April 2012 Newsletter

Hang onto your hats! The winds of change are blowing through this solar spring and many of us are feeling emotionally raw. There are many different emotions lifting out of mass consciousness and the Earth’s aura, which leaves us feeling the varying arrays of sorrow/grief, anger/rage, hopelessness, and intolerance. We are particularly feeling the depth of loss as we leave our old lives and realities behind and head into a completely different way of living and world.

The anger is related to the stifled feelings of oppression and victimization that have preyed upon our society and culture since the beginning of time. The hopeless feelings are tied into the fear of where we are headed and the doom and gloom prophecies that have plagued us over the last century. Intolerance and hatred is heightened in those previously u nconscious of their emotional state, as well as those resisting the change of moving into love/unity consciousness which is the basis of the 5th dimensional shift. For those of us who are empathically sensitive, which is more of us with each passing day, we should be even more mindful of our tendency to pick up on the heavy emotions above, including the hatred that others and are worldly environment are carrying. We can clear these vibrations through this awareness and our willingness to let it go.

With these emotions, there is also a lot going on physically. Heart pain, inflammation/tension in any area of the body is possible, insomnia or oversleeping, chronic fatigue and pain are all highlighted as our body responds to the change in the Earth’s magnetics with our sun’s continual solar flare and storm activity. With sleep/wake cycle changes, the source of the imbalance originated with the altered communication between the Moon and the Earth, due to the solar eruptions. Any kind of medicine or activity that can help soothe or calm the physical body and mind will be helpful right now. I would recommend acupuncture, massage, nutritional support and extra hydration, yoga, and energywork to help the body stay comforted and as balanced as possible. I am further emphasizing the need to drink even more water than you think you need! Our physical bodies are changing on a cellular level and we need extra water to be both a conductor and cushion for this transformation. Spend as much time as you can grounding and being outside. Let Mother Earth, in her further evolved state, help nurture and comfort you, as well as role model to your energy fields what you need to make your personal shifts. Walks, hikes, camping, gardening, swimming, or even sitting outside and soaking up the sun (especially our massive, blazing, energetic oven that is totally influencing us to transform on all levels whether we want to or not) are all simple activities to allow this to happen.

And speaking of this windy time both emotionally and physically, all of this solar activity affecting our Sun and Earth also affects the weather/climate. There will likely be more powerful winds and storms crashing through this spring/summer. We will get more precipitation than is normal for this time of year. Mother Earth has revealed that these winds of change are necessary to support a lifestyle shift more easily and quickly as a collective, advancing our evolution in right timing.

It is a great time for everyone in the U.S., particularly californians, to express your appreciation and gratitude to Earth and the area you live in for all you have received, the beauty and the bounty. I recommend feeling humbled by all you have in your life, including the experiences for growth, and the way its been done since the beginning of the shift. I see that it has all happened with utmost grace and ease for all living beings. We can be grateful it has gone the simplest and safest, especially for most in the U.S. I also think it’s a good idea to feel the compassion and gratitude as you reflect on the overwhelmingly, large-scale natural disasters that have mainly occurred outside the U.S. over the last decade. Send out this beautiful energy in the form of your choosing: prayer, meditation, intentions, mantras, creativity/artistic expression, physical offerrings, or any other methods that resonate with you.

We are all moving into a new lifestyle–one that will affect how we spend our leisure time (or what leisure even means to us), how we “work”, what our life priorities are, and what we spend our money on. It is time to let go of those comfortable familiars, especially all the “extras” we have that we don’t need. If we at least let go of our emotional attachment to the many unnecessary consumptions, we won’t be forced to lose them or have them taken away in a traumatic manner. Especially for those with addictions to material possessions, think about how you can keep things simple and how the simpleness is enough. Learn to have contentment and peace without all your things.

Most of all, let go of resistance to change. Ask yourself, what is not working in my life right now? This is where your spiritual work and healing should be focused. Look at your life difficulties and discover the point of origin–your resistance to change. For everyone it is different. It could be a longstanding emotional issue, it could involve stepping into your power and standing up for yourself, letting go of material objects/financial security to promote freedom and generosity, or releasing relationships that create excessive baggage, unhealthy attachments and desire. It could be about leaping into the unknown…Whatever it is, it is time to work on it, shift it, and move into a more evolved stance–one that supports your overall health, wellbeing, and happiness. Afterall, we are in this life to actually enJOY ourselves and have FUN! We spend way too much time being serious. For me, this message finds ways of sneaking into my everyday life. So often lately, while I am working on the farm, a six year old can be heard calling out, “Hey Heather, want to play now? Hey Heather, lets go play with the goats!” I have to tell her all too often that I am working now and will have to play later.

We are being impacted by the great uncertainty of these times paired up with a rollercoaster ride in life events. For many, one day may seem completely usual and typical, with easy balance and flow, while the next brings conflict and doubt, sprinkled with an inability to predict what tomorrow will bring. We may experience these rollercoaster events in conjunction with our emotions as well, where one day we are feeling love/joy/bliss and the next devastating sorrow and despair. The same goes for fear/panic/anger, versus tolerance/compassion/courage. You might notice this in the people around you, even if you have felt like the stable one. There is a definite Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sydrome happening. Perhaps you’ve been having issues with someone who has been demanding and offensive with unclear or confusing communication one day, while the next he/she is expressing appreciation and friendliness, and interactions are harmonious and crystal clear. What’s the deal? Its about the overlapping of the dimensions–many are still vacillating between the 3rd-5th on a regular basis, and different aspects of our being are in different dimensions simultaneously, even though collectively we are in the 4th. The veils to the 5th and beyond are thinning more and more each day, so much that for many who have remained entrenched in the 3rd, the vacillation is clashing unbearably. Think nails on the chalkboard excruciation. This is part of what we need to hang in there on and be patient with as we will continue to move forward collectively. It helps to just roll with the daily or even hourly or minutely changes, flips, and switches. Again, let go of resistance. It helps to ride these 360 degree turns like you would a wave while surfing. Just go with it, and stay present in each and every moment. If not, you will miss the gifts that are subtlely offered in circumstances you would otherwise view as unfortuante. And you might miss life’s blessings too.

I know in my own life, I have experienced all of the above. And this most intuitives will find true right now–even if your intuition was correct about something originally, even just a day or two ago, that can quickly change. I am not talking about giving readings here, this is just simple everyday living and decision making. You may have made a wise choice at that time (whether an hour ago or months ago), and then come to find out that things are no longer as they appeared. We are currently living on a farm that we contracted to work on for 8 months. I noticed a huge shift in the land for the better since we’ve been here, as well as the lightning speed at which we are learning what we need to continue towards our own long term goal of self-sustainable living and my partner’s to create it as his livelihood. It has only been 3 weeks but things have shifted so that we are on a trial-basis when it comes to whether or not we will be staying for the full eight months. Things could swing in either direction and we may find ourselves going somewhere else to finish the learning that we need to fulfill our soul’s purpose. The following information is for everyone out there right now: Especially when it comes to situations that involve groups, there is an unspoken contract around growth and evolution, but it is up to individual people in those groups, through their own free will, to decide whether they want to shift or not. If they turn down the opportunity to grow and heal, the previous potential for harmony and well-being may fall away or end, leading those who embrace change and growth to need to move on. But this is where the blessings in disguise fall into place…There are new doors of potent possibility opening for everyone, and we have been given a free ticket to move on whenever we want to, if we want to, where previously that was not the case. This gives us the opportunity to learn new and needed skills in a way and an environment that will adequately support our physical needs and spiritual evolution.

Announcements & Upcoming Classes/Email meditations
If you missed the 2012 Teleconference Classes, you can now access one or both of the recordings. The first class addressed health issues, relationships, money, soul’s purpose, time changes, manifestation/creation in the 5th dimension, and the meaning behind “loss” in these times. The second class also addressed health and soul’s purpose, but focused a lot on Earth changes and Earth’s role in the shift. There was much revealed about the big picture reasons behind the more frequent natural disasters, environmental issues, including the increasing solar storms and EMF’s. The cost is $20 per class. Email me at [email protected] to receive the recording(s) and pay at www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm. All credit cards are accepted.

I am now doing monthly meditations sent via email to assist all with staying in balance during these changing times. The first one starts at the end of this month! Each month, the energywork will address the themes of that month depending on what is going on with the transformational energies and the world. If interested, let me know. The cost is now just $6 per month to receive them monthly, or $10 each (in which case you let me know when you want to receive one).

Lastly, I am now available for private sessions!

A Redwood Healing & Nature’s Lullaby
These Energy activations will occur to the degree your soul chooses if you intend it. The shifts in energy will be assisted by the Redwoods and Conifers of Northern California, the 5th dimensional Nature Spirits, the plants and birds. For the best results of these activations, I invite you to read this whole section through, and then find your favorite place in nature to receive them, whether under a tree, in a relaxing meadow or on a mountaintop. As you sit there, send out those vibrations of love, gratitude and humility with regard to your place of living on this Earth in the form of your choosing as I discussed in the first section. As you do this, the Redwoods and Conifers, plants, and birds will mirror to you an energy that will support you in letting go of resistance to change and a greater ability to go with the flow.

The first energy activation will lend a hand in lifting out the heavy emotional turmoil being experienced, whether its sorrow, anger, hopelessness, intolerance or hatred. I will ask the 5th Dimensional Nature Spirits in working with the powerful plant energy to assist us in fulling releasing these energies while remaining grounded and balanced as we FEEL our way through them.

I now ask Mother Earth in her highest vibrational state, along with the 5th Dimensional Nature Spirits and plants to bring in a calming, soothing energy for our physical bodies during this transformational time. While we are soothed and bathed in this comforting energy, I ask each of our higher selves to bring forth the appropriate energies to flush out any empathic vibrations that we have been picking up on collectively. As this is occuring, I am asking the sacred geometric patterns of compassion to be activated within us to complete the clearing.

In the long sentence below, pick the word or word(s) that jump out at you, or that you may even think you see but is really not there. Each of them is infused with an energy that will assist you in healing an area of physical disfunction. The word also represents what you can do to help yourself feel better multidimensionally during this time.

Now the Redwoods are downloading their wisdom with letting go of what is familiar and shifting into a new lifestyle, as they have seen & allowed many changes in their hundreds of years of existence. The Nature Spirits will work with you on this lifestyle change as well, helping you to change the way you “work”, bringing more joy and ease with work, and less hours needed to get it all done.

Lastly, The Nature Kingdom, including the Stars, Moon, Redwoods & Earth would like to sing you a lullaby to bring more abundance in all forms as well as to balance the sleep/wake cycles in the physical body.

chorus (to be repeated after every verse):




With love & peace,

Heather & The Nature Kingdom

If you feel this newsletter has served you, you can now donate on my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can sign up to keep receiving them at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com.

I encourage those who feel called to leave comments on my blog, helping to invite others to partake of this free service. For any personal comments, feel free to email me.

                                    AN INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION
                            By Heather Green, Animal Communicator
           As an Animal Communicator and Healer, I have spent many 
years listening to and understanding the subtleties of the personalities    
and energy systems of horses. Over time, I have discovered new 
ways to communicate with these highly sensitive and psychic beings on a deeper level,
and work with energy in such a way as to benefit their lives on a body, mind, and spirit level. You 
don’t have to have a  special gift, interest, or any training in energywork modalities such as Reiki or  
Pranic Healing to use these tools and techniques. It is my intent to pass this information on, so many 
horse owners can finally see the results they have desired for their horses.

          First of all, as many horse owners already know, it is important to be aware of the fact that a human’s energy greatly affects a horse’s behavior and well-being, both in and out of the saddle.  This means that if a human is feeling anxious, ungrounded, insecure, angry, or stressed, the horse will pick up on it and often act it out. This is the basis for behaviors such as pacing in stalls, running  away when you want to halter them, and bolting off, rearing up, or kicking out while saddling or riding. Therefore, becoming calm, centered and grounded is a primary step to take before any interaction with your horse is attempted—whether it’s to communicate, do groundwork, make a visit to their stall, or take them out to ride.

While in the process of getting grounded and calm, especially with the hectic schedules and lives we all lead, instead of stuffing or trying to force thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations out of your mind and body, I recommend noticing them.  Before heading off to your horse, take a moment to tune into your body, and become aware of what is going on inside of you.  You might want to bring your focus to the area of your head and work all the way down to your feet, becoming aware of what is going on in each body area. A certain area of your body might jump out at you as needing attention. You could start there and work your way around your whole body. The process takes only a few minutes, and you may receive information in the form of physical sensations such as pain or pressure, emotions, thoughts or words, pictures, colors, or even symbols.  There is nothing you need to do with this information. Simply breathe and be present with it for another minute more.
As you do this, the sensations, thoughts, or emotions should lighten or shift, allowing you to feel more calm, centered, and grounded.  At this point, even if you are still very aware of your internal experience, it is safe to spend time with your horse, because it is unlikely he will pick up on your energies now that you are actively processing them through your awareness.
This is also the first step in beginning to communicate with your horse. Once you have already received information about what is going on within you, you are now opened up to access information about what is going on with your horse.  As you interact with your horse during all the activities you do together, you might have questions for him or her. Perhaps you want to know how he is feeling today or why he went around the jump in the arena instead of over it.  To ask these questions, imagine sending the thoughts or words from your mind to the center of your horse’s forehead. You can also send your horse an image of what you are trying to explain, for example, by picturing in your mind the horse going around the jump instead of over it.  Sending images gives you the best chance at success, because animals think primarily in pictures. At the same time as you send this information to your horse, speak the questions out loud.  If your horse has fully received your question he will lick and chew. Give him a few moments to do this, as sometimes there is a delay because he is processing the information.
In addition, you can send your horse requests, thoughts, feedback, or emotions exactly the same way as you did with the questions above. If you want your horse to go over the jump in the arena, picture in your head what you want him to do and say the words. You can also send love or gratitude from your heart to his, or simply send the words of your request, whatever it is, from your mind to his.
After you have sent your question or message to your horse telepathically, through this mind to mind transmission, you can now open up to receive his response.  For beginners, the easiest way to receive messages is by tuning into your body. This time you will tune in with the intent of using your body as a sensing tool for receiving your horse’s messages. Since you have already tuned into your body before interacting with your horse, you know what is going on with you.  This is an important step that helps prevent confusing your own internal messages with your horse’s messages. Face your horse and go within, focusing on each body part again, with special emphasis on the area just inside your forehead.  Again, go with your first hit. What do you feel, sense, see, hear, or know as you tune into your body? Do you receive a picture, word, sound, or symbol? If you are confused by what you receive, take a deep breath and ask for more clarity. The information should then make more sense. If you asked your horse how he was doing today and received a picture of him running and bucking as he does when he is turned out and having a good time, you can assume the picture means he is well, or even that he’d like to do this now. Let’s say you asked why he didn’t go over the jump in the arena. If you received a picture of his feet, or the words, “it hurts,” or the physical sensation of pain in your feet or another area of your body, that is your answer. Begin checking in with his feet, or another area of his body that you picked up on. Is he sore? Did he have new shoes placed recently, is there something else wrong? You would do the same for any other kind of information you might receive. If you envision him doing some other activity or being back in his stall eating, it is possible he could be bored, tired, hungry, or all three of these.
Once you have deepened the connection with your horse through sending and receiving messages, it is then time to apply the energy techniques. When it comes to using energy to help your horse, the most important thing to remember is to be dedicated to your own personal growth and development. Even highly trained and experienced horse people will have issues with horses from time to time if they are not aware of their own problems or life challenges. Become aware of where your weakness lies when you tune into your body in the procedure I explained above. Then follow up by participating in activities that help you become stronger, whether it is through meditation, yoga, energy healing, psychotherapy, or any kind of healing or spiritual practice, whether alternative or mainstream in origin.
 Many behavior and riding challenges arise due to issues with control, power, trust, and boundaries. Our horses often have life issues that mirror our own. When you gain a certain level of personal mastery in these problem areas, you will be able to role model this energy to your horse through your own energy fields or aura, thereby influencing him for the better.  For example, as you develop more self-control, self-trust, empowerment, and healthy boundaries in your own life, you will naturally radiate these energies in your fields, and your horse will respond more appropriately by trusting you, letting you lead, and respecting your space.  When it comes to unwavering emotional or behavioral issues and physical illness, it helps to use some hands-on techniques.
Many of us are already natural healers, and the chakras, otherwise known as  energy centers, in our hands are opened and ready for use. But we are living in a time when the universal life force energy is readily available and flowing through each one of us. We can utilize this energy for the best results in health and wellness. To access the universal flow, tune into the area just above your head. With your intent, allow this chakra to release the life force energy through each energy center in the body. As these centers are cleared, you are ready for hands-on work.
Through your intent and willingness, you can place your hands on any area of your horse’s body that carries illness, pain, or emotional suffering. The life force energy that is now flowing through your hands will enter your horse. You will notice that your hands begin to feel hot or cool and tingly. Either one is appropriate. Keep your hands in that area, until the sensation diminishes or disappear. When you finish, tune into the area above your head and ask for a flush of universal energy to clear all of your energy fields. Thereafter, any energies that you have picked up from your horse through the healing process will not become stuck within you.
Another easy energy technique available is working with sacred geometry.  Sacred geometry are geometric configurations of shapes in the universal energy that are infused with specific vibrations to heal, manifest intentions, and bring in personal mastery.  They are called sacred because each side is the same size, and all matter and form in nature is made up of these shapes.  With your intent, ask that the appropriate sacred geometric shapes be placed in the right order and number for mastery with a certain life task, for example, trust, empowerment, or boundaries, for you or your horse. You can also ask that they be placed in any areas of the physical body that need healing. You should feel a shift within yourself, or notice your horse begin to move or walk away, signaling that the shift has occurred.
When it comes to communicating and using energywork with horses, neither process leads to success overnight. I recommend that both humans and horses see a licensed medical professional or veterinarian in addition to using these skills for any health issues. With all life challenges, it takes hard work, dedication, patience, and persistence to see big changes on a body, mind, or spirit level. Use these skills and techniques on a regular basis for the best results. Each time we open up the lines of communication with our horses through practice in sending and receiving messages, and through working with energy, we are connecting with them on a deeper level.  This connection allows us to better understand them, helps them respond to us quicker and easier, and gives us more information on how we can help them heal, as well as heal ourselves in the process.

March 2012 Newsletter: The Sweetness of Spring

The Sweetness of Spring
Wow. Can you believe we are here? Can you believe it’s finally time? Much like the movie “The Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy, the scarecrow, tinman, and lion arrive in Oz after their long journey, many of us are at long last reaching our personal destinations after such arduous challenges. And with this time, comes the diminishing of the harsh, dark, cold and bitter time of winter. We are truly coming into a vital, fresh, fertile, and new beginning in our lives and in the world. Although, it seems as though we have not been able to fully feel it or come to terms with it yet.

That’s okay, give yourself time to adjust. Like a prisoner who is finally let loose after years of being locked up, for sometime after, he or she acts as though still living in that small, dark, limited cell. And after being in the darkness for so long, the eyes have to acclimate to the light. So remember this if your personal reality is currently a struggle. You have already reached your destination. You just don’t know it yet, but you will. And then you will be off for the next destination which will take you through the end of 2012 and beyond.

Lets address the challenges first. Over the last couple of months many of us on the front lines as lightworkers have been tested beyond our capacities. Our feet have been held to the flames as our greatest fears, losses, and life lessons have come to a head. We had no other choice but to get through it. And it wasn’t easy. Some of us have been traumatized in the process but the important thing to know is that it is done. We have passed the test. All the invisible helpers are patching us back up as we are sent back out on our way to help humanity and the world again. The darkness did rear its ugly head in an attempt to prevent us from doing what we came here to do. But as usual, we triumphed. We will continue to do so. Reflect on the Wizard of Oz movie. Dorothy has a goal to get back home again. Her friends that walk the yellow brick road with her are her greatest strengths. She has the good witch of the North on her side to help out when circumstances are beyond her control. The wicked witch of the west is nothing other than the obstacles on her path, which give her the opportunity to harness all her strengths,trust, and empowerment to overcome them.

Isn’t this true for us? What qualities have we already cultivated that can be used on our own personal yellow brick roads? Do we have compassion, courage, or inner strength? Are we resourceful, kind, intuitive or tenacious? The good witch in our world are all the spirits watching over and sending love to Earth and us during the transformative time. It is also the grace of God or the great spirit. Can we trust that we can only do our best and that the divine will step in when we need it? We have doubted this assistance because of the impact of karma that left us feeling hurt and abandoned for so many lifetimes. For those on the front lines, that karma is clearing, and we are now living a more instant karma. We can therefore fully trust in the divine’s protection. And life’s hardships are just obstacles. You are on the edge of or have finished mastering what you has kept you trapped, but as you reach one goal, be aware there are always new ones to take the place of the old ones . Such is life, there is always something to help us learn and grow. This is true for all of it, your big or small personal issues–health, relationships, money, career, emotional problems, and the worldly troubles–politics, goverment, the economy, the environment, including the huge shifts in electro-magnetics and not to mention, it’s that time again, mercury retrograde. The important thing to change is our perspective on how we view these challenges or obstacles. If all else fails, don’t beat yourself up, simply FEEL your way through life’s challenges. That is how it will be different in the 5th dimension. There will always be needed change, and with that comes the need for growth. But we will begin to feel contentment and joy instead of suffering in the process.

I want to take a detour here, and discuss some of the changes in our physical world, since they have been so huge at the end of last month into this one. First of all, the first week or so of March brought a full moon, many solar flares, storms, and CME’s which have greatly impacted us. The good news is that they were strong enough to affect power grids and technology infrastructures, but did little to no damage there. I also see that the Earth has handled the transformation of our sun with utmost grace and support (for the the sun and our benefit). The electro-magnetics of Earth were affected however, and that is why many of us felt irritable, confused, had fatigue or physical body pain, headaches, etc. On top of this, the Electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF’s) that are so widely prevalent no matter where we live in the world (or whether we have a cell phone or computer) can cause a disruption in our energy fields. That is why it’s so important to do what we can to stay in bal ance every day. Do what is needed to clear your fields, too. Take salt baths or swim in the ocean, spend time in direct contact with Earth (by laying on a beach or on the grass), use crystals and devices to block heavy energies from technological devices. Kelp and seaweed are good supplements to help clear toxic energies and radiation from our environment. I will include energywork in the Activation section to help protect our fields from unhealthy toxins. The other good news is that we can use all the above phenomenon to help us shift. Instead of looking at these happenings with dread or anger, use them to increase your awareness of your true feelings, issues, health, and to take proactive steps for your health and the environment in general. We are getting closer to a better way to use and live with technology. Think solar! And in the midst of all of this, are the spiritual downloads coming from all the changes in the cosmos, which are helping us expand our consciousness o n a daily basis. This is another piece of good news, we can always be grateful for this, even if we don’t feel like our normal selves while it’s all occurring. Since its mercury retrograde, use the time from now until this first week in April, to reflect, meditate, and heal. That is what this time is for.

For those new to the awakening process, which will increase substantially from now until the end of the summer, it is time to be accountable for your life and to look at it honestly. What are your issues? What has become impossible to avoid right now? Like when Dorothy arrives in Oz and meets the fraudulent wizard, you are beginning to see the truth. What needs revealing in your life? Where have you been fooled or scammed? Have you given away your power to other spiritual teachers, leaders, or religions? This has only been a lesson of reclaiming what has been yours all along. Let go of old ways of coping and reacting to your pain. Blaming others, self-sabotage, lashing out, attacking, and remaining stuck in your problems clashes with the new energy paradigm. Remaining stagnant in these old ways can prevent you from moving forward in your life. Put down the weapons. Everything that you see and experience in your life is a reflection of what is going on within you. If you feel someone has done you wrong, let you down, or abandoned you, ask yourself how you have done this to yourself? Does it feel as though your life is falling apart, that you have been unable to overcome loss or lack? Loss is about letting go of attachment to others and things, and connecting to the essence inside of you, the love and light that is always there. We no longer need money or people to teach us how to find true abundance through the love, wisdom, and power at our core. We can build up these energies and locate them again through healing old wounds related to not being loved, accepted, worthy, and safe.

Many are fearing the unknown right now. Depending on where we are on our paths, if it feels like the R.E.M. song, “Its the end of the world (as we know it),” it is. We are letting go of what no longer serves us. To further illustrate this point, I will share a life-changing dream I had several years ago. I was in my bedroom, sitting atop my bed. A huge tornado came through the house, shaking the core foundation. Everything was stripped bare in the room, including the bed and walls. I just clung to the bed, there was no time to take shelter. A healer I had been working with at the time was there with me, and although her presence was comforting to me, I was still scared. But I knew I was safe. I knew everything was going to be alright, even better than alright when this storm was over. At last, the walls in the room collapsed and there was nothing left. The storm had passed and all was silent. Then I became overcome with excitement and the kind of inspiration that foreshadows a desire to create something new. I remember being so glad it had all happened because now I could truly create whatever I wanted, instead of go along with the status quo. I began to rebuild new walls and paint them teal, the color of my choosing. As you journey through the winds of change and the levels of enlightenment, let go. You are safe. You are right where you need to be. Even though it feels scary, this time of transformation will ultimately bring you freedom from suffering.

Going back to the beginning again, the sweetness of spring is here. We have arrived in the wonderful land of Oz. It is an abundant, fresh new start for all of us. Use the energy of mercury retrograde to wrap up the old in your life so you can see the beauty of the oasis that is in front of you. It is in perfect timing as the Easter holiday is right at the end of mercury retrograde this year. Many of us will finally begin to live the dreams we have worked for over the years, especially over 2010 & 2011. From the spring equinox into the summer months, we will all see many beneficial changes manifest in our personal lives and in the world. Collective humanity will make huge leaps and bounds forward. Whether you are living your dreams or not, it’s time to sow the seeds of your future. Spring is a fertile time, the renewal of Earth after winter, a time for birth and growth. The classical symbol of the egg is about the return of the sun’s nurturance and warmth, the resurrection and redemption that we have been waiting for. If you celebrate this time in a religious service, prayer, or ritual, don new clothes, or color Easter eggs, decide what you want to achieve over the next few months. What do you want to bring into your life? Connect and honor Earth, ask for her help as you move into the next level of your evolution. And most of all, as Dorothy says, “There is no place like home.” You have it inside of you, you have always had the power to get home on your own. But sometimes we have to experience the duality of Oz to learn the lessons that help us realize this.
A Healing Meditation For Spring
These Energy activations will occur to the degree your soul chooses if you intend it. For all of you who wished to receive a free sample of what my monthly email meditations will be like, here is the first one for the month of March. Please excuse any technological glitches & voice hesitation. This was my first time recording AND Mercury retrograde. But all the energy is there and it is clear! It’s about 13 minutes long. Listen as many times as needed in March. Click on the link below to listen to the meditation:

Heather, The Nature Spirits, Mother Earth, and the newsletter guides.

If you feel this newsletter has served you, you can now donate on my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can sign up to keep receiving them at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com.

I encourage those who feel called to leave comments on my blog, helping to invite others to partake of this free service. For any personal comments, feel free to email me.
Announcements & Upcoming Classes/Email meditations
If you missed the 2012 Teleconference Classes, you can now access one or both of the recordings. The first class addressed health issues, relationships, money, soul’s purpose, time changes, manifestation/creation in the 5th dimension, and the meaning behind “loss” in these times. The second class also addressed health and soul’s purpose, but focused a lot on Earth changes and Earth’s role in the shift. There was much revealed about the big picture reasons behind the more frequent natural disasters, environmental issues, including the increasing solar storms and EMF’s. The cost is $20 per class. Email me at [email protected] to receive the recording(s) and pay at www.tealhealing.com/payment.htm. All credit cards are accepted.

I will be doing monthly meditations sent via email to assist all in staying in balance during these changing times. Each month, the energywork will address the themes of that month depending on what is going on with the transformational energies and the world. If interested, let me know. The cost will be $10 per month to receive them monthly, or $15 each (in which case you let me know when you want to receive one). I will send out a free one for all to sample by the end of this month or in April.

Lastly, I am moving to Northern Cali at the end of the month. I will be unavailable for private sessions between March 27th-Mid April. During that time, please contact me by email to set up future appointments, sign up for classes, and/or meditations.
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Now available…Monthly email meditations for staying in balance thru 2016!

Are you feeling overwhelmed or off balance these days with all that is changing in the world, the environment/climate, and the powerful evolutionary energies affecting all of us on a body, mind & spirit level? I am offering 10-15 min. email meditations specifically made to help you stay in balance each month with all of the energetic changes thru 2016. They can help you improve your health, physical comfort, emotional well-being, relationships, energy levels, personal issues, and quality of sleep. 

Here’s a sample meditation: https://app.box.com/s/ihcq677s3cenz8l28v8w8d761njgitdg

From Teri K.: I am amazed at how much these meditations mirror what’s going on for me. They’ve helped me heal and change my life. Thank you, Heather!

Questions? Email me at [email protected].

The subscription cost is $6 per month or $50 for a year. For $10 as needed, you can email me when you want one to help you get back into balance. 
To sign up  & BUY NOW: www.tealhealing.com/books-products.htm

By Heather Green, Animal Communicator and Healer
     As the world changes in these present times, we are learning more about the animal and nature kingdoms, and how we are all more alike than it seems.  Before I knew I was an Animal Communicator, I was training to do Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL), a program where humans and horses are brought together to promote personal growth and development.  During this training, I met a horse named Misty who taught me ways humans can help fulfill the similar needs and desires of horses, leading to better health and well-being.

      I liked Misty from the first moment I saw her.  She was a conscious, highly intelligent, and feisty fourteen hand, Quarterhorse paint.  The EFEL leaders told me she was abused by an old-fashioned cowboy who rode her without mercy.  When she came to live with the owner who gave her to the healing ranch, Misty was bony thin, depressed, and covered in whip marks.  
     The new owner, Linda, spent plenty of time with her.  She gave her extra space to roam, a comforting touch, and nurturing. They spent time being together, without an agenda.  Linda often talked to her in her paddock, groomed her, or sat out in the pasture with her while reading.  She also slowly introduced Misty to her own herd of horses, never putting them in the same area together in the beginning.
     Because Misty had all of this extra time to run free in the pasture, without the pressure of finding her place with the other horses or providing any kind of service for humans, she began to heal and get in touch with her own spirituality.  She was able to reconnect to Mother Earth again, find healing and grounding for herself in this most natural way.  As I stood before her now, I visualized that divine re-connection as a cascade of white energy filtering through her crown.  Misty walked purposefully in front of me, her head held high with dignity and self worth, not out of fear.  I knew she had come a long way to achieve this level of empowerment.
     Return of spirituality in horses is something humankind can work towards to benefit them on a body, mind, and spirit level.  Giving horses the time and space to simply be, takes them out of their role as our friend or servant, and allows them the chance to discover their true identity and passion.  
      Misty’s connection to her passion was apparent in our conversation.  She leaned forward, looked into my eyes, and I heard the words, “I want what you want,” in my head.  At that time of my life I was single, but I knew instinctively she was talking about my desire for a boyfriend.  She spun around in the small round pen, looking off in all directions as if to show me that he was out there somewhere.  As I tuned into my body in her presence, I felt the love and longing in my heart that I knew was also in hers.  I saw a picture in my mind of a family of horses—two adults and a filly or colt.   
     Unlike humans, horses are not able to choose the kind of life they are going to live. We can help them by understanding that they have parallel necessities and wishes.  It is essential to honor their yearning to connect to their own spirit and species through giving them time, space, and a place to do so.  When we recognize the value of the choices we have about where to live, what we do for work, and who we have in our lives, whenever possible, we can begin to offer these preferences to our horses, too.