On Feminism in Today’s World

On Feminism in Today’s World

In light of the Venus Retrograde cycle that ended in early September, the Barbie movie, recent abortion bans and other socio-political events in our world, I wanted to share some thoughts on this hot topic. What is feminism?

There are many different definitions out there. It’s said to be a movement that supports women’s rights. But more importantly in these changing times, I think it covers a broad base in that it speaks to our desire for equal rights, harmony and justice for all beings.

Feminism is about the lifting of social barriers. It’s bringing to light the need for healing and compassion in both sexes and for anyone of a particular race, religion, or sexual orientation. It’s an end to all the “isms.” So how do we move forward? It starts with each of us. And it’s most easily worked on in our closest personal relationships.

Have you heard many of the popular songs out there, written about heartbreak or abuse from past lovers or other wrong doers? Resentment, bitterness or even a desire for revenge are all indicators of what needs to be healed.  Of course, singing or listening to these songs can be a way of processing and releasing anger, blame and other kinds of emotional pain.

But there are other ways to stand up for ourselves and heal rather than continuously broadcasting the vibration of victimization. Isn’t it time to sing a different song to our collective? This is not only true for performing artists, but for all of us who are still feeling pulled into those old, sad stories. It’s time to sing about and live by the intentions of love, connection, joy, freedom, empowerment, creativity and inspiration!

True empowerment, assertiveness and healthy boundaries are pure in intent and come from the heart. They should always be expressed from a place of unconditional love and compassion. Forgiveness is key to the healing process and to ending the battle of the sexes and any other “ism” out there. When we release the need to be right, validated, vindicated or to seek retaliation in any way, we let go of the power struggles and move back into balance.

Along with this is the necessity of letting go of unhealthy attachments to particular people or outcomes. Instead of codependence, what we really want is interdependence. When we become more emotionally self-sufficient and seek collaboration rather than trying to control anyone, then we can begin creating relationships based on equality, respect and harmony. This could be with close family members, friends, or partners, but it’s also about our connections with everyone in our collective too.

How does the healing happen? The first step is a willingness to take responsibility for our own pain and issues. It starts with being vulnerable and feeling the emotions that are arising. Some people may need guidance from a healing facilitator to get to the deeper emotions below the surface of awareness. Next is the journey of looking closely at underlying patterns and doing the work to release them.

The kind of healing work we choose can take many forms. It can involve talk therapy, EMDR or other forms of trauma release, somatic healing, support groups, spiritual practices and retreats, energy work, shamanic or sound healing…the list goes on and on.

The desire to do this work and just getting started in it will bring healing and change quicker than most can imagine, especially in these dynamic times. But additionally, it helps to know that healing and transformation is a journey not a destination. It’s about wanting to grow and expand, and embracing this journey as a lifelong process.

And this leads back to the idea of feminism discussed in the beginning of this post. When more and more people want to heal and change, and wholeheartedly embrace the process, the collective shifts. When more of us let go of past hurts and forgive completely, it allows us to truly open our hearts.

And not only do our personal relationships improve, but we also start to see that we are all one and the same on the inside. So feminism isn’t just about equal rights for women or embracing the diversity in our human collective. It’s about justice and harmony for all living beings: humans, animals mother earth and even other planetary beings as well!

Those who have open hearts can show the way for others. With all of the expansion, light and other higher frequencies available on our planet now and continuing to amplify, so much love and divine energy can come through these open hearts.

In this way, the open-hearted ones can benefit everyone they come in contact with. It has a ripple effect! Even those not currently ready to be vulnerable and do their inner work can prepare to be ready by the presence of these wayshowers, as all souls spiritually awaken and develop at a pace and in timing that is appropriate for them.

As many humans develop more empathy and compassion, we begin treating all living beings with more love, respect and honor. Ethics and laws will change to reflect this. Can you imagine how different our world could be? In these times of accelerated change on the planet, we are well on our way to experiencing these outcomes.

Afterall, ascension is about moving into a higher frequency. If you are reading this, you are ready. So let’s step up together and help the process along by doing our own part in healing. It’s time to enjoy this amazing leap forward in transformation and growth that starts for us during this Fall Equinox!

Blessings and love, 🙂 Heather

Messages from the Angels & Whales! Recording is available from Sept. 28th, 2023 online class, $10

Messages from the Angels & Whales! Recording is available from Sept. 28th, 2023 online class, $10

This September I taught a new class that I enjoyed so much! It was called, “Messages from the whale collective and the angelic realm.” I channeled messages from the whale collective and Elohim Angels who shared more about ascension, the current energies and what we can expect during this time. For those who enjoy my channeling and are interested in hearing more from these beings and other higher dimensionals, this class is a real treat! The questions asked by the participants can be applied to many life areas. The answers given may be helpful for your life path as well. Enjoy the magic!

For those who missed this class, you can get the recording at my website link by sending $10 here. 

Venus Retrograde in Leo: Upgrade your relationships and boost your abundance

Venus Retrograde in Leo: Upgrade your relationships and boost your abundance

Happy Summer everyone! At this time Venus is Retrograde in Leo until Sept. 4th, 2023. We are also in the Lion’s Gate Passageway, a powerful astrological phenomenon and portal of energy available each year from July 27th-August 12th that can boost our manifestation processes. With both Venus Retrogade and the Lion’s Gate happening simultaneously, we can expect many areas of our lives to be influenced. In particular, issues related to love, relationships of all kinds, self-worth and abundance will be highlighted.

This is a great time to reflect on your biggest blocks and challenges with regard to romantic relationships, friendships, family, coworkers or business partners, to let go of the old stories. The same goes for money and abundance. When considering both areas, think about what you deserve, value and intend at this time. The cosmic energies coming in during this Venus Retrograde & Lion’s Gate passage can support you in shifting your reality. Work with your creativity, self-sovereignty and confidence to help you step into greater joy and your highest timeline.

With relationships, prepare for wake-up calls or clarity. You might receive insights about going to to the next level in some of your closest and most beloved partnerships. Some might find themselves wanting to commit more deeply, while others might decide separation or endings are needed with certain people they care about. Use communication to move beyond old issues. More will be revealed in relationship dynamics. So put in the effort to heal and transform all that you discover during this cycle!

Especially for women, if you know this applies to you and you’ve been holding back for way too long, don’t be afraid to speak your truth, assert yourself and set appropriate boundaries. This allows you to take better care of you. It can assist you with releasing any anger, resentments or hurts from the past. It is also part of what supports your own self-worth and empowerment, helping you to create better balance and harmony in all of your relationships. Healthy relationships are based on equality, with both partners giving and receiving.

Most women can relate to the mother archetype. When we access and embrace the divine mother energies inside of us, we feel a deep desire to love, nurture and protect. Empathy, connection and a sense of oneness with others comes naturally to us. Women have a powerful role to play at this time on the planet. All of humanity needs more of our pure, unconditional love and acceptance. This kind of love alone can work miracles in healing! It can change the world.

It’s the perfect time for all of us–men, women and children–to love and support those who have traditionally been oppressed, forgotten, disrespected or unappreciated. Those who need extra care and compassion can benefit from our assistance. So if you feel called to be involved with women’s rights, speak out on behalf of animals, offer support with environmental issues or help with the lifting of social barriers, do so! Whatever passion or purpose you have that brings you joy, step into that! And if it’s something unconventional, unique or eccentric, even better. Now more than ever, your actions can have more far-reaching effects than you know.

And when you do what you do in service to others, remember to care for and love yourself more. Take time to rest and replenish. This allows for the ignition of your inspiration and passions. Let go of old patterns of sacrificing or sabotaging your needs or energy. Release the habit of people-pleasing, and stop trying to change or fix anyone else. Instead, live your life for you!

Focus on shining your light in the world, in the ways that you choose. This is also how you role-model the way for others to do the same, which often inspires them to change! If this is new for you, even taking a first step in this direction can leave you feeling more powerful, free and uplifted than you may have ever known. Understand too, that it isn’t really about what you do, it’s more about how you do it.

Careers, hobbies, vocations and special projects that light you up are examples of how to spread your gifts in the world and live a more fulfilled life. Stay-at-home moms, gardeners and animal lovers who bring creativity, joy or a unique energy in how they live out these roles also emphasize this point. The focus on your passions, play, and creating the life you desire will boost your self-worth and abundance quotient. This will also benefit all of your relationships.

There is more of a balance taking place between the masculine and feminine energies inside of each of us and in our world. This shift and other collective karmic releases are allowing for divine order and justice with regard to our economics as well. We’re going to see breakthroughs for those who have been stifled, dishonored and abandoned by the larger authoritarian and governmental groups in our society. But we all have to do our part. We can’t just sit aside and wait for the changes to happen. It starts with each of us on an internal level, one person at a time!

So as you reflect, review, and release over the next month of Venus Retrograde and the last week of the Lion’s Gate passage, ask yourself, what will your part be in collective change? And where will you begin? It’s the perfect time for you to release old and unhealthy stories and creations connected to love, relationships, and abundance in all forms. Set your intentions and allow for the healing and transformation. Stay focused on what you want to manifest in your own life and know that right now, a potent window of opportunity is available to you. Let the magic happen…and enjoy!

Love, Heather

For those who would like more assistance with love, relationship, self-worth or money challenges, I’m offering a special rate of $111 for a one hour session from August 7th through Sept 4th, for extra support during the end of this Venus Retrograde cycle. If you’d like to book your session at this discounted rate, you can email me at [email protected].

New Moon in Cancer July 17th: Using Your Sensitivity & Gifts to Thrive

New Moon in Cancer July 17th: Using Your Sensitivity & Gifts to Thrive

This Monday the 17th, we will have a New Moon in Cancer. Its going to be a very emotionally sensitive cycle, especially because we will simultaneously have the sun and moon in cancer! The power of this moon will emphasize the awareness of your own emotions, as well as any underlying patterns. Get in touch with them, accept them, and feel it all…As you do this, your emotions begin to shift and release.

The cosmic energies will support this process as well as the transmutation of any previously repressed and suppressed material, so we’ll gain an extra boost of assistance in that way. Let your feelings be a guide for you during this time….This can lead you to a deepening authenticity, greater desires, and more of a need to set boundaries too. The heightened awareness around our emotions will help us know what we will no longer tolerate. It helps us be clear about what we need to do differently in relationships and other aspects of our lives to change things for the better.

Last month I released a you tube video about an upcoming online class I’m teaching on empathic sensitivity. In it, I talked about how we can work with our natural empathic abilities in a way that is empowering for ourselves and helpful to others. This is such an important topic for lightworkers these days, and any of us who tend to be more of the nurturing or caregiver types.

Well, it was perfect timing! Because this energy of this moon is also going to help us be more aware of the energies we can sense in others too. This includes their thoughts, emotions, beliefs, physical sensations and behaviors. Unfortunately, many of us not only sense but also pick up and carry others’ energetic baggage, which can cause us to feel overwhelmed or drained. The mental and emotional clarity from this moon cycle can help us develop a better discernment about what is ours and what isn’t. It addition, the lucidity we gain now can help with releasing what doesn’t belong to us, preventing us from reabsorbing these energies again.

So the energy of this moon and the class I’m teaching on the 20th of this month will assist with all of the above. And I’ll share more about my class at the bottom of this post. But in the meantime…We can expect a powerful, mysterious and enlivening new moon energy over the next two weeks!

This will include heightened psychic ability…If you don’t normally consider yourself intuitive or psychic you’ll certainly feel it at this time! In fact, you might feel the urge to retreat or withdraw at home, in a special outdoor space or healing sanctuary. Many will feel more called inward to do healing processes and meditations for reflection, review and guidance on the life path. In the midst of these spiritual practices, you may have epiphanies about your own gifts and talents, including how and where you feel inspired to offer them in the world. For those who are already doing this, you’re going to expand in the offering of your gifts. You’ll want to embrace your uniqueness or eccentric side in particular, and really step up and shine your light in a bigger way.

Since the sign of cancer highlights home and family, you can expect that issues will get triggered in these life areas. It might feel mentally or emotionally intense, but many will have the opportunity to make breakthroughs here! You might finally be able to move beyond a pattern or problem that has recurred for you in community settings, whether that has been with family, friends or in a workplace. Also, you might be delighted that after a long time, you are finally able to find a new home! Or perhaps you are able to remodel and upgrade your current home. It could also be that you feel more at home than ever before wherever you live–in a new or current city, state or country.

Whatever changes happen for you in this next moon cycle, especially those that involve understanding, honoring and working with your sensitivity and gifts, know that these will only support you in growing and thriving. It will be a time of moving into a greater level of empowerment and freedom, if you heed the call of your intuition and emotions. And with this mastery comes more empathic awareness. Using your empathic abilities will help you navigate your life more successfully and role-model to others the way from a place of strength and compassion. This is where all of humanity is headed!

Enjoy the enlightening revelations and transformation of this dazzling moon cycle!

Love & Blessings!  ~Heather 🙂

My upcoming online class, “All about Empathic Sensitivity” will be on Thursday, July 20th at 6pm PST & Arizona time. It will include information, tools and energetic protocols to help you work with your empathic abilities in an empowering way! If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by your sensitivity and wanted to protect yourself from becoming drained or bombarded by the energy of others, this is the class for you. In it, you’ll discover how to work with this natural gift, benefit from your abilities, and how you can support others along the way too. For more info. or to sign up, go to my event page by clicking here.


New Moon in Gemini & Summer Solstice: June 18th & 21st

New Moon in Gemini & Summer Solstice: June 18th & 21st

The new moon in Gemini on the 18th officially kicks off the summer solstice energy! Many are going to notice the powerful shift that happens around this time. For one thing, the Gemini energy is going to highlight our attraction for more joy, lightness and freedom in our current realities. Many will feel more able to access clarity around life-altering decisions, potentially being able to choose a pathway that supports their values, long term-goals and overall life/timeline shifts that can affect career, money, relationships and health areas.

The summer solstice falls on the 21st of June in the U.S. We’ll be receiving codes and activations then that will bring upgrades in our crystalline bodies and DNA, leading to more vitality, robust health and longevity. Remember that with the upgrades come the release of density and therefore a need to detox. The body can feel tired and heavy during this, so extra time to sleep, rest and relax is important.

These upgrades can also help us accelerate our speed and ability in manifesting. Our connections to Mother Earth and her crystals will support our transforming bodies and manifestation processes, as well as serve us in becoming more telepathic with humans and other beings. In this way, communications can happen more easily and instantaneously, even at times when we are not aware of it. With these upgrades, we’ll be more pulled towards those who energetically resonate with us on a vibrational level. This is why many more will be finding their soul tribes, partners or families in the second half of 2023. These are the people we will be called to collaborate with in new projects, creations, and in serving our collective in many ways over the next decade.

This new moon and solstice energy also emphasizes the need for greater intimacy and healthy communication in all relationships. This starts with ourselves first. Dive deep within your heart center and feel that steady, constant flow of divine connection, love and trust that is always there. When we access the higher realms during meditation and other spiritual practices, we can easily receive the support, healing and guidance from our angels, guides and other higher dimensional beings who will also assist us to get more deeply in touch with our infinite soul.

As this new moon also happens to fall on Father’s Day, the energy supports healing father issues and the distorted masculine energy in our collective. You might find yourself thinking about your relationship with your father and your child soul aspects. If it’s relevant for you, get the support to release or transform any old childhood and past life traumas associated with your father or other significant early relationships. If you contact your father at this time, know that it will likely bring a greater connection and/or healing for both of you. This might mean making a phone call or visiting, while for others the communication might happen in dreamtime, meditation, while journaling, or through another healing modality.

Many will find that during this cycle, they are able to renounce old patterns and emotions, leading to more compassion and complete forgiveness related to any significant relationships in their lives. If you’ve been consistently doing the inner work to heal some of your closest relationships, especially if you’ve been at it for many years, there is an opportunity here to see major breakthroughs. This can positively impact every area of your life, in a massive way! If you haven’t done any healing, now is the time to start. The astrological alignments and cosmic energies will support your process. Because of the energies and the increasing vibration on the planet, healing can happen much more quickly and easily now than it has for many of us in the past.

Our healing and forgiveness will also help support the distorted masculine collective in the healing process as well. The distorted masculine energy is in each of us, man or woman. It’s the part of us that feels the need to control, manipulate, dominate, deceive, corrupt, or lash out in order to feel safe. We see this distortion in our world in any authoritarian groups or organizations who support the few instead of the many. It’s in those who use their power for their benefit only, instead of helping to ignite more freedom, love and collaboration for all.

Releasing our emotional pain and holding a space of compassion for any distorted masculine energy in ourselves, lovers, friends, family or society is such a key piece in the masculine’s healing. As we do this, the masculine will feel safe enough to be vulnerable, come forward, clear the air if needed, and drop his emotional burdens. It is happening now. This is why we are starting to see more harmony between men and women, those who are different, and those who have previously been divided over some topic or social agenda. It is also why those outdated, corrupt and greedy organizations and structures in our world are beginning to fall away. More upgraded, heart-centered and inclusive possibilities are already coming in!

The feminine is going to show us the way through all of this, especially now and over the next few years as we transition out of the old, traditional patriarchal leadership. This is why feminine values and energies such as vulnerability, emotional expression, interdependence, collaboration, empathy, reflection, intuition, flexibility and transformation are going to be so necessary for all of us to use and work with more in our lives.

So no matter where you are with regard to your deepest issues or patterns in particular life areas, know that this new moon and summer solstice will help you release and activate what’s needed to gain clarity, make choices and thrive on your new timeline. As the body and DNA upgrades support your health, manifestation and expanding telepathic abilities, you’ll naturally go deeper in your connection and communication with yourself, the earth and others. This expanding intimacy will ignite the profound healing that is possible regarding father issues and the distorted masculine, and any other significant relationship challenges. Go with the flow, enjoy and allow for the unfoldment of this process. As you do, you can expect pleasant surprises and progress!

With love & Summer Blessings! 🙂 Heather

If you’d like to receive more intuitive guidance and support in your healing process, check out my intuitive, channeling and energy healing services here. I am offering private sessions by phone and Zoom.

You can also find me on Facebook as Heather Green, and on Instagram as Teal Healing.