Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your sensitivity, unclear about how to work with it in a positive way? Have you often wanted to protect yourself from becoming drained or bombarded by the energy of others? Being empathic involves the awareness of others’ energies which can include their emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, physical sensations, karma and so much more… In this upcoming online class, discover how to work with this natural gift, benefit from your abilities, and how you can support others along the way too.

Here are the specific topics we’ll address in class:

  • How to empower yourself and release the pattern of absorbing and carrying others’ energy
  • How to strengthen, clear and protect your energy fields to prevent yourself from getting drained or bombarded by others’ energy
  • How to stop being overly influenced by others or merging with them, which can lead to a loss of identity, difficulty making decisions and confusion with overall life direction
  • How to use the awareness that comes with empathic abilities to expand your consciousness and accelerate your progress on your spiritual path
  • How working with your empathic sensitivity in a positive way can benefit any life area
  • How the spiritual mastery you gain as an empath can inspire healing, growth and change in others

I’ll also be sharing energetic protocols, tips and tools for clearing empathic energies, resetting your energy fields and coming back into alignment with your own energy. These tools will help you feel more grounded, empowered, centered and free, helping you to operate each day with balance, ease and joy. I’ll bring through a channeled message from the Pleiadian High Council on what it means to be empathic from a galactic perspective and how to thrive as in empath in these changing times. You’ll also have time to ask your personal questions too!

Class details: Thursday, July 20th from 6-8pm Pacific time & Mountain Standard Time, $22, by phone or Zoom. To sign up for the class, send $22 at my website link by clicking here. The Zoom link will be sent to your email after you have sent payment. Also, if you can’t make it live you can still sign up to get the recording!

See you all soon!