It was a bold energetic shift when we moved out of the clutches of dredging, emotional cancer on the 22nd of July into sparkling Leo. And here we are on the back half of summer and things are just starting to get good. Like the sign of Leo, with the earthly and evolutionary changes this month, you should be experiencing more joy, cause for celebration, passion, and an expanded, clear, and focused sense of direction with your soul’s purpose.
As I mentioned last month, in mid-July a portal opened allowing us to leap forward with many of our pursuits. These leaps might come in the form of opportunities, additional resources, abundance, and assistance, especially when work or career is expressed with spiritual integrity and authenticity. Many of us have our own personal or metaphoric secret benefactors who are working on our behalf—and these gifts we’ve been given are equally balanced with the work that we’ve done to get this far (spiritually of course). All the blood, sweat, and tears: the endless karmic clearing, emotional healing, releasing of behavior patterns, and the upgrades of our physical bodies have been the meat and potatoes of this evolutionary cycle. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.
And as we’re still in the process of moving into a higher dimension, the work’s far from being done, but for many, it has changed. Some things have become easier and lighter.
If you’ve learned to process and integrate in your sleep, while working, or as you eat dinner (I can relate to this one!), you now understand that spiritual evolution, which involves your personal healing and transformation, is a way of life. It is not something you do when you have time or when you can afford a healer, teacher, or counselor. It shouldn’t be taken on only in the direst of circumstances, like a diet, when you really need to lose weight or detox. And of course, proper diet should be a constant in day-to-day life as well.
Your evolution is all the time, everyday. It’s in your present-moment living. This is fully experiencing every aspect of your life, even the most mundane, for example: waiting in line at a store or interacting with a waitress taking your order at a restaurant. This by the way, is how you deal with the overwhelm I mentioned above. Take it one day, or even one hour at a time. You can go deeper, and imagine each day (or hour) of your life represents a year in time. I have to laugh at this one because with the energetic changes occurring as we move into the higher dimensions, one day can often feel like a year. But just think of how much you could raise your vibration and integrate those higher self energies, if you were fully conscious and present in each moment of that day or hour—if you felt everything that was happening inside of you and between you and another. If that seems impossible to do, imagine being completely present for just ten minutes or two minutes. In this way, you can resolve a year’s worth of pain, suffering, or struggle in a day, hour, or even a minute, on your own. This is definitely a testament to the support of the cosmic energies during these shifting times!
But on another note, there are new challenges again this month with Leo’s influence. For those of us who are still waiting for our ships to come in, we need to be ready to openly and audaciously reveal ourselves. We need to step into the limelight, shine like gold, and bring our unique gifts into the world. This involves being so genuine and true to our callings and mission, that the idea of vulnerability would be an understatement. We must be willing to take risks and get out of our comfort zones. We must face the fear of rejection, humiliation, attack, or betrayal. These are issues of the past anyway, and this is the life where you can transcend it all!
And even if you think you’ve worked this through already or perhaps you’re already living your life’s work or dream, take it to the next level. You are waiting for something else yet, not quite at the peak of the mountain, right? There’s more you can do and be here, and you’ll need to continue to clean up a few extra leftovers of the hard work you thought you were done with.
As the Pleiadians have told me, “In your daily reality, you will experience bursts of past and future memories, choices, emotions, and possibilities, all at the same time. Breathe with it, flow with it, like the ocean. The more you become like the ocean, the more you will stay in balance and flow with change. When you need clarity and strength, feel into your heart. There you will always locate the truth and knowingness. Play with the timelines—the past, present, and future. Find the crystalline passages through the highest of vibrations: joy, love, peace, as well as gratitude, openness, and bliss. Follow these ways into your next moments. You may then observe the past but not have to relive it, or see future options and know the proper path and decisions.”
Sounds like great advice while delighting, growing, and agonizing on this wild rollercoaster ride of change, especially during this powerhouse month of August. Hang on to your seats!
See you ‘round the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the Pleiadians (those ascended beings from the planet Pleiades)