Welcome to the winter solstice gateway! This is a sentimental, festive part of the year, a time for gatherings and celebration. But it is also a cycle for solitude, reflection and review as we make our way towards the end of the year. 2024 will open up as a crossroads for many. Your soul is guiding you in your new life trajectory. Are you listening? It’s important to pay attention to the intuitive awareness that will direct you as many are finally “turning the corner” on an old reality and beginning one they have been dreaming into being for the last decade or more!
Tests are part of this crossroad junction. Stay true to your soul and be willing to let go of anything inauthentic to your journey–old patterns, beliefs, jobs, relationships…or anything that no longer serves. Release all that you’re tied to only out of obligation, familiarity, or fear of not being safe or comfortable. The way forward is through finding the energy of what you desire on an internal level.
For those of us ready, we can regularly access and maintain those frequencies like love, peace, security, joy, connection and so much more, on the inside. This is how these energies and our soul level desires can continuously manifest in our personal realities. Many already have this level of mastery. If needed, use the spiritual/healing tools and practices that can help you continue to move into those higher energy states that support the creative dreams on your new life pathway.
It is from this place of being that we are all able to step up into our soul’s mission work or expand upon it. This is how we spread our light, gifts and codes into the changing world! If you want the upgraded soul’s purpose reality, it’s necessary to embody it first before it can be offered to others.
This is when the choice is truly made to align with and live in the new earth reality timeline with the rest of the ascending collective. When this happens, everything opens up to you. There’s often a greater sense of passion, flow, ease, grace, and fulfillment. Wonder and awe can be felt in even the most mundane experiences. You’ll often feel a sense of equanimity here, with no attachment to particular outcomes. There’s no grasping or pushing anything away, just a deep surrender to and acceptance of what is.
And there is also a remembrance of who you really are and why you’ve incarnated this time around. From this point forward there is no turning back! Even with the awareness of living on a planet that is increasingly lightening up yet still shrouded in darkness, those of us who have prepared are beginning our deepest work here. It involves assisting this planet and all inhabitants who desire to stay and be part of it, to move into balance, harmony and oneness.
If you don’t know it already, your remembrance activates the full revelation of what you are meant to do, express or be at this time, along with the process of how to go about it. For many of you who have been confused or unsure, this is when all of the pieces of the puzzle easily fall into place.
This is why the time and space for inward reflection at the end of this year is essential in order to receive all the downloads from your higher selves and divine directions for going forward. If you have concerns that it’s not yet time for you to step onto your new life path, just know that if you are reading this post, you are closer than you think to being ready.
In either case, ready or not, this entryway to the winter solstice time is the perfect occasion for further self-discovery, nurturing, gratefulness, enjoyment and most importantly, celebrating all that you’ve created thus far. It has been an extraordinary and challenging journey. And that has served you in getting to the launching point of where you are today!
Many Blessings and Happy Holiday Time! With love, Heather 🙂
I am offering a HOLIDAY special on private sessions through the end of the year: $75 for a half hour, $111 for 45 min and $122 for an hour. Email me at [email protected] to book your session. If you book your session before the end of the year, you can also schedule it for a day or time in the first half of January at these discounted rates!!
The artwork pictured below was created by Lauren Zimmerman. It is called, “Love into Beingness,” and exemplifies many of the themes I’ve shared in this post.