By Heather Green, Animal Communicator & Energy Healer
     Many horse lovers would agree that horses are our greatest teachers.  As an animal communicator and energy healer, I have experienced the way they pick up on our energy, read our minds, mirror our emotions and behavior patterns, and push us to overcome our self-imposed limits. We can heal ourselves and prevent illness and misbehavior in our horses if we pay attention to what they are revealing.

     Horses help us achieve personal mastery in the areas of courage, trust, confidence, and empowerment. These qualities are important to acquire in order to be successful with riding, as well as developing a healthy partnership with our horses. At the very least, riding is risky due to a horse’s instinctual nature, even for those of us with much experience under our belts. The more courage and trust we hold within ourselves, the more relaxed a horse will feel under us. As the horse picks up on a heightened level of self-trust, he becomes more trusting of us as well. The further development of these attributes allow our horses to more easily be able to keep us safe, have fun in our company, and be successful in riding activities.  
      On the contrary, if we are insecure or disempowered, the horse will pick up on it, and naturally take the lead or control all of our activities. This can cause frustration and disappointment with our relationship, because we may not be able to reach the goals we have set for ourselves, or at least not in the way we originally desired. As we shift the energy, becoming more confident and empowered through our dedication to regular groundwork with our horses and personal mastery through the many healing modalities available in our world, we can begin to establish the lead role in our relationships with our horses.
      Riding is a metaphor for helping us reach goals in other areas of our lives as well. The horse represents our instincts. If we want to get to the end result, our heart’s desire, we must be able to let go and believe in our horse every step of the way.  As we progress in our riding experience, our horses will still continue to show us where we need to grow. This can be understood when we consider someone who switches from pleasure riding to competition. He will need to move into a higher level of empowerment and confidence, and hold more defined boundaries with his horse. This will help him keep the focus, determination, and discipline needed with his horse, to see the results he desires in a repetitive routine, strenuous workout, and the often anxious and exciting environment of the performance arena.
     Our horses also teach us by mirroring the unhealthy behavior patterns we have with humans. This is frequently experienced by people with boundary and fear issues.  I worked with a woman named Sally who since the time she owned her horse, never asked him to back up and give her space when she fed or cared for him. She also didn’t feel safe around him, and feared he would hurt her. Within months, Sally had a pushy and demanding horse on her hands. When she reflected on her life, she realized she had the same problems with humans—often getting her toes stepped on or her space intruded upon. With this awareness, Sally started to heal her past. This involved releasing the behavior patterns she developed in response to being raised by a domineering father.  It wasn’t long before she got back her power, and had her boundaries respected by her horse. At first, Sally had to speak firmly and sometimes bring in a lunge whip when asking for space. But with the increase in her personal mastery, she carried a higher degree of empowerment in her energy field. The horse picked up on this and honored her space and requests. This did take time, and she saw the changes in her horse’s behavior come in stages, just like with her personal transformation.
     One of most overlooked and important ways horses teach us is through empathic sensitivity. This is the ability they have to hear our thoughts, pick up and act out our emotions, and feel our physical sensations. This can occur to the degree that horses (as well as other animals) can carry our illnesses, even to the point of death! The good news is that through awareness of our own issues, whether physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual in nature, we can take responsibility and get the treatment we need, so our horses don’t get sick.  
     Have you ever seen a horse that is normally calm, bolt off when a nervous rider gets on his back? How about a horse that rears up or pins his ears back when a certain person approaches? These are examples of how horses reflect fear, anger, and make attempts to hold their own boundaries.
     We can always count our blessings when we have horses in our lives to show us the many ways we need to grow, heal, and become more aware of our emotions and relationship dynamics. Sometimes horses will even show us the big picture of our lives when we can’t see the forest for the trees, often by misbehaving or getting sick when we are in abusive relationships or restricting jobs or living situations.  The key is to notice these signs and reflect on what is going on in our lives and with ourselves, so we can make changes, bettering our lives and theirs.


Summer Lovin’
So here we are, mid-way through summer, are we all exhausted yet? Since the summer solstice kick off in June, we have been receiving download after download of spiritual energy for healing and transformation. The powerful combo of downloads and solar flares have left most of us feeling depleted, tired, hung over, and unable to use our brains to speak or think clearly, much less get anything else done. It’s also mercury retrograde, which continues until about the 8th of August, and makes us feel even slower and unproductive. And we should be. If you can free up your schedules, this is a great time to participate in a meditation retreat, healing class, go on a vacation to relax, or just plain do nothing that involves any energy! It will be easier for all levels of your being to assimilate the energies, and particularl y with greater ease and comfort for the physical body.

Have you noticed the animals seem different? They are energetically ahead of us, and have shifted collectively to an alignment that looks similar to Earth’s. Pay attention to the messages you’ve been receiving from the animals, those direct and indirect. They are role-modeling to you how to live more harmoniously within yourselves and with others in your external world. You might notice they are acting out more or seem overly lethargic or uncomfortable physically or emotionally. This is part of their healing and assimilation of the energies as well. A normal routine and extra love and care will help them the most right now. Remember they can’t pop a latte or chocolate bar to wake up and feel better!

The children are following suit right behind the animals. They are picking up the shifts and processing the energy quicker than most adults. Adults have a way of letting the “mind” slow down the process. Children are more comfortable with their energy selves, the imagination, and the unconscious. It is always at the forefront of their lives. The sense of innocence, wonder, enchantment, and seeing the world in a new way everyday, is something for us to behold and adopt. Most of the children in our world today are upgraded, old souls who have come to help with the shift in consciousness. It is a good idea to look to them as our role models as well. No, they might not have the bills, responsibilities, duties, and everyday cares and concerns that we have, but just notice how they flow throughout their day and with the changes in energy. Notice how they live with or without structure, or what kind of environment they are naturally drawn to or repelled by. Notice how they “feel” wh at’s going on around them and make the necessary adjustments, even if it’s through a temper tantrum, hyperactivity, or falling asleep. They feel deeply and respond to their world in a real way, as we adults are still learning. They have an intolerance for what does not resonate with their souls. These are our world’s future leaders. They are natural leaders.

If you are a parent, now is a great time to show validation and acceptance for your children’s soul purpose, their gifts, and their core essence. To do this for our children, we must learn how to do it for ourselves. Many of us didn’t receive this growing up, and it is why we now have to heal and re-discover our self-truths. These children are already anchoring in the light and radiating their codes and grids, but need to be able to move into a higher level of service without delay the moment they reach adulthood. It is not their karma to have to heal/clear/release old wounds from this childhood lifetime and for most children, any other lifetime as well. They have come in void of karma. For those adults who have given birth to these kids, you will know I am speaking of those that have come through you. Make their passage in this world the easiest it can be, allow them to be who they are. As you allow them to be who they are, you will more easily discover who you are.

There is an energy currently working with our hearts, clearing all illusions about love–attachments, desires, needing, and longing. Allow this energy to work with you, bringing in more healthy, happy, co-creative relationships. Let those relationships ready to fall away, leave your life. If you try to hold onto them, they will still fall away, but often in a less graceful, difficult, even angst-producing way. This energy may bring up old wounds from the past–hurts, betrayals, losses, and abandonments. If you’ve felt like crying for no reason lately, this is what’s really going on with you. Know that these vibrations are clearing now, and any hurts/losses that are coming up in your current life are helping you to process all the hurts and pain from the past on the deepest level, so you can reach a higher level of mastery. Be with it. It will pass. And you will be lighter and more free thereafter.

As the summer unfolds into August and September, the intensity of the transformative energies continue. This is the time for reaching the pinnacle of our dreams. We can also make great strides toward what we want to manifest and create in our world. Connect to the new energies by following the joy, inspiration, and profound insights that come with deep rest during the period of mercury retrograde. When the time is right, we must take action and set our dreams/goals in motion, but it will no longer be as much of a struggle or effort as it has been. Keep on persevering, the winter solstice is not only a marker of our world’s great shift, but also of our own personal advancement, in the area of dreams. We must be true to our spiritual path and personal awakening, however. For those well aware of their goals/dreams, keep a balance of focus and will, without becoming obsessed or pushing too hard. Schedule regular down time. For those who haven’t a clue about dreams, the time aroun d the new moon in mid-August will bring clarity. Meditations and rituals in nature can help as well, particularly at night. It will also become essential for those previously unaware of dreams and goals, to shift gears and move towards callings. Living a mundane life, such as an unfulfilling job, career, a lifestyle or role in your families that no longer serves you will become unbearable.

As money continues to flow throughout this year to those working in spiritual areas, there will become more of an emphasis and need for healing practitioners and methods for helping the Earth. The Earth is well, but holding safe space and energy balancing for her as she releases energies, projections, and contracts with us and other species, will allow her to move forward in her spiritual development with greater ease, while at the same time benefitting our health and well-being. Crystal healing, energy balancing, gridwork, acupuncture and garden design through placing stones, rocks, and other pieces of the nature kingdom, like trees along the areas of Earth’s ley lines and energy systems, will be more supported socially and financially in the U.S. as it has been in Europe.

If you are having more aches and pains, chronic fatigue, or dis-ease, hang in there. The transformative energies working with your body will continue intensely through the end of the year. I offer energy healing with Crystalline Consciousness, the energy system of the 5th dimension, to help in this area. Also, regular exercise (even if you are tired), being directly outside on Earth, and any form of holistic medicine will help, as well as being completely in your physical container (yes, all the way in)! Many of us want to check out during this extraordinary time. But that just makes the healing and body processing even harder. Some of the biggest stuff, our most challenging lessons are in our faces right now. Give your body a break, and decide to go for it! Do your personal work. In just a few months, we can become completely different people, like 20 lifetimes of learning different! Imagine what you’ll do with your life then? Who will you become?

For all humans, it is beneficial to spend time in our around large bodies of water. This includes drinking more water! This isn’t just because it’s summer and hot, or if you are in Ojai, dry, dry, dry! There is a healing occurring with the divine feminine within all of us. The vast water element of the Earth, represents this feminine, emotional quality. Our Moon is working with the Earth to help us in this healing process, thus heightening the great mysteries and unknowns still needing to be tapped within us and our future’s. There are beneficial activities for helping us continue this process, and for helping the humans who have chosen female form, learn and role-model how to live empowered. They include: meditations and ceremony around water or anywhere directly on the Earth, healing/intuitive groups, women’s/men’s groups, lightworker networking, and any other water activities or sports. When we are near these balanced aspects of the Earth in conjunction with the Earth/Moon synergy, we are able to balance ourselves within.

Spirit has asked me to gather women. I am now forming women’s groups that will meet all along California’s coast, near the water. I will start with a group in Ojai/Ventura where I live, and then I will expand to meet with women in the areas of L.A., Orange County, San Luis Obispo, and Cambria/Big Sur. We will get together to support Earth in her evolutionary process, at her innermost feminine aspect, the ocean. Activities will include informal ceremony, with meditations and any energy offerings for Earth. I will also lead the group in receiving the healing/transformation from Earth to help heal and empower the divine feminine within each of us. If this calls to you, please contact me. I will send you more information about it, including when we will begin meeting. Even if you are from another area than I mentioned above, let me know and I will work to form a group in your area.

Goodnight Moon
These Energy Activations will occur to the degree your soul chooses if you intend it.

The first energy activation will help your physical body go back into balance with all the shifts, and to better assimilate the transformative energies with ease, comfort, and grace. This will help with pain, fatigue, dis-ease. For more serious illnesses or body issues, a private energy session is recommended.

Invite the nature spirit of your physical body to fully inhabit your physical form. Ask the human deva and Mother Earth to work with you to fully anchor in the life force/grounding energies for balance and wellness within the body. Allow the music of the spheres to play around any areas of your body that have been giving you trouble, expanding and allowing the energy to be assimilated with greater ease, and lifting off any pain, transmuting any unhealthy components.

Now delve into the world of childhood dreams and stories…Let the children show you the way through these next energy activations.

Pick one of the Children’s stories listed below based on the line from a book that resonates with you.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit: “Peter who was very naughty went straight into Mr. McGregor’s Garden,” by Beatrix Potter.

Goodnight Moon: …”In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon,” by Margaret Wise Brown.

Where the Wild Things Are: “And he sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks, and through a day and into the night of his very own room, where he found his supper waiting for him and it was still hot,” by Maurice Sendak.


“And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws,” by Maurice Sendak.

The Giving Tree: “And she loved a boy very, very much–even more than herself. And the boy loved the tree, so the tree was happy,” by Shel Silverstein.

Oh The Places You’ll Go: “You can get so confused,that you’ll start in down a long wiggled road at break-necking pace, and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space, headed I fear, toward a most useless place. The waiting place,” by Dr. Suess.


“Step with care and great tact and remember that life’s a great balancing act…Never forget to be dexterous and deft. Never mix your right foot with your left,” by Dr. Suess.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein: “Laurie danced with witches once, Charlie found some goblins gold, Susie spied an elf. All the magic I have known I had to make myself.”


“For the children, they mark, and the children, they know, the place where the sidewalk ends,” by shel Silverstein.

The meanings for you at this time in your life are listed below. As you read them, you receive the activation and mastery of this lesson to the degree you are ready for:

Peter Rabbit: Bring back your youthful curiosity, rebeliousness, and exploration of your world. This energy activation brings back your childhood innocence and spirit.

Goodnight Moon: Being in the now, the present, connects you to the new energies, the awareness of abundance in the world, and the connection of all beings. This activation helps with abundance and greater connection to all species.

Where The Wild Things Are: You are doing some deep healing work and working a lot in the other dimensions, in the World of Time. This energy activation will bring you back into balance in the physical world, and help you be more timely in your life.

Wild Things #2 quote: Your shadow is up for you right now. The heavier emotions are affecting you–fear, anger, grief. This energy activation helps them lift and activates the lessons behind them. It will help you see what you need to see.

The Giving Tree: You are learning about love and not to overextend or give so much to others that you sacrifice yourself. This energy activation helps with divine self-love.

Oh The Places You’ll Go: You are at a standstill in your life. A place for more healing, more meditation, and more insights before moving forward again. Rest. Don’t fight it or it’ll take longer. Be patient. In a few months you will be pushed ahead and then you can follow the flow. This energy activation will help with all of this.

Oh the Places #2 quote: You need more balance in your life, especially when you are really busy. This Energy activation will help you become aware of how to do that, how to plan your life, and make better use of your time.

Where The Sidewalk Ends: It’s time to step into your power. This energy activation will help you do it.

Where the Sidewalk #2 quote: Look to the children for your learning. You might want to consider working with children or having children of your own. It could also be that your own children really need you to understand them. This energy activation will help you be more open to all of the above.

Summer Blessings,

Heather, the newsletter guides, the nature spirits & Mother Earth

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I encourage those who feel called to leave comments on my blog, helping to invite others to partake of this free service. For any personal comments, feel free to email me.

Upcoming Classes/Email meditations
Here are my upcoming August classes. Scroll down to read them all here. Please visit my writing page atwww.tealhealing.blogspot.comfor more details, directions, how to pay & to sign up.

Align yourself with the new energies for success and healing in every life area at, ‘Living in The New Energy Paradigm,” August 11th from 10am-12pm at Indian Springs Ranch, 14300 Little Tujunga Canyon Rd, Sylmar, CA 91343. $20.

The July horse workshop in Ojai has been postponed. Dates and times to come for Aug. or Sept. If you are interested in this class, please email me. “Echoes of the Horse,” A Horses Healing Humans workshop. Let the horses reflect to you what you need to know to grow, heal, or change on a physical, mental/emotional, relational, or spiritual level. Leave what no longer serves you behind, and live a more successful life! You will also learn animal communication skills.

I will also be teaching a Horses Healing Humans workshop in Colorado on August 25th &26th for those in the area or those who want to travel. $150 each day or $250 for both.

Want to stay in balance & gain extra support with all that’s going on energetically during these changing times? Sign up for my monthly meditations sent via email. Each month, the energywork will address the themes of that month depending on what is going on. If interested, email me [email protected]. The cost is now just $6 per month to receive them monthly, or $10 each (in which case you let me know when you want to receive one).

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Living in the New Energy Paradigm
As we enter this new time of the season, summer, and a new time for planet Earth and all who live on her, it is important to start off by remembering all of life’s gifts. What has been a gift to you this year? These gifts may be physical or energetic in origin, and they may have been pleasant or unpleasant. Remember the unpleasant is not wrong or bad, it simply is. This is what living in the New Energy Paradigm is all about.

If you find yourself slipping back into 3rd dimension during this great time of change, with extreme amounts of energy blasting our planet, and all of us striving towards our very best–go back into the moments of the now. Focus on your contentment or peace in that moment. Breathe into the truth that everything is just as it should be and even better than alright. If that doesn’t shift you back into the 5th, remember what you are passionate about, and what brings you joy and gratitude. Then, feel it.

The above tool will become useful over the course of the next month. Anything that needs clearing will be rising to the surface of our awareness–our darkest shadows, deepest secrets, haunting fears, and looming insecurities. How will you deal with them? Take the time to look at them, and get the lesson behind why they’ve manifested in your life. You will then see them evaporate out of your life. Even the panic of seeing one of your worst attributes, or perhaps something in your past that might have harmed another greatly is nothing to fear any longer. Remember the darkness that is embraced through the light of awareness becomes your greatest strength. We’ve all learned through creating negative karma, and the beauty of this time is that we can finally clear it through forgiving ourselves and others, and letting go.

Everyone must do their “spiritual” work at this time, or we end up sick or with chaos in our external lives. Even the animals are being called to heal themselves multidimensionally. I have seen an increase in clients needing help for sick or stressed out animals. They are impacted by the transformational energies as well, and it is important to give them extra comfort and love at this time. Supportive, holistic therapies can be beneficial for their health and well-being.

Something to celebrate is that we have finally hit the jackpot in being able to call upon and work with the new energies at will to help reach our greatest hopes and dreams. This has been possible since 2010 and before for those working within the crystalline matrix, but many of us have been doing so much healing and assimilating of the new energies up until this point, that we have needed some down time to integrate first. Most of us can do it now. You can align yourself to these new energies simply through your intent. If you have difficulty, locate the crystalline system through your crystalline energy field within your electromagnetic field. You don’t have to know exactly where this is, your imagination and willingness will get you there. You should notice a nice, positive shift in energy when you do. Now call upon these new energies as your ally (as if calling up a friend to ask for help). If you’ve struggled with or been challenged by tasks or steps taken in the areas o f your dreams, goals, or soul’s purpose, you won’t have to do this anymore! But remember to ask for the alignment to happen, or you might continue to live things out through the drudgery of 3rd dimension.

I learned this lesson the hard way since getting back in Ojai, and making plans for my teaching schedule. Of course this involved some work with the mind, but I was spending too much time in my head space and forgot about feeling my way through it in the heart. I became confused and overwhelmed. A contract I have been waiting and wanting to fulfill since I had moved out to Ojai in 2010, being able to send the horses’ messages to horse owners, was about to be attempted again. I found myself coming up with the same ideas as last time, and so began to doubt and question them. What if I was unable to fulfill my contract and couldn’t reach these people? Was it a lack of connection to the conventional horse world due to my metaphysical background? I asked and received advice from horse people with experience in the old ways, but what really made the difference was realizing that it was now easier for most people to get the energy behind the words or physical appearance of anything being offered in our world right now. It was no longer about appealing to anyone’s minds. Those not interested, simply weren’t at a vibrational level to resonate with the material. I finally got the information that it was important that I align to the new energies completely, letting go of trying to do it the old way (through 3D), which was much slower and arduous. What a relief that has been!

So if you are in a similar situation, or have been confused, unsure, unclear, and having issues of self-doubt arise, align with the new energies and simply go into your heart space. This is your new information system and the doorway to your other chakras. Many of us are confused and unclear because we are still using our heads too much. Ask for guidance from within your heart about a choice, solution to a problem, or even additional information you need in a certain life area.

Much has come up with security issues as we cleanse and heal the root chakra as a collective. Although this tends to affect our survival (health) and security (money) as well as our general feeling of stability on the planet, it is really about assimilating the energy of oneness–that all of our destinies are entwined. One person/sex/species/religion/class’s well-being affects all the rest. Working these issues can trigger financial and health issues, so having them come up is very normal considering the times. Take the opportunity to look at greed/lack or dis-ease in your life. How have you created this? And more importantly, why? We all hold the answers inside of us and it’s time to step up to the plate and trust what we receive when we ask ourselves these questions. The doors and veils preventing us from hearing/seeing/feeling our guides and angels have opened significantly since the solstice, so many more of us are becoming more intuitive.

When we realize what we’ve created that isn’t working in our lives and why, we can begin to heal and transform. At this time, most people can begin to heal simply through awareness. It is no longer about needing someone to work on or with us to help us release or transmute what no longer serves us. The only exception is when we need a safe container, someone to role model unconditional love as we do the work needed to shift something (usually big) that we feel overwhelmed attempting alone. You may ask, what happens to healers like myself if we are not needed in the same way as before?

The healers will become leaders and teachers of the new way in the 5th, which really involves radiating soul’s purpose and living in joy. But this is also a time when those previously unawakened ones are now beginning to awaken. The time is coming soon when they will need guidance, support, and assistance, for they won’t know where to begin. Healers or teachers like myself and many of those who have long been on this path to awakening will be able to offer service through traditional healing modalities, hospitality, friendship, volunteer work, role-modeling, and so much more. You can help someone by simply lending and ear or crossing their path in your day to day life. Its really about holding the space of unconditional love that does the trick. We do this by understanding that we have been in their shoes before, maybe not the exact life circumstances, but a similar vibration. When we realize this, there can be no judgment.

This awakening process will bring great change to the world in many ways: altered weather patterns, global financial dismantling, and as I spoke of above, as we are all feeling the energy behind words and appearances–exposing of governmental fraud and greed. Yet there will be so much more joy and ease in people’s daily lives. The old ship will sink, but another upgraded submarine will surface. We will take the time to remember what matters and decide how we want to live and use money. Even with life’s ups and downs, our problems and everyday concerns, no matter how serious…Can you sit for a moment and be in the truth of the peace that exists there? Are you aware of how much you have, how much you are steeped in abundance even if its not the kind you’d like? This is what will make the difference in when and how our huge collective shift manifests. This is what will launch us into the 5th on a personal level when the baggage is cleared out enough for us to feel it. We don’t have to learn lessons the hard way anymore, personally or collectively. As we live more fully in the new energy paradigm, and make new and improved choices for ourselves and our world, it’s more likely that this is possible.

Imagine a world where everyone has enough and no one has much more or less than anyone else. What would it be like to live knowing your food, water, shelter, clothing, basic medical care, and connection to your communities and world at large was automatically taken care of? You wouldn’t have to pay for your primary needs and you’d spend your days doing exactly what you’d like to do–service, soul’s purpose, or whatever you want to call it, with enough time still for rest, play, meditation, and relationships. How you’d use money if you choose it would be up to you. We are moving closer to this reality everyday. Can you feel it? At the time of the 4th of July next week, when the U.S. celebrates its freedom as a country, the need for our freedom as human beings will be accentuated. When we think of the pledge of allegiance, who are we really being loyal to? Our country? our government? our job? If you think about it, we can see where this brainwashing began, even if its original intent was good. Isn’t it time we focus on liberty and justice for our individual souls and those in the collective? The 4th will be a good time to discover what freedom really means for you.

On a physical level, the solar flares of this month and into July, as well as the incorporation of the solstice energies will affect our energy levels, emotionality, and can bring a slowing of computers and technological devices. This will be heightened during the full moon around the 4th and into that weekend. So if you find yourself grumpy, anxious, or emotional, its not just the fireworks setting you off! Around the 4th will also start a deepening for the physical/cellular changes in the human body for most people. We are all at different stages in this process. It can be painful and there might be dis-ease that comes to the surface like dirt in a tub after bathing, because you are clearing and cleansing on so many levels. Use supportive therapies to help stay in balance and adjust to the changes in as comfortable a way as possible. Although I always recommend seeing a medical professional or Vet, for most people and animals I will say, you are not really ill! It is a proc ess of change/transformation for your physical body. It will get better with time, but we are going into a deepening very soon as we continue the shift from a 3rd dimensional vessel into a 5th.

Let Freedom Ring & A Mad-Lovers Tea Party
These Energy Activations will occur to the degree your soul chooses if you intend it.

For your main energy activations today (or whatever day you choose to receive them), take the time to do something that you feel passionate about or that you experience joy or bliss while doing. Actively engage creatively or spiritually.


Do something physical. Be outside or in nature, playing with the nature spirits and faeries. They will help elevate you.

As you do either one of these, exercise the freedom of expressing your unique, individual vibration/frequency in your own way. When you do this, the energy activations for aligning more fully to the new energies and centering in the heart will occur.

Now take a moment to go into your imagination. Invite your spirit guides/angels, or the nature spirits & faeries to go to a tea party with you. In the midst of being outside or experiencing your passion today, find a space in your day to go into the dimension where this tea party exists. The spirits present at this party are your council. They are there to help you navigate your life at this time, make decisions, and live your highest potential.

First of all, take a look around. Who is there? Who is the first spirit you see? Be aware that whether this is a deceased love one, angel, a being that you think you made up, or a nature/animal spirit, this is the guide this is working with you most closely right now. Take the time to feel their presence, warmth, and love. You might hear a name. Remember this for future reference, if you want a direct connection to them later. Take another moment to see everyone there and take all the energy in. This is the supportive and loving environment that will help you continue to make the shifts needed as you move closer to the 5th.

Take a sip of your tea. What kind of tea is it? How does it taste? This is an herb or medicine that you could use more of for health and balance. Now your main guide picks up and shows you a piece of a work of art. It is something you know from your life already–a painting, sculpture, poster, garden, place in nature, or even a play or movie scene that is familiar. Pay attention to the specific details you are focusing on. This is a metaphor for what you need to know about yourself right now. This is what can be healed simply through your awareness.

Now feel into your body. What are you most aware of? Is there a pain or physical sensation that stands out? What emotion comes up as you are more aware of this physical sensation? Whether its sorrow, joy, or love and anger, it makes no difference. It is what has been coming up for you most at this time. If it is negative in anyway, the traumas behind its origins are clearing. Now bring to mind an area of your life that hasn’t been going well. As you bring this area to mind a word pops into your head. The guides are laughing because they sent it to you. If you reflect on the word, it can give you clues as to why you’ve created your dilemma and how you can get out of it.

You continue to laugh with your friends, knowing this is but the game of life, solving all of life’s lessons like riddles and then going home when it’s all over. Even though it doesn’t always seem like it, you can understand now, how life is a beautiful experience. You feel connected and safe in this happy place. As you listen to your guides chat, you overhear a discussion they are having, about a topic that affects life on Earth. What is it? The topic is an area that you can help with in some way, perhaps its a life passion or an area that you feel indignant or enraged about? The guides want you to make a shift needed inside of you, so you can help the collective shift in the best way possible through helping in this area. The guide on your right places an object in your hand that represents how you can begin to make that shift now.

Now it is time to leave. You must bid your friends goodbye, but not for long, because you will always have contact with them in the other dimensions or this physical one, whenever you want it. As you say your parting words and have your embraces before leaving, you are instructed to pick an area of life that you desire to change. It is one of the following: money, health, work, lifestyle, relationships, home/family. Pick one.

An animal from the tea party, a bunny, decides to lead you back to your physical world. Follow him along the path. You have been underground, and after he pops his head above ground, you are walking along a path of fruit trees, cedars, and towering pines. He skips along and you continue walking while listening to the cheerful birds, and smelling the sweet lilac and rose aromas. Suddenly, out of the corner of your vision a ferocious animal jumps onto your path. It is a wild animal that you fear greatly, and teeth are clenched, claws are bared and ready to strike…You take a deep breathe and go within. What or who is this animal? He or she represents the greatest obstacle on your path to changing the area of your life you picked above. Look this animal in the eye and ask to be shown who he or she really is. Now you will see the ferocious animal transmutate into that obstacle. As soon as this transmutation occurs, the faeries are at your side. They have a gift for you, a remedy for your present obstacle. What is it? Ask to be shown how to use it in your daily life. Ask for anything else you need, whether its confidence in how to use the remedy, courage, or the support to move into that change you’ve been desiring. And when you are ready, when you feel complete, you can come back into your physical world, back into the present moment. Just snap your fingers three times.

Best wishes to all of you at this time on your journey,

Summer Blessings,

Heather, the newsletter guides, your guides & the faeries

If you feel this newsletter has served you, you can now donate on my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can sign up to keep receiving them at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com.

I encourage those who feel called to leave comments on my blog, helping to invite others to partake of this free service. For any personal comments, feel free to email me.
Upcoming Classes/Email meditations
I am teaching several classes in July on a variety of topics. Scroll down to read them all here. Please visit my writing page at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com for more details, directions, how to pay & to sign up. Energy Healing meditations & activations will be included in all of them:

July 7th, 10:30am-12:30pm at The Well in Ojai.$15. “Discovering & Living Soul’s Purpose.” This class will help you figure out and step into your reason for being on the planet, which will benefit your whole life!

July 14th and/or 15th, “An Ojai Retreat” on sacred land in Ojai. This retreat includes three classes: A morning yoga class, a late afternoon farming/gardening class, and an evening class I’ve never taught before, “Living in the New Energy Paradigm”, all on saturday. Sunday will open up to private sessions with myself or my colleague, Aaron Ogden. You can attend any or all of the classes or sign up for one day or both days. $55 for the whole retreat or $20 per class. Getting out of your comfortable/familiar town & routine can help you shift more easily and deeply.If you have only attended my out of town classes, here’s your chance to visit Ojai, soak up the spiritual energy here, get some R&R, and have fun while you transform!

July 21st, from 5-6pm in the Dome at Soul Centered in Ojai. $15. I am teaching an animal communication class for those animal lovers who want to connect and understand their animals more deeply. All experience levels are welcome.

July 26th, from 6:30-8pm at California Coastal Horse Rescue in Ojai. Free! For the horse owners out there…”Learn Communication Skills & Energy Techniques For Behavior, Riding, & Health Issues.” This class will help you send & receive messages both to and from your horse as well as learn energywork that can improve your horse’s health & happiness.

July 29th, from 9-12:30, at California Coastal Horse Rescue in Ojai.$100. “Echoes of the Horse,” A Horses Healing Humans workshop. Let the horses reflect to you what you need to know to grow, heal, or change on a physical, mental/emotional, relational, or spiritual level. Leave what no longer serves you behind, and live a more successful life! You will also learn animal communication skills.

I will also be teaching a Horses Healing Humans workshop in Colorado on August 25th &26th for those in the area or those who want to travel. For all of those in the Orange County area, I will be speaking at the Cancer Expo on sunday, July 22nd from 11-6pm at The School of Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences. I am open to seeing clients in person for private sessions in the morning, before the expo starts. If you are interested in attending this event, go to www.smhas.com for more information. If you want to see me for a private, contact me directly at [email protected].

Want to stay in balance & gain extra support with all that’s going on energetically during these changing times? Sign up for my monthly meditations sent via email. Each month, the energywork will address the themes of that month depending on what is going on. If interested, email me at [email protected]. The cost is now just $6 per month to receive them monthly, or $10 each (in which case you let me know when you want to receive one).

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A Break in Time: May 2012 Newsletter

A Break in Time

Let’s start off this month’s newsletter with a pause. Take a deep BREATH. Are you still in your body? Check-in with yourself now and bring all of your awareness, all aspects of your being back into the now. We will need to practice this more as we head into June with the acceleration of the energies, to stay grounded and centered. Being in the present moment will also be the way you can remain in the flow, which brings abundance and takes you to amazing places, and I am not just talking spiritually, but even in your physical world/everyday life happenings. May has been a very busy month preparing us energetically for what is coming in June.

Shall we speak of the upcoming cosmic events? There is a full moon lunar eclipse on the 4th and Venus in Transit across our sun on the 5th/6th, depending on where you are on the globe. The viewing of this will be something to behold! If you are in the southern california area, you should be able to see it from about 3pm-dark. Whether you actually see it or not, the energies of these events will bring a remembrance of our galactic origins. If you have felt homesick for your true home or “planet or origin,” this gateway will help you make contact with the frequencies there, download all of your mastery from your existences so it can be utilized here on Earth, as well as connect to your families. For those who have always felt like they were an outsider, a misfit, or that they didn’t belong to this world, the energies of these events will help you finally know and understand who you are as a cosmic being, which will allow a greater connection and comfort with Earth and all of he r inhabitants. The best thing about this feeling is the sense of being exactly where you need to be. Home.

I can relate to this in my own personal life. My partner and I left Ojai last year when we were called to Sedona. It was a chance for both of us to build ourselves up professionally and financially, and it paid off. Then we began to seek the dream we created since we have been together, which is to live and work on land, a spiritual farm, and support ourselves sustainably. We were sent to Orleans, California to work on a organic vegetable, permaculture homestead with chickens and milking goats. Our original contract was eight months. We were there for five weeks. There was so much that happened so quickly on a personal and professional level. We shifted personally, and assisted the land in the northern california/west coast area, as well as many in the community in their evolutional process. We got what we needed faster than predicted, but we also realized that it was time to go home. We were surprised to discover this “home” was Ojai! We took a leap of trust and found our wa y back here and since we have arrived, about two weeks ago, we have been handed one opportunity after the next. And it is better and bigger than I expected. Multiple work options for my partner, a greater connection to a spiritual and healing community that will allow me to reach even more people with the healing work I do, a partnership with friends and practitioners on sacred land that we can farm, heal, provide service, play on, and a perfect place to live. We have come full circle and Ojai has embraced us with open arms. I have never felt so welcomed!

I share this to facilitate the understanding that there are no mistakes. What doesn’t work out allows for a new beginning. It may seem as if life is taking you on a long, arduous, never-ending road to nowhere. Maybe you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. Maybe you have begun to doubt yourself or the choices you have made. I have definitely questioned my own intuition after realizing Orleans was not the right fit. But if we hadn’t gone there, we wouldn’t have found our way back to Ojai (at least not at this time which is the right time). We thought we had left Ojai to the past. But it is Ojai that we needed. For all of you out there, it might be important to realize that sometimes we don’t know exactly what it is that we need, until we get it. This is why it’s also a good idea to let go of setting very specific and often limiting intentions about what you want to manifest. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow your dreams. By all means do, but remain open to th e assistance of the universe in co-creating with you what will support your happiness, evolution, and greatest service to the world. And you just might be surprised by where you land!

And these quick, unexpected changes like what I experienced are what we can look forward to for the rest of 2012. As I alluded to above, the transformative energies are accelerating, and we are blessed to be given many options to process and release the karma and baggage that we’ve been dragging around for Eons. Allow these moments, no matter how painful and challenging they can be. For in doing so, a door will open for you to move forward spiritually that you’ve never had access to before. In addition to your personal process, these portals of the eclipse and venus transit will be a break in time–a moment of standstill that will ignite major advancement spiritually, so pay attention to what is coming up for you during that time. Trust that no matter how tough or confusing an area of your life or life situation in general is, if you let go of resistance and follow the inner calling that tells you what to do, the universe will support you in doing so in the most comfortable a nd graceful way. For us, it was the blessing of having left our furniture in Ojai before we went up to Orleans. Ha! The move back here was simple, easy, and light. We even enjoyed our travels before arriving here. The same can be true for each person’s spiritual evolution. Decide to step out of the old paradigm and into the new one with joy and spontaneity, while still being real with your emotional process. There’s the duality again.

The solar eclipse last weekend helped us tap into the oneness, which is the theme for these changing times. In other words, it is simply, oneness/unity consciousness=ascension. Ready or not, this is why you’ve come to Earth. We might get it on an intellectual level, like yeah, I consider myself equal to all humans–no matter what race, sex, age, religion, economic status, etc. Or yeah, of course the animals and nature kingdom are important. But do we feel it on visceral level? Does every cell of our being resonate with the awareness that every being’s well-being is directly connected to our own? This is what fifth dimension is truly about.

One of the biggest shifts in the area of equality will be the disintegration of the pedestals that we have placed our spiritual teachers, gurus, and leaders on. This is not to say we should look down upon them. Quite the contrary. Look to those who can role model being a genuine human, embracing their transformation, and at the same time inspiring others to move into their greatest potentials.These are the spiritual teachers of these times. I am grateful to have known a couple of powerful local healers/teachers who have shown their real, human selves when I’ve run into them in everyday life–even in public. I have seen both of them emotional–in grief and fear, and also in an irritated or indignant place due to their own life circumstances. Others were witness to this as well. Many would say this shows a weakness, as if perhaps the healer isn’t as evolved as they had otherwise appeared. To me, this realness is what our evolution is all about. When we drop the pedestal placing and the projections of false perfection that we place on those we feel should be unshakable, we see that this is what it means to live a spiritual life. The end of this month into June brings a sense of humility for the old ways of healing and teaching. We are all evolving whether we are conscious of it or not. We all have the ability to use our source-given power to locate and utilize our wisdom and spiritual gifts to ascend and serve. We all have our own blind spots and areas of challenge. No one is more evolved than anyone else, but we may be working at different ends of an eternal spectrum. It is great to work with a guide/healer/teacher/channel that can help facilitate your evolutionary process. But remember they are in your life to help you find, connect with, and trust your own inner teacher. Listen to the wisdom they express and integrate the healing they radiate only if it resonates with your deepest knowing. And for those you admire, see yourself in the mirror tha t is reflected to you in their presence. Ultimately, there will come a point when it is time to step into your own power and continue your own spiritual process automatically with the help of your higher power within.

These next two weeks will bring a healing for the karma that has accumulated from the wounds of learning about empowerment through victimization with the gurus and spiritual teachers of our past. This time of 2012 is such a perfect opportunity to change the way we spiritually evolve. Instead of being enlightened by another, we evolve through being guided by our own inner teachers in our everyday living. Many healers and teachers will change the role they have been playing, and instead of cleaning wounds and changing bandages, will simply hold safe space and shine their inner light as the people they serve do their own work. We are already doing this now! In the near future, we will all evolve through simply being. When that time comes, there will be no work in the process, it will be instant and effortless.

And at this time of Memorial Day, when many are remembering their loved ones who have served the U.S., take the time to reflect on all of those beings who you have loved and lost, whether in peace or war. The energies are working with all of us since the solar eclipse/Pleidian alignment last weekend to clear any residual anger, resentments, hatred, and fear about who or what we have lost in our lives, as well as those we have fought with and saw as our enemies. From a spiritual perspective, there is no loss. We create this feeling through our limited awareness of being separate in the human condition. It is normal to go through the grieving process when we lose someone for a period of time, which includes all of the feelings above–denial, anger, bargaining, and finally grief, but continuing to hold onto these emotions many years later only blocks our evolution. After moving through the emotions, we can tap into the divine love and connection within ourselves, where our own l ove and all the love we’ve ever experienced with another eternally exists. The love we have for another always starts with the love we have for ourselves. If we don’t have that, we cannot truly love anyone else. As these energies continue to work with us for the rest of the month and into June, we may finally be able to make peace with those who we’ve held grudges, perhaps over many lifetimes. This may or may not be people or beings that you consciously know. It is time to let go of these grudges, judgments, and fears. The cosmic events give us the opportunity to transmute these energies into compassion and forgiveness if we allow it. Then we can truly feel at peace with humanity, the animals & nature kingdom, Earth, and even all of the beings across the universe.

Across the Universe
These Energy activations will occur to the degree your soul chooses if you intend it. This first energy activation is a song that will help you remember your galactic origins, make peace with all beings, and clear loss. It is a special song that many of you recall from the past. As you read it, the energies are activated within. For a deeper activation you can listen to the song on you tube or an old record or CD:

“Across the Universe” by the Beatles (lyrics fromwww.metrolyrics.com/across-the-universe-lyrics-beatles.html)

Words are flowing out
Like endless rain into a papercup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe

Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting through my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

Tai Guru Deva, OM
Nothing’s gonna change my world
(this line repeated 4x’s)

Images of broken light
Which dance before me like a million eyes
They call me on and on across the universe

Thoughts meander like a restless wind
Inside a letterbox
They tumble blindly as they make
Their way across the universe


Sounds of laughter shades of Earth
Are ringing through my open views
inciting and inviting me

Limitless undying love
which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe

For help with moving into a greater degree of oneness consciousness, trusting that our needs will be taken care of (thus letting go of greed and desire), and gaining the inspiration to move into our service work even more, we call the Galactic Council and those fifth dimensional and beyond light beings, as well as Gaia to send to our energy fields the transmissions that will support us in expanding our consciousness to these appropriate levels if we choose to. These transmissions will bring in a greater activation of compassion, divine love, trust, faith, and a greater caring for the welfare of others–because the more they benefit, the more we all do. To greatly anchor in this activation, tap into the energy of the service work you are doing for the world at this time. If you are not currently doing service work, ask all of the beings helping with this energy activation to bring in the energy of the service work you will be doing in the near future. Ask that this energy insp ire & motivate you, elevate your vibration and frequency. For those who need a better idea of what area your service work or soul’s purpose lies, pick your favorite season from the list: spring, summer, fall, or winter. After you’ve picked the season, match it with the correlating area of service. You just might be surprised!

Spring=communications/humanitarian causes
For those who picked Spring, pick the topic below that resonates the most with you for a more specific view:
1. writing/teaching
2.healing (in its many forms: can be energywork, channeling, psychic work, traditional medicine/alternative medicine, the expressive healing arts, like dance or acting.)
3.human rights
You should feel a strong pull to one of the numbers. Follow your heart not your head!

Enjoy the magnificence of the the cosmic fireworks!
With love & peace,

Heather & The Galactic Council, Gaia & all light beings,

If you feel this newsletter has served you, you can now donate on my blog at www.tealhealing.blogspot.com. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can sign up to keep receiving them atwww.tealhealing.blogspot.com.

I encourage those who feel called to leave comments on my blog, helping to invite others to partake of this free service. For any personal comments, feel free to email me.

Announcements & Upcoming Classes/Email meditations
I am now doing monthly meditations sent via email to assist all with staying in balance during these changing times. This is a great way to gain the extra support and centeredness with all that is going on energetically the rest of the year, especially the full moon eclipse and Venus transit the first week in June! Each month, the energywork will address the themes of that month depending on what is going on. If interested, email me [email protected]. The cost is now just $6 per month to receive them monthly, or $10 each (in which case you let me know when you want to receive one).

More classes and workshops to come as I get settled in Ojai! A special thanks and toast to our friend Aaron Ogden and his work at the Yoga Nest in Ojai. We are planning to work together with our local practitioners to provide healing services for the community there. Check out the yoga classes, meditation, and other spiritual events held at the Nest by visitingwww.aaronogden.com/yoganest. I will be hosting some events there coming up…
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                                                                By Heather Green

            We are all pondering prosperity during this time of the great shift on planet Earth. There are financial changes occurring worldwide, which are inspiring many of us to discover our soul’s purpose. In this process of self-discovery, we are making needed changes within ourselves, allowing prosperity to manifest in our lives.

           The new consciousness requires us to follow our bliss, passion, joy, or what brings deep peace.  We are called to spend time doing or being what makes us feel alive, or what helps bring beneficial change. All of us were born with codes and grids that are meant to be sowed upon the Earth, furthering the evolvement of ourselves, humanity, and all living beings. Feeling joy, bliss, and passion allows us to express an aspect of our soul, called soul’s purpose.  When we express ourselves through these emotions, our unique codes and grids are released into the world.

            The more we express our soul’s purpose, the more we manifest prosperity. Soul’s purpose doesn’t have to be expressed through our livelihood. It can be expressed during daily meditation, while listening to a friend, or having a cup of tea. The key is to experience joy, fun, passion, and play, as often as possible.  Maintain a light and easy lifestyle that will support more grace and movement in your life. Anything that lowers energy or emotions, feels dreadful, boring, or difficult, is meant to be released. Being prosperous isn’t just about money. It can be good health, emotional well-being, happy relationships, a thriving community, a new home, or a garden’s harvest. Recognize what is already going well in life and what brings gratitude. Feel that gratitude in the moment
of every moment when at ease, or even with the slightest bit of success. This feeling will attract more of the same.
            We can also express our soul’s purpose through working directly with nature, the nature spirits, or doing anything outdoors. When we tap into the magnetics of Earth while outside, we are better able to assimilate and anchor in the transformative, universal energies within our bodies. As the energies take a physical form, manifestation of desires can more easily take place in our world. This is when a new home, a promotion, or new relationships begin to show up for us. As we connect more deeply to Mother Earth, we are naturally able to access our own treasure of wealth, our core essence. This connection to our essence increases our prosperity.   
            In addition, it is essential that we heal and clear old emotions, thoughts, behavior patterns, and belief systems that no longer serve us. Transmute a lack consciousness into prosperity in any life area—health, career, relationships, and money, by looking for the root cause. Has a personal trauma occurred in one of our life areas? Many of the lack vibrations we carry come from family members, friends, school, our culture, or anyone else who has greatly influenced us. Wherever it originated, let it go.
            In this time of great change on the planet, there are many resources available to us in the healing and spiritual fields, helping us to release what no longer serves us. As we heal and transform, we are better able to access and express our soul’s purpose, living and experiencing the joy and service we came to Earth to be part of. As we align ourselves with the new consciousness, we are more able to attract in and maintain all forms of prosperity in our lives.