Earth Healing (Gridwork) Zoom Class, Recording from June 2024 is now available $10

Earth Healing (Gridwork) Zoom Class, Recording from June 2024 is now available $10

For those interested in supporting the thriving of earth and the wild animals on an energetic level! This class recording will offer the opportunity for you to learn more about earth healing, also known as gridwork. You will also gain experiential practice in a group setting.

It was offered on Zoom so people from many different areas of the globe could join together and provide this sacred service in their current location. No prior training in gridwork, energy healing or any kind of earth-based healing is necessary to benefit and learn from the info and group practice in the recording.

What is gridwork? Put simply, it’s a practice of supporting the earth and her grids which can include working with specific ley lines, vortexes, portals, pyramids and the crystalline light matrix that exists throughout many different areas of nature by providing energetic practices, healing modalities or sacred ceremony.

Email Heather for additional questions. To get the recording, send $10 at the website payment link here.

After your payment is received, you’ll receive a link to access the recording directly through your email.


A Cow Love Story

A Cow Love Story

Many of you who follow me on Facebook may have read my recent post about my trip to New Mexico and Texas in May. I wrote about my intention to communicate with and offer energy healing to the cows in those areas.

I shared that the cow energy represented the divine mother and how they are helping to anchor in more of this mother/feminine energy into our planet and collective consciousness at this time.  The cows had been calling me for awhile now…since the fall of 2023. I knew they wanted my assistance, I just wasn’t exactly sure what for.

In order to understand it fully, I’ll have to take you back to several years ago when I lived on the border of Arizona and Utah. Back then, I was called to live there in order to be more in service to the earth. As well as assisting clients by offering intuitive guidance and energy healing by phone and online as I do now, I was also helping to restore areas of the earth that needed healing.

This type of work is also known as gridwork. It’s a practice of supporting the earth and her grids which can include working with specific ley lines, vortexes, portals, pyramids and the crystalline and diamond light matrix in many different areas of nature through energetic practices, healing modalities or sacred ceremony.

At that time, I lived in a very remote area. I had to drive a few miles down a dirt road to get to the camper where I lived. One day while driving home, I saw several cows near the side of the road. I usually saw them most days, but this time they were closer to the road than ever before.

On this particular day I was drawn to stop and interact with them. It was a narrow dirt road and most of the time no one else was driving down it, so I just stopped right there in the road. It was a hot summer day and I had the windows rolled up and the air conditioning on. As I noticed them look over to me, I was called to sing to them.

So right then, I began singing in the car. I knew they couldn’t hear me, I just hoped they would feel the energy behind my words because it was a song about love.  In addition to this, I also sent them some supportive energy for healing and empowerment. I sent it at the higher self level like I often did when working with animals.

What happened next took me by complete surprise. Within just a minute or two of singing and sending this healing energy to them, they turned on their heels and swiftly approached my car. Astonished by their quick movements, I stopped singing. My jaw dropped while I watched as they completely surrounded my car.

Two of the cows stood at each side window of the car. A few others stood around the car at other angles. The one who was standing next to the driver’s window where I sat, was making licking and chewing mouth movements. He stretched his neck forward and chewed on the car’s driver side mirror. Then he bent his head down and looked at me closely through the driver’s side window. I still remember the way he tilted his head as his big brown eyes pierced mine.

All the cows seemed very curious and drawn to the energy I was sending them. I wasn’t sure what to do next and I definitely didn’t want to startle them by trying to move the car or get out. So there I sat. We continued looking at each other and sharing in the love. I stayed there for awhile longer connecting with them and when they moved a bit off the road, I decided to drive on home. But I knew there would be more interactions to come!

Fast forward two and a half to three years later to the end of 2023…That’s when I started hearing and feeling that familiar energy again. I had a dream about cows living in a barn next to my home, who seemed comforted by my presence. I saw visions of cows in my daytime meditations and I knew they were trying to connect with me.

After moving to my new home in Sedona in early 2024 and getting clear about this travel destination to be in service to the cows, I set out to visit them in May. It was so much more than I expected!

What a great reunion it was since the last time I had crossed paths with cows in 2021 on the border of Utah and Arizona. I was able to communicate with them and offer energy healing at a dairy farm and a few cattle ranches. It was a beautiful mutual exchange that occurred over a few days, with energy and messages both given and received.

In the weeks and months to come, I’ll be sharing more about their specific messages to me for this important time period on earth. But for now, I’ll leave you with something to ponder. It’s time to change things!

Similar to what I shared about domestic horses back in 2007 when my journey as an animal communicator began, all beings deserve the love, comfort, and nurturing support that we take for granted most days. Cows and many other farm animals don’t want to keep living the same kind of existence they’ve had with us since early times. It’s no longer appropriate for them or for humans to keep up these old ways.

I understand that this brings up big issues. At the very least, it is time to move beyond the factory farms. I’m not saying this means we all need to become vegetarian or vegan overnight. But how we raise or treat farm and other wild animals is up for question and review.

I am offering the option to look at how we can relate to them differently. This is why I am sharing how we can communicate with them and connect on deeper levels. And so it’s the time for many of us who are passionate about this topic to go further in our explorations and step forward on that path that is calling us!

The divine mother energy activates unconditional love, freedom and unlimited compassion for all beings. As we expand our consciousness, we recognize more and more how we are all one and the same, and that includes the animals and the nature kingdom.

If we can view cows or any other animal, wild or domestic, as our brothers and sisters, how would that impact our relationships with them? As I shared in my story above, cows are highly sensitive and responsive to our energy and love. With love and generosity, their sustenance has been offered to us freely since the earliest times. It’s worth considering how we would like to reciprocate to them as an expression of our gratitude, love, mercy and kindness.

With Love and Blessings! ~Heather

Upcoming Event: Gridwork Zoom Class, Saturday, June 29th from 10am-12pm PT. $33. For those interested in participating in and learning more about this kind of energetic support for earth and the wild animals in a group setting, the online structure of this class allows people from all areas of the globe to join us and provide this sacred service. Whether you are experienced or a novice, all are welcome! No prior training is necessary to attend. For more info. and to sign up, go to my gridwork event page by clicking here.



Zoom Class on Soul’s Purpose: Recording is now available

Zoom Class on Soul’s Purpose: Recording is now available

The theme of this Zoom Class is Soul’s Purpose. You’ll learn more about how to discover, step into and expand in it! Channeled messages from the Pleiadian High Council and the Elohim Angels are included, all on this topic.

Soul’s purpose isn’t just what you do, it’s who you are. It’s often an expression of your deepest passion, joy and playfulness. When you are in alignment with your authentic nature, you naturally move into your purpose and greater levels of abundance with grace and ease. Creatives, animal and nature lovers, this is your chance to make a difference in the world!

In addition to guidance on how to progress in the many ways you can express your purpose, info. will be given in this class on how to reach more people in your area of service and increase your finances, whether you are doing your purpose for a living or not.

The recording for this class that was live on Feb. 18th is now available!

To receive the recording, send $22 at my website payment link here:

A Time of Remembrance

A Time of Remembrance

Welcome to the winter solstice gateway! This is a sentimental, festive part of the year, a time for  gatherings and celebration. But it is also a cycle for solitude, reflection and review as we make our way towards the end of the year. 2024 will open up as a crossroads for many. Your soul is guiding you in your new life trajectory. Are you listening? It’s important to pay attention to the intuitive awareness that will direct you as many are finally “turning the corner” on an old reality and beginning one they have been dreaming into being for the last decade or more!

Tests are part of this crossroad junction. Stay true to your soul and be willing to let go of anything inauthentic to your journey–old patterns, beliefs, jobs, relationships…or anything that no longer serves. Release all that you’re tied to only out of obligation, familiarity, or fear of not being safe or comfortable. The way forward is through finding the energy of what you desire on an internal level.

For those of us ready, we can regularly access and maintain those frequencies like love, peace, security, joy, connection and so much more, on the inside. This is how these energies and our soul level desires can continuously manifest in our personal realities. Many already have this level of mastery. If needed, use the spiritual/healing tools and practices that can help you continue to move into those higher energy states that support the creative dreams on your new life pathway.

It is from this place of being that we are all able to step up into our soul’s mission work or expand upon it. This is how we spread our light, gifts and codes into the changing world! If you want the upgraded soul’s purpose reality, it’s necessary to embody it first before it can be offered to others.

This is when the choice is truly made to align with and live in the new earth reality timeline with the rest of the ascending collective. When this happens, everything opens up to you. There’s often a greater sense of passion, flow, ease, grace, and fulfillment. Wonder and awe can be felt in even the most mundane experiences. You’ll often feel a sense of equanimity here, with no attachment to particular outcomes. There’s no grasping or pushing anything away, just a deep surrender to and acceptance of what is.

And there is also a remembrance of who you really are and why you’ve incarnated this time around. From this point forward there is no turning back! Even with the awareness of living on a planet that is increasingly lightening up yet still shrouded in darkness, those of us who have prepared are beginning our deepest work here. It involves assisting this planet and all inhabitants who desire to stay and be part of it, to move into balance, harmony and oneness.

If you don’t know it already, your remembrance activates the full revelation of what you are meant to do, express or be at this time, along with the process of how to go about it. For many of you who have been confused or unsure, this is when all of the pieces of the puzzle easily fall into place.

This is why the time and space for inward reflection at the end of this year is essential in order to receive all the downloads from your higher selves and divine directions for going forward. If you have concerns that it’s not yet time for you to step onto your new life path, just know that if you are reading this post, you are closer than you think to being ready.

In either case, ready or not, this entryway to the winter solstice time is the perfect occasion for further self-discovery, nurturing, gratefulness, enjoyment and most importantly, celebrating all that you’ve created thus far. It has been an extraordinary and challenging journey. And that has served you in getting to the launching point of where you are today!

Many Blessings and Happy Holiday Time! With love, Heather 🙂

I am offering a HOLIDAY special on private sessions through the end of the year: $75 for a half hour, $111 for 45 min and $122 for an hour. Email me at [email protected] to book your session. If you book your session before the end of the year, you can also schedule it for a day or time in the first half of January at these discounted rates!!

The artwork pictured below was created by Lauren Zimmerman. It is called, “Love into Beingness,” and exemplifies many of the themes I’ve shared in this post.


Empowering the Feminine

Empowering the Feminine

We are in an in-between time, since the last Aquarian new moon and before the full moon in Leo next week. This period offers us opportunities to honor ourselves, make leaps forward, and ponder ways to use our spiritual gifts to transcend lower timelines and obstacles.
