patterns, structures and limitations. Sudden and radical change is possible. So in any area of your life where the feminine energy needs to be acknowledged, seen and utilized, let it come forth. This might involve life areas that require or affect your intuition, emotional expression, openness or relationships. In the bigger picture, it’s about what’s coming up in the political scene with the upcoming election and the results influencing women’s rights.
In addition, many of us are feeling the collective shifts in our relationship with the earth. We are drawn to assisting and connecting to her more. She is leading the way in this time of Ascension, and we can all benefit from following her energetic example. This is the time to get out in nature, take walks, meditate and just be! So much intuitive information, awareness and healing can come in for you to help you in this time of accelerated change. With Mother Earth as our ally, we can transcend any obstacle, pattern or dilemma.
She is continuing her rise into the higher realms as well. Particularly during and after this time of the lunar eclipse, because it is Taurus, we may see more physical changes on the earth. This might show up as weather and climate shifts, or some earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or storms. All of this is part of her natural transformative process. Her shifts might also affect the internet, so we should plan for some interruptions there as well. And lastly, this eclipse happening in Taurus will also influence old and outdated structures and systems around money. As these systems begin to breakdown, new ones that support the greater whole will come into being.
All of this is related to the idea of worth and value. It’s getting us to focus on self-love, our worth and what we value in our world. The importance of those groups previously oppressed–women, minorities, gay/lesbian, the nature kingdom, animals and so many others subjected to social barriers can be boosted up and supported. But are we willing to take action on this? Are we willing to step up to the plate? And what resources can we use to move forward? The eclipse in Taurus will highlight this as well. We are becoming aware of additional resources inside of ourselves and out in the world that we have long forgotten. It’s the time now to recognize and reclaim them. This is for our personal benefit and for that of the greater collective. So remember in the upcoming weeks and as we wrap up the end of this year…it is up to us. This is the time and we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Eclipse Blessings & Love! 🙂 Heather
If you feel called to assist the Earth and receive healing in return, read more about my upcoming “Healing With the Earth” online class on Thursday Nov. 17th at 6:30pm PST. For more info and to sign up, click here.
If you’d also like more guidance and energetic support during these times of accelerated change, visit my services page to schedule a private intuitive or energy session.
by Heather Green | May 8, 2021
Change, change, change! Enjoy the following channeled message for the month of May…
by Heather Green | Mar 3, 2021
“Greetings from the whale collective. We are here for you. We are coming in greater numbers, becoming more visible around you and your earth. This is the time now that many of you have been waiting for. We will lead the way, we will guide you. We will show you the higher road as you all begin to connect more deeply with all of us, your earth, and other wildlife groups. We are working together, many of us, to assist humanity in its changes, but to also make a difference by bringing in the energies that assist the collective in moving into the higher dimensions.
It is time. And this is just the beginning. The energies from the higher realms, other star systems and planets offer assistance to all of us as we work together to weave in the changes and the new vibrations into the many levels of the planet that are receiving now. In sections of social areas, economics and other aspects of your earthly life, your collective worldly experience is now beginning to change and will continue to change at a rapid pace over the next several years.
Come be with us when you can in the physical realms on your planet and in the imaginary or higher realms where we can connect and weave our energies, where we can begin to co-create together. In this way, we can share information that can benefit both species. We can share information that can help your humanity and all of you on personal levels. And you can share information with us that can help us, all the sea life and other wildlife areas on your planet.
As we deepen in this cooperation and collaboration, it will bring in more peace. It’s a time of coming together, loving and accepting one another. We encourage this process in a way that is very peaceful between species, with all taking the time to understand each other, trust, be open and share. In this sharing, it benefits all aspects of earthly life, many of the beings that exist on the planet, including other aspects of the nature and animal kingdoms.
So this is a powerful time. Many of you are feeling it! We are glad to be at the forefront; we are glad to be the ambassadors of this time of peace and to show the way. We ask for your assistance now in your humanity to help us show the way, allow us to thrive, guide, and be seen. In this allowing, changes that need to happen on the planet can. Other species, including other types of sea life can show themselves, be present and radiate the feminine energy that brings the true change that you wish to see in your world! Help us to do this. Help us to show ourselves, thrive and increase in our numbers.
As humans, you all know this way. You all have a special area, talent and information that can benefit us, all sea life, and other wildlife groups as well. You all have a specialty or gift, light and codes that you came here to earth to deliver. It is the time now to step up and shine the gifts, talents and light into the world so that we can benefit and do our part with greater ease. And in return, we may be able to help more in the changing of the planet, in the upgrades, in moving into this higher dimension with much greater ease, joy and acceleration.
As this process continues, many of you who have felt mired in the depths of grief, loss or fear are going to begin to step out of it and move much more easily into the light—into joy—to feeling a steady flow of love in most moments and then radiating that to all. This will become a reality for many of you very soon, especially as you get closer to the Summer Solstice.
Those of you who feel that deeper sense of purpose and responsibility—that is your calling. Your heart is telling you it is time to step into your new roles, to gladly serve in the way you know how. And we will be with you every step of the way. We are around you always, not just in your waters, but we are also with you energetically, anytime that you desire to tune in to us. Take the time to be with us in that way, connect with us telepathically to allow the sharing of information to happen. Allow us to assist you so that you can assist us. The manifestations that will occur over the next several months will come at a greater pace. To many it will feel surprising; it will seem astonishing how quickly the changes happen and how they appear in your world.
Believe in your dreams, believe in all that you are. And allow this believing along with your connection to us, to help us move forward together. We love you. We are always with you. We are your brothers and sisters, the whales.”
by Heather Green | Jun 1, 2014
Wowee..! Today I finally have the energy and opportunity to sit down and give you all an update on the shift. This month was like walking into a heavy wind. For most people out there, no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t keep up your usual pace. And yet, tasks, responsibilities, resources, and, options fell into your lap that you simply had to act on. Now!
But as we wrap up June, mercury is about to go direct, helping travel, communication, technology, and work-related issues go forward again. I always see mercury retrograde from an empowered stance, as a chance to rest, relax, and reflect. When I do, those usual annoying glitches and delays don’t happen. Take a vacation, and even better, let this be your chance for deep healing.
And we’re sitting in that healing energy right now, still, as we move into the first couple weeks of July. There are astrological alignments that are opening this up for us, and we’re all continuing to integrate the powerful spiritual downloads from summer solstice. So if you feel unbelievably exhausted, emotional, or unbalanced, give yourself a pat on the back. Surrender to your inner desire to heal, rest, and feel those raggedy, raw edges of pain.
The pain is paramount. Many are noticing intense or odd pain in the physical body or changes in their health. I’ve had more than my fair share of health scares and concerns, particularly over the last few years with all the evolutionary transformation; even times where, the old nurse in me thought I should go to the hospital. But every time I check in with body, I’m told that I’m fine. As the newsletter guides remind me, we are now healing so many layers of unresolved injury, illness, and emotional pain held from many lifetimes, often from traumatic experiences when we left our body because of immense overwhelm or devastation. (Just think about all that war and torture in our human history!) But we have to go through this process so our bodies can change from carbon to crystalline. The more we resist the healing process, the more pain, imbalance, or dis-ease we’ll have in the body.
This isn’t to say we shouldn’t go see a doctor. In fact, many are getting cancer these days because of a long-term, unconscious resistance to healing: a build up of physical, emotional/mental, and karmic baggage that has reached a breaking point. No matter what treatment modality one chooses, on some level, they will need to heal these underlying causes if they want to eliminate cancer and remain cancer free. And for the rest of us out there: with regard to those stabbing pains and aches, digestive difficulties, migraines, chronic fatigue, rashes, and other neurological symptoms, don’t try to deny it or make it go away. If you feel the pain of the health disturbance, or whatever it brings up for you emotionally, you will more quickly process the unfinished business from long ago. But we do need to be patient with ourselves.
And this is true for all aspects of our lives now…We are continuing to integrate higher self energies at the root chakra level. This brings up more than just health related issues, but also the deepest, darkest, animalistic tendencies of all in the human species. For some it is just too much to bear. Others are acting these tendencies out. But for the rest of us, as courageous, mighty beings, we are facing and dealing with it all. And by mid-July, those of us who’ve been willing to go there should notice things lighten up a bit, as the universal energies help launch us forward in our projects, dreams, goals, and in our home lives.
Best of all, we can help ourselves by remembering to embrace the polarities of our life experiences. Along with suffering there is also contentment and joy. Do what feels fun to you. Play! Involve yourself in what feels easy and enjoyable, and weave this energy into your most mundane activities. As you heal the pain of the past, while still feeling joy and gratitude, you’ll find yourself less often on the rollercoaster of extremes, instead falling more mid-range, knowing peace.
See you at the next bend of the journey,
With love & Blessings,
Heather and the newsletter guides (The Sirian & Pleiadian Councils)
by Heather Green | Nov 26, 2013
Is it really November already? Hard to believe fall has flown by…in a flash despite a mercury retrograde that didn’t seem to slow us down a bit. October and beginning of November brought two powerful eclipses with the new and full moons; we cleansed and released for another deep layer of integration. Take a moment to look in the mirror and connect with your new self. You really have transformed!
Whoa! If you’re like me, you’ve been twirled upside down, inside out, and you’re finding yourself in a completely different life. (More shared here in the expanded version newsletter. For more information about the expanded versions or to purchase for just $9, click here). But where does that leave you for the rest of November and into December?
Like the cyclical seasons, we are preparing for winter. On an energetic level, this means death. We are dying to our old selves, our outdated beliefs, patterns, ways of seeing the world, even letting go of material possessions, control, and wanting to know where we are headed. If you thought October was a tough month, be prepared for the bigger challenge this November and early December. Whatever you didn’t shift last month will come up again louder, more intense, and with heftier consequences. But remember this is always a good thing, because it gives you more opportunity to evolve at lightning speed. As I’ve said before, saying yes to evolution means a life of more calm, peace, and happiness. And at this time, we have extra support and assistance with the transformative energies coming from the center of the galaxy and those beings of the 5thdimension and beyond. All it takes is your willingness to allow your internal shifts to happen. It really can be that easy. (More information on how to help yourself in the evolutionary process in the expanded version newsletter).
Another piece of the “energetic death” this month and into December involves grief. I spoke of this last month, but we are still clearing deep layers of it. For most, it’s more extreme this month. We are grieving what we’ve lost (in this life and many, many others, including other dimensions, universes, and as other species). Not only are we processing grief from issues that have to do with our relationships, health, work, and other life circumstances, but we are also grieving our separation from the human collective, the animal/nature collective, and our disconnection from our galactic origins. Have you felt the tender heartache yet? For some it may even feel as though a huge weight has been placed on the chest and in the psyche. In addition, there’s a restlessness, helplessness, and anxiety that goes along with it. You’re sure to find yourself in reverie over what once was but is no longer in your life. I know for me, I’ve been feeling confused by the sadness, emotionally raw and vulnerable, yet uncertain of where it was coming from…until I contemplated the symbolic resonance of what was showing up in my external world (More information shared here in the expanded version).
You may also be feeling emotionally unbalanced, ungrounded, and energetically depleted. This is happening as we’re sandwiched between the transformative energies blasting off of our sun and earth. On top of this, the bombardment of spiritual energy floating in from the center of the galaxy is relentless. It’s becoming routine to have to schedule some time for venting your frustrations, having meltdowns, or finding a place to lie down in the middle of your day! The apathy you’re feeling some days is also inviting you to do absolutely NOTHING…and to just simply BE. This shift will support your physical and spiritual transformation.
As far as grounding goes, we can still connect to the earth the old 3-D way, receiving the life force energy that helps sustain us. But since we are upgrading to a more efficient, fine-tuned system, I have found that it is simpler, quicker, and more graceful to work with your crystalline system to maintain balance in your everyday life. For those who’re struggling with physical pain and cognitive difficulties, this is the time to make the switch from electro-magnetic to crystalline (More information shared here in the expanded version). After all, eventually we will convert over to this system entirely.
If this is a new concept for you, let me explain: The crystalline system includes your crystalline energy field, chakras, and internal structures. Our physical bodies are currently in transition from carbon to crystalline. As of now, most of us are working with both electro-magnetic and crystalline energy, according to the percentage of these energies that we carry within. This is true for the animal and nature kingdoms as well. By the time we reach ascension, and as our earth and sun complete their processes, we will rely on our own self-contained crystalline systems to replenish, rejuvenate, calm, ground, and to keep our health in check. Of course, by that time, the way we think and integrate emotions will also have changed. For many, this change has already occurred. In addition, what we eat and how we eat will continue to transform (More info. in expanded version). Have you become aware of this? The nature spirits working with our physical bodies, as well as those of the animals and the earth will move on from this role and forward in their evolution.
But with all of these changes, the Pleiadians are directing me to refocus your attention on something more important. Right now, if you concentrate, you can feel the pulsation of the energy of our moon. She holds a sacred, safe space that balances the energies of the sun and earth, while at the same time, comforts and nurtures us. Breathe in the bounty of this nourishment whenever you need it throughout this month. And lastly, there’s an alluring music coming from the cosmos. If you listen with your inner ears, you will hear the ascended celestial bodies singing to you, lifting you up out of your heavy slumber. Whenever you feel out of sorts, anxious, or unhinged this month, take it all in. It’s a great reset button. As the energy permeates your being you’ll recalibrate to the 5thdimensional frequencies. You’ll know once again that all is in divine order…the future is unfolding exactly as it should…taken care of by the present…every moment—every breath.
Giving Thanks this month & Many Blessings,
Heather, The Pleiadians, and the newsletter guides
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