This special healing event offers an awesome opportunity to directly connect to the whales! You’ll receive the transformative benefits of their powerful energy transmissions and messages while enjoying a morning boat ride.
At the beginning of the trip, we’ll focus on offering energy healing and support for the sea life and ocean. We’ll also be doing healing with the earth, also known as gridwork. This is essential in helping the earth transform as she shifts into a higher (5D) consciousness. No experience is needed for any of the healing and instructions will be given. Then as we meet the whales, dolphins or other sea life on our journey, we’ll open up to receive the energies from them to heal, change or manifest in many life areas! I will be facilitating the energy healing process and offering any guidance or support throughout it. I plan to bring through a channeled message from the whales at the end of the event.
This time of the 5/5 May gateway and the upcoming eclipse passageway offers many opportunities for change. Prepare to receive empowering and illuminating insights during this event that can potentially benefit your life in amazing ways!
Tuesday June 8th from 8am-11am, in MOSS LANDING, CA
Space is limited, so sign up early is highly recommended! The cost is $199. To register send $199 to
Deadline for sign up is June 1st.
*This price reflects seasonal increases in whale watch tours, private charter rental, and my facilitation of the event. I also plan to keep the group smaller than my last whale event. This time only 10 people max for more unity, a greater depth of experience for all, and plenty of space to social distance.*
Space is limited, so sign up early is highly recommended! The cost is $199. To register send $199 to
Deadline for sign up is June 1st.
*This price reflects seasonal increases in whale watch tours, private charter rental, and my facilitation of the event. I also plan to keep the group smaller than my last whale event. This time only 10 people max for more unity, a greater depth of experience for all, and plenty of space to social distance.*
The details of the location, parking and other information needed to prepare for the trip will be sent to you after you register. This private event will take place on a smaller-sized whale watch vessel operated by Sanctuary Cruises and staff according to Monterey County guidelines for COVID-19. It is required to wear masks on the boat. This will likely be the last whale event for awhile since I’m moving out of California in mid-June. I hope to come back and visit and do more in the future!
Sounds absolutely wonderful!
sooo excited