Sunday, March 29th, from 1-3pm  $25.
At Wilwand Teas, 5804 Traffic Way in Atascadero, CA

Our animals are our best friends as well as our greatest teachers and healers.  But like us, they can become ill or imbalanced for a variety of reasons. This class will introduce you to healing techniques that can be applied towards physical, mental/emotional, relational, and behavioral concerns. The techniques can be used with humans as well, so as we help our animals, we can help ourselves!

Class activities:
Learn how to ground, center, prepare the chakras, and open up to access the energies for healing. You will be introduced to two methods: working with the transformative energies in the universal flow and sacred geometry, to provide healing and balance for your animal and you.

In addition to teaching you basic methods for healing, I will also be teaching three new, more advanced techniques that I haven’t taught before: working with light, color, and the mother earth energy. You will learn how to clear empathic energy, energy that you pick up from your animal or he picks up from you, that can cause illness or imbalance. There will be plenty of time in class for practicing!

This class is appropriate for beginners or those who are experienced with energy healing for humans or animals. Animals do not need to be present, you will learn how to send the healing energy from a distance.

Heather will also have her book available for purchase: For the love of Horses: An Animal Communicator’s Guide to Helping Our Horses and Healing Our Lives, $19.99.

For questions or directions email Heather at [email protected]. Space is limited, so pre-registering is recommended, do so here:

Otherwise you can drop in and pay by cash or check at the door.