by Heather Green | Jun 11, 2023
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th officially kicks off the summer solstice energy! Many are going to notice the powerful shift that happens around this time. For one thing, the Gemini energy is going to highlight our attraction for more joy, lightness and freedom in our current realities. Many will feel more able to access clarity around life-altering decisions, potentially being able to choose a pathway that supports their values, long term-goals and overall life/timeline shifts that can affect career, money, relationships and health areas.
The summer solstice falls on the 21st of June in the U.S. We’ll be receiving codes and activations then that will bring upgrades in our crystalline bodies and DNA, leading to more vitality, robust health and longevity. Remember that with the upgrades come the release of density and therefore a need to detox. The body can feel tired and heavy during this, so extra time to sleep, rest and relax is important.
These upgrades can also help us accelerate our speed and ability in manifesting. Our connections to Mother Earth and her crystals will support our transforming bodies and manifestation processes, as well as serve us in becoming more telepathic with humans and other beings. In this way, communications can happen more easily and instantaneously, even at times when we are not aware of it. With these upgrades, we’ll be more pulled towards those who energetically resonate with us on a vibrational level. This is why many more will be finding their soul tribes, partners or families in the second half of 2023. These are the people we will be called to collaborate with in new projects, creations, and in serving our collective in many ways over the next decade.
This new moon and solstice energy also emphasizes the need for greater intimacy and healthy communication in all relationships. This starts with ourselves first. Dive deep within your heart center and feel that steady, constant flow of divine connection, love and trust that is always there. When we access the higher realms during meditation and other spiritual practices, we can easily receive the support, healing and guidance from our angels, guides and other higher dimensional beings who will also assist us to get more deeply in touch with our infinite soul.
As this new moon also happens to fall on Father’s Day, the energy supports healing father issues and the distorted masculine energy in our collective. You might find yourself thinking about your relationship with your father and your child soul aspects. If it’s relevant for you, get the support to release or transform any old childhood and past life traumas associated with your father or other significant early relationships. If you contact your father at this time, know that it will likely bring a greater connection and/or healing for both of you. This might mean making a phone call or visiting, while for others the communication might happen in dreamtime, meditation, while journaling, or through another healing modality.
Many will find that during this cycle, they are able to renounce old patterns and emotions, leading to more compassion and complete forgiveness related to any significant relationships in their lives. If you’ve been consistently doing the inner work to heal some of your closest relationships, especially if you’ve been at it for many years, there is an opportunity here to see major breakthroughs. This can positively impact every area of your life, in a massive way! If you haven’t done any healing, now is the time to start. The astrological alignments and cosmic energies will support your process. Because of the energies and the increasing vibration on the planet, healing can happen much more quickly and easily now than it has for many of us in the past.
Our healing and forgiveness will also help support the distorted masculine collective in the healing process as well. The distorted masculine energy is in each of us, man or woman. It’s the part of us that feels the need to control, manipulate, dominate, deceive, corrupt, or lash out in order to feel safe. We see this distortion in our world in any authoritarian groups or organizations who support the few instead of the many. It’s in those who use their power for their benefit only, instead of helping to ignite more freedom, love and collaboration for all.
Releasing our emotional pain and holding a space of compassion for any distorted masculine energy in ourselves, lovers, friends, family or society is such a key piece in the masculine’s healing. As we do this, the masculine will feel safe enough to be vulnerable, come forward, clear the air if needed, and drop his emotional burdens. It is happening now. This is why we are starting to see more harmony between men and women, those who are different, and those who have previously been divided over some topic or social agenda. It is also why those outdated, corrupt and greedy organizations and structures in our world are beginning to fall away. More upgraded, heart-centered and inclusive possibilities are already coming in!
The feminine is going to show us the way through all of this, especially now and over the next few years as we transition out of the old, traditional patriarchal leadership. This is why feminine values and energies such as vulnerability, emotional expression, interdependence, collaboration, empathy, reflection, intuition, flexibility and transformation are going to be so necessary for all of us to use and work with more in our lives.
So no matter where you are with regard to your deepest issues or patterns in particular life areas, know that this new moon and summer solstice will help you release and activate what’s needed to gain clarity, make choices and thrive on your new timeline. As the body and DNA upgrades support your health, manifestation and expanding telepathic abilities, you’ll naturally go deeper in your connection and communication with yourself, the earth and others. This expanding intimacy will ignite the profound healing that is possible regarding father issues and the distorted masculine, and any other significant relationship challenges. Go with the flow, enjoy and allow for the unfoldment of this process. As you do, you can expect pleasant surprises and progress!
With love & Summer Blessings! 🙂 Heather
If you’d like to receive more intuitive guidance and support in your healing process, check out my intuitive, channeling and energy healing services here. I am offering private sessions by phone and Zoom.
You can also find me on Facebook as Heather Green, and on Instagram as Teal Healing.
by Heather Green | Mar 19, 2022
There is a great expansion of consciousness happening for many on the planet. We could all use some extra support and guidance as we navigate many personal and worldly changes. With the Spring Equinox, new beginnings and possibilities for manifesting our dreams into the physical reality are highlighted. It’s also the time where many can expect to see progress or big gains in life areas that have been restricted or blocked in the past.
by Heather Green | Jul 7, 2021
As many have recently celebrated the 4th of July holiday, themes of freedom are arising. We have also been receiving higher frequency downloads of light and more freedom codes since the beginning of this month. There is a quickening in the awakening of the collective, and our animal and nature kingdoms are equally progressing in their evolution. Take time to rest, recalibrate, tend to your emotions, and stay adequately hydrated during this rapid upgrading of the body and soul! These higher level light frequencies activate our crystalline DNA and expand the crystalline light body. Getting more sleep, replenishment and drinking lots of water helps to facilitate the process with ease. Self care will be extra important all month long!
In honor of the freedom energies coming in during this time and the developing unity consciousness of our collective, I attended a rally on Friday, July 2nd to stop the July 12th scheduled roundup of the Onaqui wild horses who live 40 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. During roundups, horses are chased down by helicopters, separated from their families, and trapped in holding facilities to be sold later for adoption or slaughter. Some of the horses get injured or killed in the brutal roundup process, in particular the very young, old or ill. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) claims that the horses are depleting the vegetation, so therefore the roundup is necessary to protect the rangelands. But there are 26,000 cattle and only 500 horses grazing on these lands. These roundups are inhumane and unnecessary!
These horses, like all living beings deserve the same rights we have. They deserve to be respected, honored and treated equally. They should be allowed to stay healthy, free and connected to their families in the wild. I don’t believe any of the creatures of the wild should live in captivity. Their health and the balance of the earth depends on their being able to roam free in their natural habitat. This in turn affects our well-being. We are all one!
I got to visit the Onaqui wild horses while I was in the area on Friday, which was a truly precious and heartwarming experience. The photo above was taken during my visit with them. These are innocent and majestic beings! The Onaqui are also a well known group of wild horses who are visited by tourists throughout our world. They are shining the light on this terrible fate that many wild horses throughout the U.S. are now facing.
I am writing about them now because in this time of expanding unity consciousness, it is more important than ever that we protect and stand up for those who are oppressed and cannot speak for themselves.
UPDATE: As of July 9th, the roundup has been delayed until July 13th. We still have time! If you feel called to help, go to and click on the Take Action Tab to write a quick line to Secretary Haaland and President Biden and ask them to call off the roundup.
In the meantime, the energies are amping up as we prepare to enter the Lion’s Gate portal of transformation that opens on July 28th. This is a time for stepping into greater empowerment, freedom, prosperity, manifestation, and acceleration of our soul’s purpose. If you’d like extra support in navigating your life during these times of change, check out the details of my upcoming, “Support with Worldly Changes Online Class,” on Wed. July 21st from 6:30-8pm by clicking here.
Summer Blessings and love,
🙂 Heather
by Heather Green | May 14, 2021
The following excerpt is from a channeled message I gave to someone who granted me permission to share it publicly. I feel it is so applicable to many of us these days! So read on below, enjoy and feel where it resonates for you:
“Greetings from the Pleiadian High Council, it is always our pleasure to connect with you. As we see you making this transition and moving through many of the blocks and hindrances and fears that you carry deep within, you are progressing in a rapid pace in your evolutionary consciousness. For that matter, you will have the time and the experiences you want to have because of all that you are going through to get there—all that you are overcoming in order to be in that state. For as we see it, it is a state of being that you are actually reaching here. It is not about where you go, who you are around or what you are doing. It is mostly about your state of consciousness, your level of beingness that creates the external reality that you desire.
We see that you are on your way to reaching this state of consciousness that you’ve been working towards for quite some time now, in making this move. So from our perspective, we see that it is a very positive change indeed. And many good things are coming to you as you move into that new place and encounter everything along the way. When we say this, we don’t mean that everything will be challenging. We see that there will be fun and delight and joy along the way as well, even in the process of getting there.
And in that way it will open you up to surprising events and opportunities, and new people and circumstances that you’d never be open to before. Your heart will open easier and you’ll forget about keeping yourself closed down in that way you have in the past to feel safe. This is beginning to get you to see that it is truly about you being open, that it is safe for you to be open now, so that everything that wants to happen for you can. So from our perspective, you are well on your right track, continue doing all that you are doing to get there.
As for your work and the exhaustion you feel with that as well as other opportunities and life events, if you can look at these experiences—the work and events—as fun, exciting, something that you deeply enjoy or revere, it will be much easier for you to maintain the energy you need to get it all done. Any of the difficulties that you think about when you consider them will be easily overcome when you have the joy, feel carefree, and are fully open to the experiences, allowing them to set sail.
So again we see these are all experiences and circumstances that are teaching you, helping you to expand in levels and ways that you never have before. For this, we commend you. For this, you should celebrate and be proud of yourself for having the courage to do it. Breathe a deep breath on this and know that you can’t make any wrong decisions here; you are moving forward at a perfect pace. And you are going to make the choices that will work for you….
We want to remind you that, it is a good time to think about what you might want to spend time doing, maybe you have other pursuits in mind? Maybe you have other interests you’d like to explore? For in making this new move, there will be other opportunities and options available for you to do different things. You may decide to go off on another track and start something new. It may be in combination with the service work you do already or it may be something you completely shift into. So we would encourage you to play around with that. What do you really love doing? What is exciting for you? Let that lead you to what may be coming next. This is all going to help you, of course, with the exhaustion you’ve been feeling.
But when we speak of the exhaustion, we are letting you know that this is an exhaustion happening for many because of the sun changes and earth changes. Huge shifts on your planet—huge energy downloads coming from many other aspects, many other places in your galaxy are helping the earth in her evolution. So many people are affected in different ways by these energies. Some of it, you will have to surrender to. You will have to rest. You will not be able to push yourself through it. Allow yourself that time. It will not influence how much work you are able to do, or how much abundance—including financial abundance—you are able to receive.
The work and money and abundance will come no matter what. The resting is essential. It is about taking care of yourself. It must be weaved into your schedule. You must be thinking about how you can weave time for rest into your schedule in a way that feels balancing. This may be very different than how you would’ve done it in the past. Maybe for you in the past, 8 hours of sleep was enough. And now it is time to look at adding more hours of sleep or being able to take a nap during the day or have days that are completely open and free for you to rest, lounge around, play or just not be productive at all.
So this is a new kind of schedule, a new way of living. Incorporate it into your life as if it is completely normal because it is the normal now. It is the way that things will flow with the huge energy shifts happening on the planet. And they are going to continue, particularly through this time of May but also into June and July, with the super full moons and eclipses. You are going to feel these energies rising. You are going to be feeling the light that’s coming onto the planet. And it will make a difference with how people are feeling physically and emotionally. So there is an adjustment there that is necessary.
So if you can take this in and let it sit with you, it will be much easier to handle all that’s happening in your life—all of the changes, and know that you are not failing or doing anything wrong by having to rest some days or having days that are completely unproductive. This has no bearing on what you’ll attract in, what you’ll be able to create or accomplish. You’ll still have the energy to do all of that.
And part of the reason you will is that time isn’t the way it seems right now. It may feel as though you have many hours in a day—the same parameters you’ve had in the past. But really, your experience of time in this reality is altered. When you are in a creative flow, you are more able to accomplish a great deal in a shorter time period. It is as if time slows down for you in those moments, so that you are able to do what you want to do because of the energy state that you are in. And as you are working with higher dimensional energies, you are more able to do this. When you need to rest, those days are meant for rest. But in the other times and moments when you have a lot of energy and are able to be productive, work, and do all those things you want to do—you are going to be able to get more done in those periods of time than you ever have before.
So we speak to you of letting it go, relaxing, knowing all is exactly as it needs to be right now. We encourage you to get out and have more fun, feel carefree, enjoy your life more, see the beauty and wonder that is out there, and the upcoming opportunities to enjoy even more! And open up to new things that you may truly revel in right now and in your near future time.
With that, we send you much love and many, many blessings!
Until next time. We love you.”
-From the Pleiadian High Council through Heather Green
by Heather Green | Mar 31, 2021
It was such an honor to contribute my work in this collaboration with 8 other amazing authors! My story is about how the Ocean Collective, including the whales, have assisted me recently on my journey. If you’d like to be inspired in your own healing and transformation processes, you might enjoy this book. It is called, “Tribe of Light: How Community Helps us Heal,” by Andrea Michal. You can check it out on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 🌟 ~Love, Heather
If you’d like to hear more about the book and celebrate with us, join us this Saturday, April 3rd from 10-11am PST. The Zoom link info is below, but you can also request that I send it to you in an email.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here.
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From the author:
A BIG THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to all of the writers of this powerful & inspirational book. Tribe of Light is a collaboration with 9 writers, each telling their own truthful and authentic stories of healing through community. Please join us on April 3rd to share in the joy of the book launching into the world!
With love and light,