August Newsletter: The Lion’s Gate
    We are in the midst of a magical time of opportunity. A stargate portal has opened in earth’s atmosphere bringing through transformative energies preparing us for big shifts at eclipse time this September. This Lion’s gate access is available every year at the end of July through August 8th, the time of Leo. We can utilize this energy to launch forward in our evolution.

    But the energy can bring with it the weight of fatigue and emotional issues. It’s balancing our inner yin/yang and the physical pineal and pituitary glands which can cause headaches, visual changes, dizziness, and other neurological effects. On top of this, we just experienced a full & blue moon which illuminated much of what’s been previously hidden to us. Pay attention to dreams and look at longstanding wounds/life patterns. Whatever you’ve avoided dealing with you can’t escape from much longer.
    This is true for our larger, collective issues as well. If you’re one of the awakened, you’re well aware of what’s out of line, unjust, or imbalanced in our world. You probably already see the connections between the problems with food, healthcare, environment, and weather patterns. You probably feel the effects of exposure to more toxins.  And it’s not just about corporate greed, it’s bigger than that. Can you guess what that ultimate domination would be? One by one we must all see the true motivation here in order to fully free ourselves. How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go to know the truth?
    The wonderful news is, since 2012, we’ve ended the contracts that originated with the Annunaki and those groups of elite humans who’ve been in power. So now it’s about releasing the patterns and attachments that continue to enslave us personally and collectively. These victim/enslavement programs held in our root chakras are expired. The solution is simple. Connect to your higher self and ask to activate empowerment and freedom through your 5D energy system. Continue to do this when you find yourself falling for and following those same enslaving beliefs and behaviors as they arise, and remind yourself that you are free.
    Then you’ll see yourself taking action when you need to, as will more in your collective. As I write this, the guides are sharing that new ideas and templates for thriving during these times, simpler lifestyles with ease in technology, beneficial social and governmental changes, and greater abundance for all beings has begun to manifest and will continue to do so over the next couple of years. More exposure of darkness in the world will be uncovered and seen in the media, which will instigate change, particularly through the end of this year.  As a collective, we will no longer tolerate what is not whole, just, and equal for all living beings.
    More of us will be drawn into a deeper connection with nature. Access your co-creative power with earth and all of her elementals. When needed, work with them to bring harmony, balance, and sustenance on our planet. This is especially helpful during weather changes–like storms, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires. Some imbalances in nature occur to teach us lessons. Big earthquakes and tsunamis often open up our heart centers, teaching us compassion, connection, and empowerment as we discover we are all vulnerable, valuable–that we’re in this together, and that we can move through and overcome fear.
    So when you’re connecting with earth, and it’s so important to do so these days especially to help stay in balance as you integrate the transformative energies, feel into any weather/climate changes. If something is on the horizon, go deep and ask what lesson humanity would or is learning through the change. Ask your higher self to activate that lesson for yourself first, and then send this energetic info to all in collective humanity who are ready and willing to receive it and integrate it.
    And lastly, don’t be fooled by appearances. We are going to be tested more and more thoroughly on this topic over the next couple of years. Some people and things can sound and look great at face value; for example, certain bills, laws, spiritual groups or teachings, and even environmental and sustainable living plans or programs. If it doesn’t support your own sovereignty, or that of the collective’s, it’s not in the highest good.
    So feel into them–every person, plan, or idea out there. Be willing to see through the surface, behind the mask. Go deeper. Discover what’s not completely obvious. This is no time to be superficial. It’s time to be real. And like the lion, strength and bravery is needed to uphold the kind of integrity we are creating at this time, from the inside out.

Enjoy the journey,
Heather & the guides
PS: More exciting news next month on the September eclipses!