Happy New Year! We just went through an exciting and intense full moon gateway on January 6th. Many of us are still feeling it. This moon was about clearing emotions related to issues of the past in relationships, especially those involving home, family and other close connections. If you have unfinished business in any of those areas, you are probably seeing it come up in some aspect of your life. And if it’s affecting you, it’s likely showing up in a LOUD way. The energies of this early 2023 time are helping us get to the root of it all, release it, gain the lessons and get full clarity for moving forward.

This is an auspicious time to heal and make breakthroughs with longstanding conflicts or obstacles in any relationship. Work it out with your loved ones! Even if it feels daunting or you are doubtful about results, big leaps can be made if you make the effort to reach out and communicate. Finally have that talk and even if it ends up being an argument, with the theme of this Cancer moon energy, it will still serve everyone. In most cases, hidden issues are being identified and as all the pent up emotions are let loose, old perspectives, beliefs and behaviors can be released too. Don’t be afraid of the intensity in the midst of these conversations…stay with it, stand your ground and speak your truth!

Reunions, resolutions and reconciliation are all possible right now. And no matter what happens, you can walk away with better discernment and wisdom, knowing more about how to have healthier and more harmonious relationships in the future. In the meantime, with the sensitivity of this Cancer moon and all that can occur, take good care of yourself. Retreat, review, reflect and allow for integration by being in nature, resting, playing or exercising. During the next two weeks or so, you can expect some ups and downs, and just when you think things look like they are going in a certain direction they can suddenly change course. The final outcomes with regard to some current relationship situations will likely be unknown for a little while. Give yourself up to two months to get the full integration, understanding and results.

A big piece of what is playing out personally and collectively, has to do with the needed balance and equality between the masculine and feminine. When I speak of the masculine and feminine, I’m referring to the two energies that exist inside all of us, men and women alike. And at the same time, we are seeing a lot of this conflict show up between men and women. This might look like a power play or battle of the sexes in a lot of cases. The feminine has been doing some deep healing work over the last several years. It was strongly felt for many of us in last year’s Venus Retrograde cycle. In this new year, the masculine is awakening and healing. The distorted or wounded masculine can appear dominating, narcissistic, greedy, corrupt, deceptive, unemotional, overachieving, overactive and closed-off or rigid in a lot of life areas. Sound familiar?

The healing for the masculine might involve a revealing of the hidden issues or agendas, along with taking responsibility for them. It has to include being vulnerable and willing to slow down, feel, and connect with and consider others.  It might also mean that one needs to make amends for past deeds. As he heals, the masculine will disperse the power he’s been hoarding for himself and make it available to others in an equal and balanced way. How does his healing begin? In many cases, by being held in the safe space of love and compassion, particularly by the feminine.

This is why it’s so important for the feminine to forgive. Complete forgiveness leads to the openheartedness that allows for the divine to be present and the healing to occur. The feminine can also help the masculine in his healing when she sets healthy boundaries. In this way, she often helps clarify or reveal many of the issues or conflicts. In order to do this, the feminine must be empowered and courageous enough to step forward, reveal what needs changing and why, and be firm. When the issues are up front and known, the masculine can begin taking responsibility for them, changing how he operates and making amends. This is what we need to see more of in our world. Imagine the changes that can happen when full awareness about some of the biggest issues, especially those that involve oppression or harm to others, occurs on big scale level?! The world will operate very differently when there is no longer any allowance for anyone to attempt to implement unfair, greedy, harmful or corrupt actions. Instead, there will be consideration and collaboration with all.

A healthy masculine energy feels supportive, grounded, focused, assertive, respectful and accommodating. It radiates integrity, inner strength, and leadership ability. Ultimately, a healthy masculine energy is balanced by the feminine. This is especially true on an internal level. This means that both men and women are utilizing their masculine and feminine qualities fairly equally. So for example, on a day-to-day basis, use logic and intuition. Find time for doing and being. Value and work with intellect and emotions. See how relationships are just as essential to life as individualism. And most importantly, let go of control and allow things to unfold naturally. This is otherwise known as being in the flow!

We can all look inside ourselves and our relationships to evaluate and make changes that support equality, balance and harmony for the masculine and feminine. In this way, we are benefitting our personal lives and the collective reality. The interaction of these energies influence every aspect of our lives and world. This brief, power-punch time of healing and release gives us the opportunity for gaining the understanding, unconditional love and compassion to propel us forward into whatever future we desire. Use it wisely!