Well, here we are and it’s July already. It feels like yesterday was weeks ago and last year was a moment ago, yet our concerns should be with the present. And in the right now, there’s a lot to be considering here on planet earth. Most all of us are sensing the changes going on in our world, even though many of them are covert, subtle, and still undercover. We can feel the simmering pot of humanity, stewing and stirring as the energies shift on our planet, as we observe the physical manifestation of transformation on environmental, governmental, legal, and social levels.

           Many are confused about what they see occurring. Is it good or bad? Others know for sure how they feel about it all and are excited or enraged, maybe even depressed, apathetic, or completely checked out. I can attest to feeling all of the above at one time or another in the last month. With the intensity out there now, for some, being a willing participant in life feels like an act of courage.
And act we should. In fact, if I had to give one word of advice to those who are bewildered or overwhelmed by the world’s current state, I’d say take action. Follow your bliss, speak your truth, stand up for what you believe, and fight for what’s right, because doing nothing is an action too, and one that has definite consequences during these times.  If you’re not sure what to believe or what’s true, or even if you think you know, follow your intuition. It will never lead you astray or contradict like the so called “facts” out there, the laws, some research, and the many ideas and thinking that seem rational, logical—that appear to make sense.
            No matter how you feel about what’s happening on the planet, or even in your personal life, just know that these are necessary alterations. What has previously been hidden must come to light in order to be acknowledged, evaluated, and ultimately decided upon. When it comes to the worldly changes, we get to decide as a collective—is this what we want? If so, the adjustment goes through or things continue. If not, it’s halted.
            Some of you might be feeling pretty helpless when reflecting on the collective’s decisions, figuring out our future based on a group consensus. Are we ready for that? Is there enough of us awakened to appropriately support or reject these changes?  As we sit with the many possibilities here, our group pot begins to boil. The boiling helps us let off steam but also creates an internal chaos.  The chaos can bring with it feelings of anger, rage, anxiety, or even panic.
            These feelings are completely normal considering the circumstances. The pleiadian and angelic guides encourage us to feel and express all of these emotions as needed, and if you are one of many feeling helpless or hopeless, to access your own sovereignty. They also say, “As you move forward in your own ascension process, you’ll become more of a leader and guide for others.  You’ll understand yourself as a creator being and from that stage, be able to make your greatest dreams come true while at the same time influencing others to do the same.”
            Many have asked me recently, what’s going to happen this summer? Contemplating the boiling point that is surely coming, I say it’s going to be a summer on fire. But from my perspective, this isn’t something we should fear.  If the internal chaos shows up in the external world in ways that make you uneasy, simply view it as validation that radical change is upon us.
Revolution doesn’t have to be destructive but if it is, does it not illuminate our society’s shadow side? These revelations wake people up; they bring new developments and opportunities, which are long over due. Thereafter, our collective evolution progresses. Consider new laws or political leaders. Do any of these worry you? If so, if your worst case scenario happens or has happened, how can that give you the chance to break out and do something completely unique, discover a new line of work, move, raise and teach your children differently, change your lifestyle, or invent a new technology? When you look back on your life later you’ll be glad it all happened, that you were willing to step up and stand out.
In fact, that’s where the angelic and nature spirit guides want you to focus. If you want greater success and abundance during these changing times, as we get closer to the 5th dimension, be willing to be different.  Don’t even try to fit in.  Let your odd, peculiar, or eccentric side shine in the world. And yes, it will pay off! But most of all, don’t compartmentalize yourself.  Let who you truly are be expressed in everything you do.
That’s right, don’t try to hide any authentic aspect of you.  If you are a healer, teacher, nurturer, or artist at heart, you still are even when you’re paying your bills, at the grocery store, visiting with family, or working at an unrelated job. If you are afraid or skeptical about the effects of this change, ask your higher self for assistance, and let this part of you lead the way in all your life’s tasks.
In addition, as the angelic ones say, “Don’t compare yourself to others, do your own thing fearlessly.  Don’t look to what others have done to decide what choices you’ll make. Blaze your own path.” And that, my friends, is what this summer is all about. That is why despite the internal chaos, our future’s uncertainty, and our collective’s pot getting ready to boil, we have something wonderful to look forward to. Let your passion, fierce focus, and undying devotion to yourself and your evolution be the impetus for the changes that you desire over the next few months.
And we’ll leave you with this last pearl of wisdom. This summer’s fireball of transformation is also a rebirthing. In order to be reborn, we must die. So ask yourself, are you resistant to this inner death? What parts of yourself are you willing to let go of? What aspects of your life must end?  To those who currently feel like they’re dying or have thoughts about death, we can assure you that your inner death is imminent. So when you’re ready, take a deep breath and make that leap…into the great unknown.
See you on the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the guides


            The switch from Leo to Virgo late August was like night and day. So drastic, in fact, that I had to write another update on the shift sooner than normal, because my previous post on August already seems expired. You can feel that sparkly, hopeful energy from just earlier in August—with all your dreams just within grasp—receding fast as you face the full impact of your life’s reality. For many, dreams have come crashing down, others have experienced delays and setbacks, there is overwhelm in dealing with practicality and in taking all the steps needed to see your big picture into fruition.  And then there’s the dense emotions that go along with this: anger, frustration, doubt, sorrow, and fear, to name several.  You might even be questioning the tried and true path you have grown to trust.

              Since the new moon on the 25th, we’re being hit hard with all of the above. Try to remember when you’re in the thick of it, that it’s all really good.  There is a tendency to want to distract yourself from this unrelenting emotional pain or to escape your reality. Rest and relax when you need to, but don’t avoid what you need to feel in order to move forward. Ask your higher self for the energy to help you accept these feelings and fully integrate the experiences behind them. As you know, it’s more than just about this lifetime, all coming up to be cleared. How many times in how many lives can you guess that you’ve thwarted your own dreams? How many times have you recreated your victimhood in the very life areas that you are struggling with now? More times than you’d imagine!

And tied in with victimhood this month is money issues and the human collective. There is too much focus and fear on financial collapse–banks closing and the dollar plummeting. I can hear these thoughts and beliefs buzzing through the human collective. If you haven’t learned this already, know that we create what we spend time thinking about or dwelling on—and the darkest of emotions help this along. Always deal with your underlying issues of powerlessness, which make it appear as though bad things happen to you and other citizens of the world. But you–we–are always the creators. Understand that extremely positive emotions matched with a particular desire also bring things into being. What do you want to see happen? Would you prefer more community-style living, interdependence, or bartering, and/or a changed money system? Adjust your intent, focus, and emotional stance as appropriate to consciously create what you want; perhaps a new way of thriving, with harmony and peace. For further help with consciously creating your personal reality, read about my upcoming teleconference class at the bottom of this newsletter.
This leads me to another important factor in the matter. We are currently in void-time. If you haven’t noticed, the timing is off in most home and work areas. This is the reason why there is no news, change, or moving forward, and also why there have been temporary interruptions of technology. Fatigue is being experienced for many reasons, but also to get you to slow down so you can be set up for the new energetic grids of this next evolutionary sequence. We are being prepped for the spiritual downloads coming in at the full and new moons in September, helping us deepen our galactic connections.
But the best part is the upcoming fall equinox energy that will propel us into greater levels of empowerment and creation. I’m talking about the good stuff here—back to reaching your dreams again and seeing projects fulfilled. And as for the human collective money issue, well, we can change that for the better too.  We use the power of our positive intentions, take action on new, brilliant ideas, and thereafter create the reality we do desire without turmoil and disaster. When we each do that for ourselves, our creative energy radiates out and influences the collective to do the same.  That’s when we see change on a global scale! This is where a further opening in the lines of communication with other planets and planetary beings throughout the galaxy will prove beneficial. Information from our planets of origin, the ascended planets, and the higher dimensional beings from those planets can lead us in the furthering unfolding of a collective reality that is in the highest good for all.
The cetacean species—whales and dolphins—are helping Earth and us realize the magnificence of our creative power. They are currently flooding the planet, releasing these codes through the song of their tones. That is why on the central coast this week, every day I have seen whales.  They are out there breaching, splashing, fin flipping, and breathing at the water’s surface; so for those who need an instant ticket to joy, go see them! They are offering the support we need at this time to be ready to walk through the door of initiation at the equinox, which will begin a major life changing for those who want it and who have adequately prepared. 
So I’ll leave the initiates with one more gem of assistance this month: expect a test. Your job is to recognize the test and pass it, and to not be attached to what might appear to be negative consequences.  This could mean a loss, conflict, starting over, owing money, the list could go on and on here…But it’s all an illusion. Once the test is passed, and you hold to your trust, the veils fall away. Then you see the truth and things begin to rock and roll for you.  September looks like a very active month!
See you around the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the Sirian (cetacean) guides
*If you are looking for more assistance in assimilating the upcoming equinox energies: recognizing and utilizing your empowerment and creative abilities, especially with going to that next level in work, relationships, health, soul’s purpose, you name it—join me for a teleconference on Monday, Sept. 15th from 7-8:30pm PST. $25. The whales will be joining us! Email me to sign up: [email protected]. If you can’t make the call, you can always sign up and receive the recording. Read more about it here