“Greetings from the whale collective. We are here for you. We are coming in greater numbers, becoming more visible around you and your earth. This is the time now that many of you have been waiting for. We will lead the way, we will guide you. We will show you the higher road as you all begin to connect more deeply with all of us, your earth, and other wildlife groups. We are working together, many of us, to assist humanity in its changes, but to also make a difference by bringing in the energies that assist the collective in moving into the higher dimensions.
It is time. And this is just the beginning. The energies from the higher realms, other star systems and planets offer assistance to all of us as we work together to weave in the changes and the new vibrations into the many levels of the planet that are receiving now. In sections of social areas, economics and other aspects of your earthly life, your collective worldly experience is now beginning to change and will continue to change at a rapid pace over the next several years.
Come be with us when you can in the physical realms on your planet and in the imaginary or higher realms where we can connect and weave our energies, where we can begin to co-create together. In this way, we can share information that can benefit both species. We can share information that can help your humanity and all of you on personal levels. And you can share information with us that can help us, all the sea life and other wildlife areas on your planet.
As we deepen in this cooperation and collaboration, it will bring in more peace. It’s a time of coming together, loving and accepting one another. We encourage this process in a way that is very peaceful between species, with all taking the time to understand each other, trust, be open and share. In this sharing, it benefits all aspects of earthly life, many of the beings that exist on the planet, including other aspects of the nature and animal kingdoms.
So this is a powerful time. Many of you are feeling it! We are glad to be at the forefront; we are glad to be the ambassadors of this time of peace and to show the way. We ask for your assistance now in your humanity to help us show the way, allow us to thrive, guide, and be seen. In this allowing, changes that need to happen on the planet can. Other species, including other types of sea life can show themselves, be present and radiate the feminine energy that brings the true change that you wish to see in your world! Help us to do this. Help us to show ourselves, thrive and increase in our numbers.
As humans, you all know this way. You all have a special area, talent and information that can benefit us, all sea life, and other wildlife groups as well. You all have a specialty or gift, light and codes that you came here to earth to deliver. It is the time now to step up and shine the gifts, talents and light into the world so that we can benefit and do our part with greater ease. And in return, we may be able to help more in the changing of the planet, in the upgrades, in moving into this higher dimension with much greater ease, joy and acceleration.
As this process continues, many of you who have felt mired in the depths of grief, loss or fear are going to begin to step out of it and move much more easily into the light—into joy—to feeling a steady flow of love in most moments and then radiating that to all. This will become a reality for many of you very soon, especially as you get closer to the Summer Solstice.
Those of you who feel that deeper sense of purpose and responsibility—that is your calling. Your heart is telling you it is time to step into your new roles, to gladly serve in the way you know how. And we will be with you every step of the way. We are around you always, not just in your waters, but we are also with you energetically, anytime that you desire to tune in to us. Take the time to be with us in that way, connect with us telepathically to allow the sharing of information to happen. Allow us to assist you so that you can assist us. The manifestations that will occur over the next several months will come at a greater pace. To many it will feel surprising; it will seem astonishing how quickly the changes happen and how they appear in your world.
Believe in your dreams, believe in all that you are. And allow this believing along with your connection to us, to help us move forward together. We love you. We are always with you. We are your brothers and sisters, the whales.”