by Heather Green | Mar 8, 2015
March Newsletter: Updates on the Shift
“The Big Moon”
It’s so good to be back writing updates on the shift after a long hiatus during which I produced You-Tube videos sharing energetic tips for staying in balance with these changing times. Of course, those videos will still continue; I plan to alternate them with my writings on the shift to keep things interesting for you and fun for me.
Do I dare ask how you are all doing? I’m sure you felt the unfathomable powers of the mighty full moon a few days ago, which should give you a taste of what’s coming as we inch closer to the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Whoa! It’s gonna be a big one, a big moon, this Equinox.
You might have felt tired, angry, overly sensitive (as in you were easily triggered and reactive, and probably not in a way you would’ve expected from yourself at this point), dim-witted, or a combination of all of the above. Many of you felt bursts of ultimate bliss, freedom, and joy around the time of this month’s full moon as well. The important thing was that you flowed with it, and didn’t try to push your feelings away. Whatever you experienced, you were (and still are) being prepped for this month’s grand event.
The Big Moon is the New (Super) Moon and Total Solar Eclipse on the Spring Equinox, March 20th, in the wee hours of the morning for us Californians. The Equinox doesn’t formally occur until the afternoon hours. But in any case, this day is marked for new beginnings, for all of us. Everyone will begin to see the workings of change in their lives, no matter where they are on their path. It’s as if the bridge you’ve crossed has disappeared and there’s no going back. This is a death of sorts. A total eclipse of the heart. And whatever you’ve got in that achy breaky heart that hasn’t been resolved will be coming up again to be looked at, healed, and fully integrated.
Many will experience the pangs of grief over what once was with regard to certain happenings in their personal lives and for us as a collective. There will be shifts in our political and social scenes this spring and into summer, with legislation passed that will surprise, shock, scare, and/or please you. Even if your ego’s view judges these alterations as negative, what matters is the change–even if it’s not what we want or expect. Sometimes difficult circumstances are what can truly activate inspiration, motivation, and the coming together of many for a greater cause. And that has the potential to transform our world more swiftly than we can imagine!
For those of us who’ve done our homework, we have the opportunity to make such immense leaps forward that our lives will no longer even look remotely the same. For this reason, we must remember to stay grounded, centered, and anchored in our connection to our Divine Selves. Otherwise, the winds of change may feel more destructive instead of regenerative; the happiest of occasions could feel overwhelming, even traumatizing, instead of enlivening.
We don’t want our first steps in our new lives to be faltering or failing. Instead, surrender to your divine will and your authentic life’s blueprint, all of which are accessed through your deepening contact with your Divine Self, and you’ll be supported every step of the way. This magical combo of your higher self and God energy will infuse you with the courage, strength, and adaptability to stand tall on your own two feet, no matter what’s going on around you. The result is that you will finally have the chance to do what you were born to do in a way that will begin to feel effortless. No more striving, trying to work too hard or make something happen. We just have to sit back, wait, and trust. After an arduous, exhausting loop of the journey, I think many will agree with me that this sounds really good, especially if we get a nap!
When I say wait and trust, I don’t mean become lazy or apathetic, although you might be feeling this way due the transformation happening within your physical body this month. Apathy might also be a sign of resistance to change, only you can be sure. Use discernment wisely and implement your healing tools so you can shift your inner reality. We can no longer claim victimhood, for we have always been creators. In fact, when we pass through this new moon doorway/portal, we step up in our responsibility as creator beings. That means we can set things into motion more quickly, for better or worse. Our innermost thoughts, emotions, and beliefs will have even more of an impact on our external realities. Think instant manifestation, instant karma.
Feel free to rest and relax, but then decide how you want to navigate this new chapter in your life’s path. Be willing to step out in a unique way, showing the world who you really are, feeling the confidence from within that it’s show time and you are on! With fierce focus only on the life of your choosing, the life that you’re creating, that is what will be…Nothing else can stand in your way. It’s finally time to let go of the 3rd dimensional safety nets and release what no longer works for you: those long-expired, frustrating, disruptive fears or worries, roles, relationships, jobs, binds and/or ties relating to mundane human civilization. The current cosmic forces will assist you in this mega clearing if you allow it. It’s only up to you–up to us now!
Until next time…
See you around the next bend of the journey,
Heather and the guides
by Heather Green | Aug 4, 2014
It was a bold energetic shift when we moved out of the clutches of dredging, emotional cancer on the 22nd of July into sparkling Leo. And here we are on the back half of summer and things are just starting to get good. Like the sign of Leo, with the earthly and evolutionary changes this month, you should be experiencing more joy, cause for celebration, passion, and an expanded, clear, and focused sense of direction with your soul’s purpose.
As I mentioned last month, in mid-July a portal opened allowing us to leap forward with many of our pursuits. These leaps might come in the form of opportunities, additional resources, abundance, and assistance, especially when work or career is expressed with spiritual integrity and authenticity. Many of us have our own personal or metaphoric secret benefactors who are working on our behalf—and these gifts we’ve been given are equally balanced with the work that we’ve done to get this far (spiritually of course). All the blood, sweat, and tears: the endless karmic clearing, emotional healing, releasing of behavior patterns, and the upgrades of our physical bodies have been the meat and potatoes of this evolutionary cycle. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.
And as we’re still in the process of moving into a higher dimension, the work’s far from being done, but for many, it has changed. Some things have become easier and lighter.
If you’ve learned to process and integrate in your sleep, while working, or as you eat dinner (I can relate to this one!), you now understand that spiritual evolution, which involves your personal healing and transformation, is a way of life. It is not something you do when you have time or when you can afford a healer, teacher, or counselor. It shouldn’t be taken on only in the direst of circumstances, like a diet, when you really need to lose weight or detox. And of course, proper diet should be a constant in day-to-day life as well.
Your evolution is all the time, everyday. It’s in your present-moment living. This is fully experiencing every aspect of your life, even the most mundane, for example: waiting in line at a store or interacting with a waitress taking your order at a restaurant. This by the way, is how you deal with the overwhelm I mentioned above. Take it one day, or even one hour at a time. You can go deeper, and imagine each day (or hour) of your life represents a year in time. I have to laugh at this one because with the energetic changes occurring as we move into the higher dimensions, one day can often feel like a year. But just think of how much you could raise your vibration and integrate those higher self energies, if you were fully conscious and present in each moment of that day or hour—if you felt everything that was happening inside of you and between you and another. If that seems impossible to do, imagine being completely present for just ten minutes or two minutes. In this way, you can resolve a year’s worth of pain, suffering, or struggle in a day, hour, or even a minute, on your own. This is definitely a testament to the support of the cosmic energies during these shifting times!
But on another note, there are new challenges again this month with Leo’s influence. For those of us who are still waiting for our ships to come in, we need to be ready to openly and audaciously reveal ourselves. We need to step into the limelight, shine like gold, and bring our unique gifts into the world. This involves being so genuine and true to our callings and mission, that the idea of vulnerability would be an understatement. We must be willing to take risks and get out of our comfort zones. We must face the fear of rejection, humiliation, attack, or betrayal. These are issues of the past anyway, and this is the life where you can transcend it all!
And even if you think you’ve worked this through already or perhaps you’re already living your life’s work or dream, take it to the next level. You are waiting for something else yet, not quite at the peak of the mountain, right? There’s more you can do and be here, and you’ll need to continue to clean up a few extra leftovers of the hard work you thought you were done with.
As the Pleiadians have told me, “In your daily reality, you will experience bursts of past and future memories, choices, emotions, and possibilities, all at the same time. Breathe with it, flow with it, like the ocean. The more you become like the ocean, the more you will stay in balance and flow with change. When you need clarity and strength, feel into your heart. There you will always locate the truth and knowingness. Play with the timelines—the past, present, and future. Find the crystalline passages through the highest of vibrations: joy, love, peace, as well as gratitude, openness, and bliss. Follow these ways into your next moments. You may then observe the past but not have to relive it, or see future options and know the proper path and decisions.”
Sounds like great advice while delighting, growing, and agonizing on this wild rollercoaster ride of change, especially during this powerhouse month of August. Hang on to your seats!
See you ‘round the next bend of the journey,
Heather & the Pleiadians (those ascended beings from the planet Pleiades)
by Heather Green | Oct 3, 2013
If your September has been anything like mine, your deepest, darkest fears and unresolved issues (even those you thought were long gone and cleared by now) have been really in your face. Like your worst nightmare come true, they appear in your life when you’re least expecting them, and in a way that you wouldn’t ever guess, right? On top of that, there simply is no way to distract yourself from the fear, anger, hurt, or sadness. For most of us, we can’t just go off and play basketball, watch a film, or go have ice cream to feel better anymore.
In fact, nothing will help. Nothing except doing the inner work needed to master the lessons while tapping into the only part of you that is real, your essence. This aspect of you is also known as the light of God, source energy, a higher power, the I AM presence. It doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you know what it is, and that it is located deep within your core. Aligning with it will bring peace, comfort, and joy during these challenging times. It will keep you from reacting to or believing in fear—what we often see reflected in our external realities every day in some shape or form. But it also assists you in connecting to the energy of the collective. Our souls are delighted with every step we take to get closer to operating fully as a collective in our world. (More information shared here in my expanded version newsletters. To read more about the expanded version’s or purchase them, click
Many of us are experiencing personal losses in areas of work, money, homes, and also losses in relationships, including death. You may be reliving or feeling the hurts and betrayals of something from years ago, or something that didn’t even happen in this lifetime. But it’s real nonetheless. Surrender to the feelings and at the same time, ask your higher self and the light of God within to radiate to you the frequency of unconditional love and compassion, which helps you move through it. On another note of surrender, it’s wise to let yourself rest or sleep when your physical body is in pain or exhausted these days. When you do this, you’re helping your body release heavy energies and toxins, and become more crystalline. This leads to more energy later if you don’t fight the agony in the moment!
As we fully integrate these experiences and feelings, we’ll move into the next stage of our evolution, one that involves coming together as a collective and really understanding the implications of that. When you help your group(s), you help yourself, and when you turn a blind eye to another’s suffering, you suffer right along with them. Obviously, we see the negative effects of these truths in our every day realities: poverty, homelessness, economic decline, or being slaves to our jobs (which I will discuss more thoroughly in the expanded version). But we also see the positive effects of helping and including others showing up in insurance changes, equal opportunities for marriage for gay couples in some states, and legislation that will pass sometime in the near? future with regard to release of student loan debt. As you can imagine, the latter changes will lead to even more equality in those underprivileged or abused: women, youth, and those who are mistreated because of their race or religion.
And speaking of the abused, it’s time to really look at our victim mentality. This is another area that is really up big time to be cleared right now in collective humanity. How often do you feel helpless, a lack of control, that nothing you do has any impact on your life or destiny, or that others or yourself are to blame for your current life situation or future? Think about it. Ask yourself, why have you chosen to experience the re-creation of victimhood in the many guises it takes? (More information shared here in the expanded version).
The bottom line with all of this is that we simply experienced our own versions of victimhood to learn a lesson—a lesson about empowerment, ultimately. And this is one of life’s greatest lessons because it truly aids us in stepping completely into our new role as creator beings. So, what would you really like to see happen?
It is essential that we contemplate this as we get ready for the upcoming full moon/lunar eclipse on the 18th of this month. As I shared on facebook last month, many of us were wrapping up some core issues that we’ve struggled with in this life as well as throughout a multitude of lifetimes. As this is finalized, we are being initiated into a new level of our evolution, one that involves new lessons and soul tasks. For those of you who are experiencing this, it’s important that you pass all the tests you are being given during this initiative period, and if this is you, you’ll know exactly what these life “tests” are. You want to be in a place of strength by the time of the full moon. This will help you stay balanced and less overwhelmed, as many of the issues that have to do with the new lessons will get triggered at that time (so they can be cleared). The best news is that the illumination and downloads of the lunar eclipse will bring insights and guidance, giving you the tools and resources needed to work through whatever rises to the surface. (More info. in expanded version).
At this time, many people only know what their life will be like for about the next two weeks to a month. That’s it. They don’t have any further guarantees. I encourage you to take this idea a step further. Pretend that all you have is the moment you are living right now. What would you have your next moment be? And the moment after that? You get the picture. This is where we get to have fun with it all. See the challenge of living with the unknown as an adventure. Embrace risk-taking as part of your safety and security in these changing times. The power of your awareness and your spiritual mastery, with the intense desire and willingness to direct the unfolding of your life will help you rise above any obstacles in the physical world. One by one, as we each experience our realities this way, operating from a more 5thdimensional, present-moment stance, we’ll assist the rest of the collective in creating more abundance. And this is when we begin to see the kind of global changes that we’ve all been waiting for. I think we can imagine what that would look like!
See you around the next bend of the journey,
Heather, The Pleiadians, Nature Spirits & the newsletter guides
I highly recommend this month’s energy activation because it’s loads of fun during this Halloween time. On top of that, you’ll receive the energy needed to help you shift and work with many of the issues presented in this newsletter, especially those of you who feel you are slaves to your jobs, or are having financial hardships. To receive them, buy the expanded version newsletter
by Heather Green | Sep 7, 2013
As we quickly roll into the month of September, we’re greeted with a new moon,
another opportunity to start fresh and anchor in our intentions. This moon’s creative energy moves through the end of next week, even through Friday the 13th. Although historically this has been a date associated with fear, horror, or other bad omens, I see it bringing good fortune for many this month. So count your lucky stars and make a wish during this time. It feels refreshing and comforting after that intense, and for many of us, excruciating, integration period that began with the astrological sextile at the end of July. (More shared here in the expanded version newsletters. For more information about the expanded versions, or to sign up, go to:
And this month’s energy is all about balance. As we move more fully into the time of autumn, it is essential that we remain balanced/grounded and present in all life areas to move forward evolutionary-wise. To our benefit, transformative energies working with us this month will give us a hand.
But first of all, realize that every area of your life is interconnected and mutually influential. In the past, with the old energies, your work, relationships, leisure/play, spirituality, and rest were all separate, having no bearing on each other. But now, in the time of the new world, everything is one. You can’t isolate yourself or an area of your life without dropping back down to the 3D level, and playing by the old rules that create limitations, obstacles, and fear. Instead, tend to and nurture all areas, especially those that have been neglected. Make decisions and take steps for improving life aspects that are suffering. (More info. here in expanded version).
July and August were big energetic months—lots of spiritual downloads and integration happening. You may feel a challenge with this, as if you’re really dragging, can’t get out of bed in the morning, wanting another coffee and it’s only what, 10am? Or maybe you’re achy all over and just want to lie down. When we move a lot of energy, we burn protein. So for some, increasing protein loads, or eating more dense protein sources may help. Drink and be near water more. Be outside, on the Earth, connecting with Earth as much as possible.
As the Pleiadians (higher dimensional beings from the planet Pleiades) have put it, “You do have to allow your body/mind/spirit time to transform. Don’t push yourself too hard in your daily tasks. If you feel yourself in pain or overly fatigued, it means you need more down time because of too much physical or mental activity. Move back into the heart space and rest.” And the biggest reason and solution for the complaints above…let go of your resistance to change. The Pleiadians say, “Let go of your structure of how change should look or feel. It doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or awkward. Think of it as a joy, a breeze, making life easier.”
The biggest area of resistance I see is with utilizing our 5thdimensional energy systems. This is synonymous with allowing the higher frequencies to move through our physical forms, helping our bodies evolve. It is about accessing our higher selves from within, and therefore, becoming more easily able to recognize and integrate our issues. It is also about letting go of the mind more, trusting, and operating from more of an intuitive/heart-centered stance. As we practice working with our new energy systems, we begin to tap into (or for many of us, move more fully into) our sovereignty, which further creates our realities through our intent, and allows us to fully discover and work with our psychic abilities, and those of telepathy and telekinesis. (More info. shared here in expanded version).
So overall, if you’re tired, scared, in pain, or resisting change in your everyday lives, cut yourself some slack, because ascension is a process that for good reason, does not happen overnight. Instead, while disillusioned by linear time, we get to choose how and when we go about our integration process, and what we think and feel every step of the way. But the biggest thing we are remembering is that we create our lives—every hour and every moment of all now’s. And especially this month, with the influence of lucky 13, we can begin to turn the tides in our favor.
See you around the next corner of the journey,
Heather, The Pleiadians, and the newsletter guides
To help with the following life areas:
*open up to and take action with new potentials and possibilities
*tend to all life areas and keep those areas balanced while you’re at it, for overall life benefit
*let go of the “shoulds” and follow where your energy calls you
*the benefits of the 5th Dimensional energy system and how to utilize it
*how to maintain your center and timing when around chaotic/discordant vibrations, and how to show others how to do the same.
To sign up for the energy activations, click on the link in the first paragraph of the newsletter.
by Heather Green | Aug 3, 2013
Here it is, August already. And I ask myself, how do I begin explaining what’s been happening for all of us? As the evolution on Earth unfolds and we move deeper into our abstract, all knowing, nonlinear awareness, our primarily left-brained, 3rd dimensional minds no longer have full control. They are becoming useless for comprehension and explanation purposes, which is why many aspects of the world and our lives now seem so perplexing and obscure. This brings challenges for writers like myself, and other lightworkers who are guiding others. If this is you, know that it’s now about how we show the way through the example of our own lives, and the energy that comes through our writing or teaching, not the written or expressed words themselves.
It is also so very,very hard to think at all. And you’d be lucky to have a moment’s notice to do so with time slipping through your fingers. In fact, thinking or trying to figure anything out at this point feels like exhausting, torturous work. (More information shared here in the expanded version newsletter. To read more about the expanded versions or to purchase for $9 go to:
You might also be feeling tortured, exhausted, and at your wit’s end on a regular basis these days. After that astrological, Grand Sextile event that began on July 29th, I can see why. This helped bring about an expansion of consciousness related to the balanced inner masculine/feminine, and a release of old limitations within and without, but it had an element of friction, thus the explosions in interpersonal relationships.
These explosions, emotional meltdowns, or the psychological instability–whatever you’d prefer to call them, are not to be taken lightly. They erupt because we try to hold on, keep it together, ignore, or deny how we feel. Many of us are horrified by what we’re learning about ourselves and others, seeing perhaps for the first time, the degree of hostility, fear, or grief we’ve been carrying. As we wake up and clear our baggage through our awareness, we become willing to make those courageous choices, doing what’s necessary to heal. Like an alcoholic, many are finally hitting an emotional rock bottom.
We have moved in to a new evolutionary cycle, and although some of us are finally receiving fruits for our labor, many of us will not see major life change right away. This is where much of our tension and angst comes from. A friend of mine recently exclaimed, “I’m so overwhelmed with my life! I just don’t want to suffer anymore. I want to be happy. I want to be at peace. I want to be able to say that I love my life and that there’d be nothing I’d do differently to change it.”
We have to learn our lessons–fully and completely–before we can move on from specific issues for good. This is what is so frustrating: the chronic issues and untapped solutions. But the 5th dimensional nature spirits assure me that we HAVE made progress and that we ARE rounding corners, even if it’s unnoticeable through 3rd dimensional eyes. We must keep going and maintain the faith, without knowing how or when it will be done.
I can say for myself, this overall feeling of uncertainty and doubt has led to my arising at 3 a.m. on more than one occasion, begging for answers, questioning the bigger picture of my life and wondering whether I’m just attempting to live out some kind of fantasy. There are many of you out there who feel constantly conflicted about certain aspects of your life–enjoying and yet hating them for different reasons. You may feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, there might not seem to be any clear way to freedom or success. This 3rd dimensional reality (duality and limitation) in combo with the 5th dimensional integration experience (release of density with body/mind) can bring a heavy intensity; a feeling of depression, despair, or wanting to give up or escape. This is why many aren’t choosing to stick around and will continue to exit the planet up until the old world disappears. (More information shared here in the expanded version newsletter).
We have to continually remind ourselves why we have signed up to be on Earth at this time: to ASCEND. It is our soul’s intention (and the goal and prize my friend is crying out for) to get there if not in this life, then in another. When we understand the profundity of what that requires of us, we can keep things in perspective. Although we may long or wish for the good ole’ times of the past, we’ll make things easier for ourselves if we surrender to our ascension destiny, as well as step into our earthly missions. And the nature spirits say this destiny is worth creating. There will be freedom with jobs, changes with money (debts) & banking, true communities, and health (no more illness), all of which many will see in their lifetimes before we get to the 5th.
As a collective, we still reside in the physical, old world. Most of us experience reality in between the two worlds (no longer primarily in 3rd dimension but not fully anchored in the 5th). Even though we’re still in transition, we always have open access to the new world’s ideologies, energy, and consciousness. In our direst moments and times of greatest need, with our intent, we can link back to the new world through the portal in the depths of our hearts. This is how we transcend our current limitations and contradictions, click our heels three times, and begin our return home. (More information in expanded version). If you’re unable to access this inner portal, begin getting yourself into the zone by bringing to mind what makes you smile, finding gratitude, experimenting with your creative/manifesting power in every moment, and connecting with those around you. Then, be present, open up to insights, and expect miracles.
See you around the next bend of the journey,
heather and the nature spirits
These energy activations will help with the following life areas:
*support & solutions for cognitive dysfunction (thinking/speaking/writing)
*creating more time
*healing/releasing longstanding emotional issues (and eruptions)
*comfort with change, taking risks, uncertainty
*accessing 5th dimensional info to shift our biggest problems/challenges
If you wish to receive them, please click on the link in the second paragraph of this newsletter to purchase my expanded version newsletter.