Lion’s Gate Portal Day 8/8/22

Lion’s Gate Portal Day 8/8/22

The Lion’s Gate Portal Day is Monday 8/8. On this day the star Sirius lines up with the earth and the sun from its ruling sign of Leo. Work with the mystical energies available in this window of time for accelerated manifestation with many of the following intentions:


New Moon in Gemini on May 30th

New Moon in Gemini on May 30th

This Gemini new moon on the 30th is also in the sun sign Gemini! The incoming energies can activate lighthearted, excitable and dreamy feelings. Work with them to ignite new beginnings, life adventures and access a greater sense of youthfulness…As we become more blissful and expanded, it can be easy to feel spacey and ungrounded. Spend more time on the earth to recenter and help anchor the incoming light codes.This moon kicks off a great time period for clearer communication, collaboration, celebrations and completion, especially after mercury goes direct on the 3rd of June. It can be perfectly aligned to do more writing, traveling, socially engaging, or visiting family or friends.

Especially where there has been separation or estrangement, people are coming back together. In fact, in this next cycle, closer connections can be formed in many types of personal relationships, including with siblings, peers or colleagues. This ripples out and can lead to more folks feeling accepted and affiliated in their communities. So take the time to get those new programs, projects or classes developed and out into the world where they are needed!

Many are gaining new ideas and ways of perceiving reality that can accelerate manifestation processes.  The new energies can also support us in hearing divine guidance and navigating the unknown in unexpected circumstances or areas of our lives.  Divine will doesn’t always make logical sense or come forth in a linear way. In order to discern it clearly, we must listen to our hearts, not our emotions or attachments. In many cases, there is often a sense of lightness, rightness, expansion, freedom and joy. It is experienced differently for everyone, but there will always be a deep inner knowing. As we surrender more deeply, allowing the divine to direct our lives, we begin to take action or a risk on an idea, goal or long-held dream. This is when things can get really interesting!

For those with a Gemini sun or moon in their astrology chart, this new moon energy starting on the 30th can bring big changes!

If you’d like more support during these accelerated times, I’m offering a summer special on my private sessions, in honor of my Gemini birthday coming up in June! It will be from May 31st through June 15th. For the special, 60 min is $150, 45 min. is $120 and 30 min is $90. Email me at [email protected] to book your session.

Summer Blessings,



Prosperity and Abundance from a Pleiadian Perspective: Online Class, Friday Feb. 26th from 6:30-8pm PST

Prosperity and Abundance from a Pleiadian Perspective: Online Class, Friday Feb. 26th from 6:30-8pm PST

As we are living in a time of accelerated change and spiritual expansion, many of us feel ready to step into a greater level of prosperity consciousness. We were born to experience joy, wealth, good health and successful relationships. And now more than any other time, more of us are accessing our innate sovereignty and beginning to create the life of our dreams.

In this special online class, Heather will bring through information, tools and energy protocols she has gained from the Pleiadians for helping you manifest a more abundant life. Heather will also channel direct messages from the Pleiadian High Council on the topic of prosperity and what is relevant to us during these changing times.

Specifically, you will learn:
*How to work with your crystalline consciousness and other creation processes to move beyond limiting issues and patterns, and live a more emotionally balanced, joyful and fulfilled life
*How to manifest greater levels of health
*How to create new relationships with all of the soul qualities you desire
*How to expand your prosperity consciousness to experience more abundance in all forms
*How to increase your self-worth for more success in work, love and money

This class will be offered online via Zoom or by phone on Friday, Feb.26th from 6:30-8pm. The cost is $20. To sign up, send your payment by clicking here. You will receive the Zoom link and dial in number after your payment is received. For more questions, email Heather at [email protected].